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Marison is a character from the episode Raising Thaumopolis from Revisioned: Tomb Raider Animated Series.


Madison leads the Liberty Project expedition to Thaumopolis. He plans on opening the armory door, but he doesn't have all the key pieces, he has however two duplicated pieces to complete the set. Unknown to him that would be catastrophic, as the door has fail-safe. Fortunately he is interrupted in the opening by Anton Cooper, who has Lara Croft with him, and two of the missing key pieces. After opening the door, Anton proposed Lara to receive the good to the guardian, but Madison disputed her claim and the both were sent to dream chamber for testing. The stakes were high, as a death in the dream chamber would carry over to real life.

The first test was about what element destroyed the most. Mr. Madison guessed water as the Thaumopoleans sank their city, but that was the wrong answer, and Lara won the first round. The second test was to defeat some creatures by the first light. Mr. Madison was quicker on picking up the color pattern of a dawn: red, orange, yellow. He won the second round. The third test was to find a door that represents summer out of a circle of doors marked with astrological signs, while a roof with spikes is descending. Lara thinks out loud that Cancer would be the start. Mr. Madison rushes past Lara and runs through a door, falling to his death.
