Terraria Wiki

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Terraria Wiki
PC versionConsole versionMobile versiontModLoader versiontModLoader 1
PC/Console/Mobile/tModLoader/tModLoader 1.3-Legacy-Only Content: This information applies only to the PC, Console, Mobile, tModLoader, and tModLoader Legacy versions of Terraria.
The patch notes listed below pertain to the Desktop only Desktop version.
Added items are likely included in Console version Console version and Mobile version Mobile version as well. Bug fixes for Console and Mobile can be found in Console history and Mobile history, respectively.

The patch was a bug and crash fix update.

Bug Fixes[]

  • Potentially fixed a certain crash on startup
  • Potentially fixed a certain cause of framedrops for people who have the Windows 10 Creators Update
  • Fixed Betsy's boss bag having an incorrect name
  • Fixed Truffle spawning up without meeting his special requirements
  • Fixed overly large resolutions appearing on monitors (for some people)

Patched entities

