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Anton Cooper is a character from the episode Raising Thaumopolis from Revisioned: Tomb Raider Animated Series.


Anton Cooper is Thaumopolean but he lives in the world outside to protect it, while Anton's son guards the Thaumopolis armory.

Anton Cooper is in possession of a key fragment for the Thaumopolis armory. Anton has learned that Liberty Project has found Thaumopolis and plan to control the lethal legion. Anton Cooper contacted Lara Croft, who has one piece of the key and offered her to show Thaumopolis. Anton took Lara down into the Mediterranean Sea with his submarine. Anton then revealed themselves to Mr. Madison, and told Lara to open the door. After Lara returned from the dream chamber, Anton hugged his son and left with Lara, locking the armory behind them. While driving away with the sub, Anton blow up the discovered entrance, covering it rubble, and sank the key fragments so no one could open it again.

