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Lara Croft Wiki

Bokor is the boss and main antagonist of Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword.


Bokor priest is the survivor of 1844 rebellion that took the life of his mistress Madame Paveaux. The priest found Paveaux's body at the base of the cliff she was thrown, and performed a rite to capture her soul into a sacred container.[1]

In 2001, the Bokor is searching for particular objects and a host for Paveaux in order to bring his master back to life. He found out that Paveaux Sword is held in Museum of Antiquities in New York. The Paveaux Cult managed to grab the sword, and the Bokor fought off a woman attempting to stop them. The woman was cut with the sword, marking her as Paveaux's next vessel. The woman however was formidable enemy, and infiltrated their base at the Backlin Islands and killed the Bokor priest in a fight. She also destroyed the sword leaving Paveaux trapped in a spirit form.



  • Bokor is not the name of the character but a title from the Voodoo.[2]


