Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki
Tomb Raider III levels

Aldwych is the second level of London in Tomb Raider III. In it, Lara continues to look for answers regarding the Eye of Isis in the abandoned Aldwych tube station.



Weapons Found[]


Allies Encountered[]

Enemies Encountered[]

Locales Visited[]


  1. 1x Save/Power-up Crystal and 1x MP5 Clips or 1x Save/Power-up Crystal and 1x MP5
  2. 1x Shotgun Shells
  3. 1x Save/Power-up Crystal
  4. 1x Rocket
  5. 1x MP5 Clips, 1x Desert Eagle Clips, 1x Large Medipack and 1x Rocket Launcher/1x MP5 Clips, 1x Desert Eagle Clips, 1x Large Medipack and 1x Rocket


Before beginning, you should know that this is a long and very confusing level with many doors, tunnels, ladders and similar places. Additionally, if you go too far into the train tracks, a train will suddenly appear and run over Lara, instantly killing her.

You will start by sliding down a slope. Slide off the slope and you will land on another. Jump off and use a grab to reach the opening ahead. Here, you will find a Shotgun (or some Shotgun Shells if you already have it). Drop down on the water below and climb up the stairs. Follow the stairs up to a discolored grating on the right. Shoot the grating and take the Save Crystal inside. Climb up the two gratings nearby to emerge in a room with metal girders. Here, you will find some Shotgun Shells, some Flares, and some Uzi Clips. Watch out for the Damned Gangster patrolling the area. Head around to the left of the hole and pull out the block.

Drop down the hole to land on top of a ticket booth. Shoot the Gangster below (he will drop a Small Medipack for you to pick up later), and, using the side of the block you pulled, climb up the ladder to the top. Drop down the pit, follow the corridor and climb down the small ladder at the end. You will land inside a small office. Here, you will find the Maintenance Key and a Large Medipack. Press the button nearby to open the two doors.

In front of the ticket booths, you will find two sets of escalators. Take the one on the right and follow it down to the end. Use a diagonal running jump to reach the upper train platform; if you miss the jump, skip this section and read the next one. Sprint to the next room and land on the train tracks. Shoot the Gangster and the Dog from safety. Once you deal with them, head to the right and use the Maintenance Key to open the door. Take some Uzi Clips and a Small Medipack, and press the button to turn on the lights. Go to the opposite side of the platform and pick up the Old Penny in front of the soda machine.

Drop down on the lower train platform. If you missed the jump in the previous section, you are already here. Facing the escalators above, go left and quickly sprint into the room on your right before the train can catch you. Shoot the two Gangsters and take a Small Medipack from the corner. Climb up the crates and drop down the small hole in the corner for a Save Crystal. When you return, be wary of the Dog. Use a running jump with a grab to reach the pile of crates in the opposite corner. Turn left and use another running jump with a grab to reach the crates next to the slope.

There is a button in the hole ahead; pressing it will turn on an alarm, but otherwise, nothing else changes. Regardless, jump into the slope and quickly jump and grab the grating in front of you. Climb up and jump off to the slope behind Lara. Quickly shoot the Gangster and take the Small Medipack from his body. Turn around and jump to the ledge to the left of the grating. From here, use a running jump with a grab to reach the ledge behind the grating. Here, you will find the Uzis (or some Uzi Clips if you already have them). Return the way you came.

Back at the top, climb up to the crate where the Gangster came from and use a standing jump with a grab to grab the grating above. Swing across and drop down to the ledge. Climb up to the doorway. Turn around and use a standing jump with a grab to reach the ledge above. Here, you will find a Rocket. Return to the doorway. It may be very wise to save your game here.

Slide down the slope backwards to activate a huge drill, which will instantly kill Lara should she touch it. In here, you must take the first Secret in order to survive with a minimal loss of health.

Secret 1[]

Grab the edge as you go over and drop down on the collapsible tile. Quickly jump sideways left, slide down the slope, and jump and grab the crack on the wall ahead. Shimmy right and drop down on the collapsible tiles below. Lara will take some damage from the fall regardless. Let them break, slide down the slope and catch the edge as you go over. Pull up, jump and use a roll in midair to reach the next slope, sliding backwards. Slide down and grab the edge. Carefully let go and grab the next three ledges beneath Lara. Pull up into the ledge. Your rewards are a Save Crystal and the MP5 (or some MP5 Clips if you already have it).

