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50px-WriterWolfMedallion.png This fan-fiction article, Jasha Republic Colonized Archipelago, was written by Japanese Nomad. Please do not edit this fiction without the writer's permission.

The Jasha Republic Colonized Archipelago, also known as New Tawarisi by other such as Fabiolans and Tuyotukians, official named Xaryaxas Śpurthurna Navasahanivāsa is the overseas territories of Jasha Republic.


The history of the Jasha Republic Colonized Archipelago is not long but its history has been heavily influenced from the international situation and the Jasha mainland history.



Tuyotukian Emigration (Early 1500s)[]

In the early 1500s, a significant wave of Tuyotukian emigration occurred due to two major factors: the colonization of new territories by the Second Tuyotukian Empire and the devastating phenomenon of osteolysis water pollution on the island of Tawarisi in the Tuyotukian Archipelago. This pollution, initially believed to be a curse of the gods but later recognized as a severe environmental issue, caused widespread health problems among the inhabitants. Symptoms included weak and brittle bones, joint and back pain, and frequent fractures. The pollution also devastated local agriculture and wildlife, leading to starvation and malnutrition.

Facing such dire conditions, many Tawarisians sought refuge in the newly conquered Western Continent territories of the Second Tuyotukian Empire, Shirotuki. The journey, however, was perilous, and many ships were lost at sea. Some of these lost ships, carried by the currents, ended up arriving at the Jasha Republic Colonized Archipelago instead of their intended destination, Shirotuki.

As this unexpected arrival coincided with the massive colonization efforts of the Second Tuyotukian Empire in the Western Continent, many of these emigrants chose to stay in the Jasha Republic Colonized Archipelago rather than continue their journey to Shirotuki. This decision was influenced by the relatively safer and more stable conditions of the archipelago and the acceptance by the previous colonizers from Jasha, compared to the uncertain prospects in Shirotuki. Specially, some people who know about the truth of Sukuna Legend and respect her strongly and people who agree with the system of Jasha Republic prefeered to live there.

The migrants and their descendants began to refer to the Jasha Republic Colonized Archipelago as "New Tawarisi," ( ニュータワリージ) in memory of their original homeland and the legend of Sukuna. This name gradually gained acceptance and eventually, even outsiders from Fabiola and Shirotuki began to refer to the archipelago as New Tawarisi.

However, this new name caused controversy and heightened nationalism in Shirotuki and the rest of the Second Tuyotukian Empire, leading to a series of conflicts between the Jasha Republic and the Eastern Empire.

These conflicts, often marked by pyrrhic victories, were fueled by the resentment over the perceived usurpation of the name and the migration of people who were once subjects of the Second Tuyotukian Empire. Despite the intense battles and occasional territorial disputes, the status quo between the Jasha Republic and the Second Tuyotukian Empire was largely maintained.


The geography of the Colonized Archipelago is completely different from the mainland. This territory spans around 100 thousand km² and consists of one large island and three smaller islands. All islands are volcanic, with semi-active volcanoes below 2,000 meters. The climate across the region is oceanic with moderate rainfall. The landscape is predominantly grassland, with limited forested areas.


Kṣaṇxapdvīpa is the largest island in the Colonized Archipelago, covering approximately 80 thousand km². The island has a population of about 800,000, with the largest city being Kṣaṇxap, which houses the colonial general office and has a population of around 200,000.


Vālukadvīpa is the smallest island in the Jasha Republic Colonized Archipelago near the largest island Kṣaṇxapdvīpa, covering approximately 4 thousand km². The island has a population of about 50,000. People consists of the refugee from the Navo Federation. The largest settlement is Ruluya which has a population of around 10,000.


Unlike other countries, there is no legal disparity between the mainland and the overseas territories of the Jasha Republic. Each region and island enjoys strong autonomy and practices direct democracy. They have the authority to decide on all matters except currency, weights and measures, diplomacy, and certain laws (constitution and procedural law).


Within the Colonized Archipelago, as in the mainland, individuals are free to engage in commerce and trade without restrictions, provided they do not infringe upon the rights of others. Conversely, production facilities and land, excluding those for personal use, are shared by the community.


