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Lara Croft Wiki

Jane is a helpful character in Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword.


Jane was the finder of the Paveaux Sword from a shipwreck of the coast of Florida. She decided to donate the sword to New York's Museum of Antiquities.

One time when her friend Lara Croft was visiting her in the museum, Jane showed her the Paveaux Sword. Coincidentally however the museum was raided by the Bokor and the sword stolen. Lara chased after the thieves, but she returned empty-handed and injured by a cut inflicted with the sword. Jane summarised that she was now cursed by the Bokor, who follow their dark queen. Jane, knowing of Lara's adventures, asked her to retrieve the sword from the Bokor. Jane sent Lara to see an old shaman living under New York, Pino Lamor, hoping he could help Lara in getting the sword back. After Lara has put a tracking device on the Bokor ship, Jane met her in the Teterboro Airport. They waited until the ship had stopped to know their next destination. The ship stopped at Backlin Islands and Lara took a plane to get there. Jane was left behind and she returned to the museum waiting on Lara to finish the mission. Lara did return, with the handle of the Paveaux Sword, she had succeeded in her mission, but the sword needed to be shattered to break the curse.