Run down the slopes to the bottom and take the Large Medipack. Return to the top and climb up the ledge. Turn around and use a standing jump with a grab to reach the ledge above. Climb up through the opening in the ceiling and take the Save Crystal from the dark corner to the right of the small pool on the floor. Climb up the grating and stay to the left. At the top, wait for the flames to dissipate and quickly jump to the ledge ahead to shut them off. Climb up on the sloped ledge for a Small Medipack. At the other end, use a diagonal standing jump with a grab to grab the grating. Climb up a few steps, jump off and press the button. Resume climbing up the grating; at the top, quickly let go and crawl to avoid the burner on the left. Take the Uzi Clips and drop to the other side of the platform. Climb up the ledges. You will arrive on a grating above the upper train platform. Run to the other end and shoot the rat, taking the Large Medipack and some Shotgun Shells nearby. Use a safety drop to the platform below. If you missed the jump when you first arrived here, then take your time to collect the Old Penny. Regardless, you must return all the way back to where you saved (the room with the huge drill).

When you reach there, you can safely stand on top of the drill. Climb up the opening in the ceiling and take the first Solomon's Key. Now, you must return again to the room with the crates and the alarm. When you reach there, in the corner in the top of the room, a trapdoor will be open for you. Pull up into it, get to a safe distance away from your left and shoot the Gangster and the Dog. Return to where you emerged from and jump into the opening behind the trapdoor for some Shotgun Shells. The door to the right as you enter contains Secret 5, but you must ignore it for now. Go into the room in between the two stairs and pick up some MP5 Clips. Stand on the collapsible tile and let it break. Pull out the block, then climb back over and go down the opposite pit. Follow the corridor and climb up on the left at the intersection. A door at the end will lead you back to the previous area. Return to the corridor and take a right at the intersection. Sprint down the corridor, and you will eventually come up to two buttons. Are you ready for a timed run?

Press the button on the right first, then roll and sprint to the hallway to the left of the buttons. Follow it to a pool room filled with empty safes. Head left, take a right, sprint to the door on the far end and get in there before it closes. Press the button and slide down the slopes. At the bottom, make your way down the corridor, pick up some Flares, and you will return to the two buttons.

Press the button on the right again and sprint back to the doors. This time, go through the middle door before it closes. Climb up the ledge and then up through the opening in the ceiling. Press the button and follow the hallway. At the end, drop down the hole, and you will return to the two buttons.

This time, press the button on the left and sprint back to the doors. Go through the left door before it closes. Climb up the block and swing across the pool. Go all the way to the end, let go, and grab the ledge beneath you. In the small cave, you will find some Shotgun Shells, a Save Crystal, and the second Solomon's Key. Dive into the water and follow the tunnel to a hallway. Approach the door and it will automatically open. You will arrive back in the ticket booth area. Be wary of the Gangster nearby.

Go to the only ticket booth that is not lit (in the middle) and use the Old Penny. A Ticket will appear on the floor behind you when you use it. Pick it up, and go to the escalators on the left. Be wary of the Gangster as soon as you reach the platform. Proceed forward.

Secret 2[]

On the wall just ahead of the escalators is a discolored grating. Shoot the grating and drop down the hole. Your reward is some Shotgun Shells. Return to the platform.

Jump into the train tracks and shoot the two rats. Go down the tracks, heading to the right. A Gangster will pop out of an opening on your right, and a train will come afterwards. Follow him to the other opening and quickly shoot him. Go into the opening and press the button. It opens two doors nearby. On the opening where the Gangster emerged from is a Save Crystal. To the left of the other opening is a small pool. Swim through and surface. The next area is a maze of corridors, doors and buttons. This is a puzzle, so read the next section carefully.

As you enter, turn right twice and press the first button (1). Return to the first corridor, follow it to the end, and press the button at the end (2). There is another button to the left (3), but ignore it. Return to the first corridor and go into the opening to the left as you enter. Take the Small Medipack from the alcove, and you will find two buttons (4 and 5). Press the button on the left (5), but not on the right (4). Return to button 1 and press it again. Turn around and run down the hallway, stopping at the alcoves on the right for a Small Medipack and some MP5 Clips. If you pressed the buttons in the right order and reached a hallway with a torch on the right, you have completed the puzzle and reached the end of the maze.

