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Questions tagged [winapi]

The Windows API (formerly called the Win32 API) is the core set of application programming interfaces available for the Microsoft Windows operating systems. This tag is for questions about developing native Windows applications using the Windows API.

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SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems Win32 API doesn't work on Go, but works on C#

I am trying to open a Windows Explorer window with specified items in a particular folder selected. I tried to implement the program using SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems Win32 API with C#. Following the ...
Jerry Lum's user avatar
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Call PathCompactPathExW from Rust using windows crate [duplicate]

I am trying to call the PathCompactPathExW function from Rust using the windows crate. Function signature: windows::Win32::UI::Shell pub unsafe fn PathCompactPathExW<P0>(pszout: &mut [u16], ...
Ozegazu's user avatar
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Long path aware manifest opt in on older versions of Windows

I have a c++ program for which i created manifest file and set long path aware to true. On newer versions of windows it works as expected. But what will happen if i launch my app on older versions of ...
Kliment Nechaev's user avatar
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Window does not receive focus even when brought to the top

I’m working on a program that uses low-level keyboard hooks (LowLevelKeyboardProc) to detect key combinations and switch focus between windows of specific processes. The goal is for the program to ...
rick's user avatar
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When is the correct time to send the WM_SETFONT message to a static control child of a main window in win32?

I am trying to figure out the correct way to set the font of a static text box which is a child of a main window. After much googling, I find many results that explain essentially the following: ...
AWM's user avatar
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How should I modify my code so that mouse-drawn lines remain on the canvas of the window during window scrolling

I am using win32 api to make a paint program, when I try to solve that using mouse to draw lines,remain the lines in the canvas, it can't work well. This is the Win Process Function: LRESULT ...
shiroha's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do you get the NVMe NSID in Windows?

Linux has ioctl NVME_IOCTL_ID to easily retrieve the NSID for an NVMe drive. How do you do it in Windows?
user3161924's user avatar
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How to retrieve information about the shortcut used to open the cmd.exe process to run the program?

I'm working on a project where I need to determine the specific shortcut that was used to open the cmd.exe process that is currently running my program. I am not sure where to start with this and ...
Banane Studio's user avatar
-2 votes
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warning : The build tools for v142 cannot be found

**Install v142 to build using the v142 build tools. ** I've downloaded all the available frameworks/packs etc. from Microsoft, but alas - still get this error when trying to compile my C++ project... ...
Pieter Claassens's user avatar
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How to extract full monitor manufacturer/vendor ID in Windows? (as same as Linux hwinfo --monitor command)

I´m stuck with extracting hardware information of my monitor manufacturer ID in this format: xxxxx_xxxxxxx Basically, format which provides Linux command hwinfo --monitor as "vendor" ...
Zdeneik's user avatar
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How to get write access to device?

When I write to a disk device or a drive, sometimes I get an access denied error: HANDLE hd=CreateFile("\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive1",GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL,...
William's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

CreateSymbolicLink succeeds in Windows 10 Home but fails in Windows 10 Professional [closed]

CreateSymbolicLink succeeds in Windows 10 Home but fails in Windows 10 Professional. My acocunt is in the admins group with UAC enabled. Similarly, c:\dir> mklink a b in Home Edition it succeeds. ...
mugi's user avatar
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I found a post asking about the same question: Vulkan and transparent windows However, the person asking the question wasn't checking whether VK_COMPOSITE_ALPHA_PRE_MULTIPLIED_BIT_KHR was supported. I ...
user18490's user avatar
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Asynchronous write to stdout with libuv both on Linux and Windows

To write to stdout in an asynchronous / nonblocking way, low-level I/O libraries such as boost::asio or libuv utilize the API of the operating system to monitor multiple file descriptors or HANDLE ...
Daniel F's user avatar
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2 votes
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Detect if NVIDIA GPU is suspended

I have a laptop that has a dedicated NVIDIA GPU. However, this laptop has a problem where the NVIDIA GPU sometimes exits its suspended state and starts using battery, which causes a heavy battery ...
sky1099's user avatar
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