The main crops grown in the archipelago are potatoes and beans. This choice is influenced by a strong desire to avoid taxation and scrutiny by rulers. These crops are easy to hide from tax collectors and difficult to predict in terms of harvest seasons, making them costly to transport. These crops are accepted by both native Jashanians and immigrants from the Tawarisi Island of the Tuyotuki Islands archipelago and the colonial territories of the Tuyotukian Empire in the Western Continent, Shirotuki, who have all suffered from heavy tax exploitation. Unlike the mainland, thanks to the warm climate, sweet potatoes, olives, sesame, and rapeseed are also cultivated, primarily for oil and liquor production. Along the rivers, rice is cultivated mainly for traditional cuisines from the Tawarisi Island.


In the Kṣaṇāpdvīpa, there is a lot of mineral resources, specially iron, gold, silver, zinc and copper which are with a lot of impurities. The scholor in the mainland consider that the indentity of impurities should be the unknown material.


Pasture farming is quite popular in the archipelago. Families or groups often breed hundreds of horses, sheep, and goats. The meat and milk from these animals are central to the local cuisine. Additionally, the wool and leather are commonly used for making various household items and clothes. Unlike the mainland, cows and pigs are also raised for food due to the influence of Tawarisi immigrants and the warm climate.


In Kṣaṇāpdvīpa, there are many small-scale refineries producing vegetable oil and household breweries. Due to the scarcity of wood resources, vegetable oil is popular as fuel for cooking and lighting. These products are not only consumed domestically but also exported to the mainland, the Navo Federation (until its collapse), and the Far East.


The Jasha Republic is home to a diverse tapestry of inhabitants, with a total population of around a million individuals.

The list of the race and tribes
Race/Tribe Rates Individuals Others
Human (Jashanese) 35% 100,000 The people who born in mainland of Jasha
Human (Tuyotukian) 200,000 includinng Shirotuki
Human (Others) 50,000
Jashanians 30% 300,000
Ammurun Vampires 5% 50,000 Refugee from Navo Federation
Dyrians of various types 5% 50,000
Aen Hagde elves 5% 40,000
Other elves 10,000
Dwarf 4% 40,000
Gnome 4% 40,000
Goblin 4% 40,000
Halfling 4% 40,000
Vran 3% 30,000
Werebbubb 0.9% 9,000
Tdet and other Vampires < 0.1% 1,000 Ruling race


The culture of the Colonized Archipelago closely resembles that of the mainland, but it shows significant influences from Tawarisi in the Tuyotuki Islands due to immigration. These influences are evident in place names, language, and cuisine. Additionally, the majority of people in the Colonized Archipelago tend to own at least one ship.


The most popular comfort food in the Colonized Archipelago is a milk-based soup made with sheep and goat meat, and beans. This dish is often enjoyed with a crepe made from potato starch. Meat and fish are commonly found in the market as smoked or dried.

Additionally, foods derived from Tawarisi Island are also popular. Rice is imported from friendly nations such as Ilan Qurun.

  • Rabbish and Yellowtail Soup: This hot soup, flavored with soy sauce, is popular throughout the Tuyotuki Islands and originates from Tawarisi Island. It is eaten with every meal.
  • Salmon Pressed Sour Rice: This local delicacy from Tawarisi Island falls under the category of sushi in the Tuyotuki Islands. In the Colonized Archipelago, it is often eaten between work and sports. Unlike in Tawarisi Island, where wooden presses are used, here salty raw salmon is pressed with sour rice using metal anchors. When salmon is scarce, grilled ribs and whale meat are used instead.

Family System[]

The family system and customs are almost identical to those of the mainland, but in this area, bilateral descent is practiced instead of a matriarchal system. After the death of the parents, the inheritance is divided equally among brothers and sisters, or distributed according to the will, or both. Due to immigration from Tawarisi Island, people have a stronger sense of conscientiousness and tend to be more calm and modest than those on the mainland, influencing their lifestyle choices.


The official and literary language is the Nure dialect, but people often use Jashani Creole, which includes many borrowed words from the Tawarisi dialect of the Tuyotukian language. The Tawarisi dialect itself is also widely spoken on these islands.


Image Credits[]

  • Western Continent Map by Pukeiart