In the next room, turn right and use the two keys to open the door with two swords at the end. In the center area, you will find some Uzi Clips and a Save Crystal. Watch out for the breakable tiles as you go to the door. Run over the collapsible tile and take the Masonic Mallet. Use a running jump with a grab to return to the previous area, being wary of the Dog on your left. If you are interested in getting Secret 3, run across the collapsible tile in the corner to the right of the door as you leave and go behind the curtains for an Ornate Star. Now go to the open door on the corner opposite of the curtains and go through it to find some Flares, a Small Medipack, and a small pool. Swim through the tunnel and emerge in the next room.

Climb up the block and turn around. Use a running jump with a grab to reach the crack in the wall. Pull up into it and crawl over the railing below. Drop down on the other side and climb up the block. Jump and grab the grating behind Lara and swing over to the opening. Drop, grab the opening, and crawl through. Be aware of the two rats as you enter. Use the Ticket you obtained in the ticket booth to bypass the turnstile and run into the next room, wary of the Gangster. He will drop a Small Medipack for you to pick up.

Secret 3[]

If you got the Ornate Star, use it to open the door of the small office behind the turnstiles to your left. Shoot the Gangster when he appears. Climb up through the opening in the ceiling, follow the passageway, and drop down the hole at the end. Your reward is a Save Crystal. Approach the door nearby and it will automatically open. Now, you need to return to the turnstiles. Do not go down the stairs to your right, unless you are looking for a very tough fight with a Dog that appears from behind and in a disadvantage point.

In the area of the turnstiles, head down the escalators on your right. At the bottom, use the Masonic Mallet to open the door. Inside, press the button.

Secret 4[]

In front of the button is an opening in the ceiling. Climb up to it. Your reward is a Rocket. Return to the previous area.

Shoot the Gangster, take his Small Medipack and jump the gap in the corridor. As you round the corner, quickly shoot the Dog and follow the path to another platform. Shoot the Gangster next to the fire, take his Small Medipack, and pick up the Save Crystal. There are some Flares on top of the train. Go to the other end of the tunnel in front of the train, where some bats will come out of, and drop down the hole in the corner for some Shotgun Shells and a Large Medipack.

Head back to the gap you jumped over and go down through it. Crawl through the opening and go up through the trapdoor into the train. Turn around and press the button to activate the train. Drop down the trapdoor next to Lara and crawl through the tunnel. In the next area, a Gangster will come out of the alcove on the right.

Secret 5[]

By any means, DO NOT shoot the Gangster until he goes down the corridor and you hear the sound of a door opening. Round the corner and fight the two Gangsters. Go into the room, and you will find a Rocket and two buttons. Push both of them. Now, you must backtrack all the way back to the area with the crates and the alarm, and pull up into the trapdoor again. Here, as you enter the area, the door on the right will now be open. Quickly fight the Gangster inside the small room. Your rewards are some Desert Eagle Clips, some MP5 Clips, a Large Medipack, and, your biggest reward yet, a Rocket Launcher (or a Rocket if you already have it). Anyway, push the button at the end to open the trapdoor on the train again. Now, you must backtrack all the way back to the last area.

As you enter the area, turn right, pick up the Small Medipack, and jump down the hole to finish the level.


Lara falls down the hole, right into the hands of the gangsters that she was fighting. They drag her before their leader, named Bob. Bob recognizes that Lara is after Sophia, and Lara tells them that she wants to make business, not pleasure. Bob explains that Sophia is testing methods for immortality. These men were unfortunate test subjects that Sophia threw into the sewers of London after they were presumed dead by the cosmetics company. She first offered to them good wages and accommodation, before revealing her true intentions. Bob states that Sophia seeks the best results of her experiments for herself, explaining that indeed, she somehow achieved eternal youth. Bob then offers to help Lara to get to Sophia if she can steal a bottle of embalming fluid from the Natural History Museum. With her objective given, Lara looks on as Bob leaves the area, warning her that she may die easily on her way to break into the museum.
