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Dr. Taffe is an alias of a Trinity operative who poses as a doctor in Halberg Institution, and who experimented on Samantha Nishimura during her imprisonment.


Attempt To Salvage Divine Source[]

After the Divine Source had been destroyed, Trinity sought another way to harness it's power, and turned their attention back to Samantha Nishimura, who they discovered had been partially possessed by Himiko whilst on Yamatai.

Trinity bought the institute Sam was being treated at and Dr. Taffe was put in charge of treating her. However, he began experimenting on her to try and release Himiko to gain the secret of her power. Taffe was successful, however, Himiko took control one night and escaped with several other prisoners.

Before trying to organize an effort to track down Sam, he was confronted by her parents, who were angered at the poor state of her room, and how she had clearly not been getting the treatment she needed. However they were interrupted by Lara, who was trying to pick up Sam's trail. Taffe had to eject Lara from the facility, after Sam's mother attacked her.

Taffe had a nurse let Lara back in, so he could capture her. Taffe took Lara with him to try and track down Sam, and subjected her to a brutal beating and interrogation, however Lara wouldn't give him any information. Lara managed to feign being knocked out during her beating, which caused Taffe to lose his temper with the guard. Believing Lara was unconscious, he left to call a Trinity higher up, who warned him that he could not fail again. During this time, Lara escaped, killing several guards.

Taffe sends out other operatives to try find Lara while continuing to track Sam. Lara manages to kill several more Trinity Operatives.

Finally tracking Sam, he sends a strike team to abduct her, though the number of people who began to Follow Himiko had grown, causing a massive fight to ensue. However Lara had tracked Sam the same night, and manages to tackle Sam through a window out of the fight, Taffe loses both of them. Unknown to him, Lara manages to rid Sam of Himiko once and for all.


  • Taffe is similar in design to the Therapist from the Rise of the Tomb Raider reveal trailer.

