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Lara Croft Wiki
This is a page for the collectible documents. For the character, see Atlas de Mornay page.

Atlas de Mornay refer to special collectible Documents found in Rise of the Tomb Raider: Blood Ties DLC.

There are seven total Atlas de Mornay documents in the game.


Documents - Letter to Lara Croft


I've reviewed the report from your therapist. I have to say I was surprised to see a clean bill of health. I somehow doubt you've so easily abandoned your irrational claims.

Indeed, where have you been the past few weeks? My secretary discovered that you booked a flight to Turkey on the 20th. You can't have been simply sightseeing, as your customs claims suggest. I know you're up to something, and I'll be damned if let [sic] you use the Croft assets to indulge the same obsession that led to my sister's death.

It's not too late to relinquish your claims on the Manor voluntarily. If you refuse, I will find a way to cut you off.


Lara's Thoughts[]

I don't know how I feel about keeping this old manor, but one thing is clear to me: I need Uncle Atlas out of my life for good.

Notice Served[]

Documents - Letter to Lara Croft


It is unfortunate that you have forced my hand in this matter, but so be it. As you know, your parents appointed me executor of the estate in the event of their absence. Since your mother disappeared, her death was never technically declared. And given the circumstances surrounding your father's death, it's no surprise that he never drafted a formal last will and testament to account for this circumstance. Unfortunately, you have no legal claims to the estate.

I'm willing to negotiate a modest monthly stipend from your trust, but only if you leave the manor by weeks'[sic] end. Don't fight me on this, Lara. Your mother wouldn't want that.


Lara's Thoughts[]

Inciting incident letter - A court order/served notice with a separate note from her uncle informing Lara that she must vacate the premises of Croft manor unless she can find an explicit last will and testament that grants the[sic]

A Subtle Threat[]

Documents - Letter to Lara Croft


Since your return from your expedition to Yamatai, I've grown increasingly alarmed at your erratic behavior. I can only assume you suffered some kind of psychological trauma and are only acting out as a call for help. I want you to know that I hear you loud and clear. Ana and I agree that it's time for you to be evaluated by a professional. I took the liberty of arranging an introduction to a highly qualified colleague of mine. You should be receiving the details in the post soon.

I want to impress upon you the importance of this, Lara. As executor of the estates, it is my duty to see that it is left in capable hands. And if I may be blunt, you're acting like your father when he was at his worst. He nearly lost the Manor himself in those days. I'd hate for you to repeat his mistakes. I encourage you to embrace the help I'm offering.

Your Uncle

Lara's Thoughts[]

My Uncle's first attempt at trying to cut me off from the Manor. It backfired, though. I wasn't as crazy as he believed.

A Brother's Plea[]

Documents - Letter to Amelia Croft


I know we have had our differences in recent years. I've tried my best to keep an open mind about your relationship with Richard, but I just can't let you go to on this ill conceived expedition without saying my piece.

You say Richard's theories have merit. You say that he may have actually stumbled upon some mythic, unknown truth. But I have seen nothing to support such claims. And while your word may have been enough in times past, I cannot let you squander away what remains of your name and reputation... and that of our family, truth be told... on some damned foolish crusade.

I intend to go to Richard's investors and let them know exactly how he's spending their money, but I wanted to give you a chance to put a stop to this yourself.

Please. Don't go to Tibet. If not for me, at least for Lara.

Lara's Thoughts[]

Uncle Atlas has been causing problems for my family for too long, now. I'm glad Mom ignored his warnings.

A Brother's Warning[]

Documents - Letter to Amelia Croft


The news has reached Mother. She knows that you broke off your engagement with the Earl of Farringdon. She is beside herself with worry... but for the moment she's controlling the narrative. As far as anyone knows, you're just having innocent second thoughts. But the moment your affair with Lord Croft goes public, it will be too late. Our name will be as ruined as this man you've chosen to bed!

Don't you see that you're being selfish, Amelia? Please consider your family. You're a De Mornay... everything you do has a greater effect on us all.

I'm coming down to London soon. Don't do anything rash until we have a chance to talk.

Lara's Thoughts[]

Mom was engaged to someone else! There's so much I never knew about her.


Documents - Letter to Lord Croft


I tried to see you in person, last week, but your manservant hustled me away like some common tout peddling silverware. He told me you are heartbroken, and you are not yet ready to see visitors. He tells me you blame yourself for her loss. Well, to that I say: You had damn well better.

I hope it hurts. I hope every moment of your life from this day forward is a ringing echo of loss. I hope you live just long enough to feel that pain grow when you hoped it would diminish, because you earned it. You stole Amelia from us. You ruined her reputation and poisoned her mind with a fantasy for children. In the end, you might as well have chocked the life from her with your own hands.

Do not contact me again, ever, but you must make arrangements for the future of your daughter. Have you considered perhaps it would be better if you followed Amelia sooner rather than later? As Lara's legal guardian, perhaps I could erase some of the damage you've already done to the poor girl. If not, I will do everything in my power to see to it that the Croft name is forgotten.

Lara deserves better than you. So did Amelia, and so do we all.


Lara's Thoughts[]

Uncle Atlas won't stop until the Croft name is ruined. I have to find a way to get him out of my life.


Documents - Letter to Lara Croft


I have received the notarized affidavit confirming Amelia's grave and the discovery of the burial crypt within the Manor premises. While I can't fathom why your father would hide your mother's fate from her own family, I cannot deny that any legal claims I may have had on the estate are now null and void.

Croft Manor and the remainder of your father's assets are now yours in perpetuity, to do with as you wish.

If there comes a time when you require assistance in managing the estate, I hope you will consider contacting me to retain my services.

Your Uncle

Lara's Thoughts[]

Not sure about his offer, we'll see what the future brings.
