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Questions tagged [python]

Python is a dynamically typed, multi-purpose programming language. It is designed to be quick to learn, understand, and use, and enforces a clean and uniform syntax. Note that Python 2 reached end-of-life on January 1st, 2020. For version-specific Python questions, add the version tag (e.g. [python-3.x] or [python-3.9]). When using a Python variant (e.g. Jython, PyPy) or library (e.g. Pandas, NumPy), please include it in the tags.

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Identify problem in the post request in html

I am working on a Flask application that manages therapy sessions for children. Each session can have multiple goals, and I recently updated my models and form handling. However, I'm encountering a ...
ayal khier's user avatar
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How can I move two items on a plot independently of each other?

I am making an image in python where I plot random points and use them to create 2 blobs. I then put a bounding box around them and scale them to be a target area. I then add a jitter to the 4 corners ...
user26531985's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Pyspark Regex Lookbehind Beginning Of String [duplicate]

My string in column "Key" is: "+One+Two+Three-Four" I want to extract all words following the "+" sign:"Key", F.lit(r"(?<=...
shwan's user avatar
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Can not iterate "cbar" or "cmins" in multiple violinplot in a single plot

I am trying to change colors of each violinplot in multiple plots in a single plot. I can change colors of the bodies, but I can not change the colors for cbars, cmins, cmaxes. How do I do this? ...
Redshoe's user avatar
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How to Remove the "Series1" Label from a Pie Chart in "openpyxl" in Python?

I'm using openpyxl to create an Excel file that includes a pie chart. However, I can't seem to remove the default "Series1" label from the chart. I have included the entire export_to_excel ...
Abhi Patoliya's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Why does re.compile exist?

Here is re.compile: >>> import re, inspect >>> print(inspect.getsource(re.compile)) def compile(pattern, flags=0): "Compile a regular expression pattern, returning a Pattern ...
wim's user avatar
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Gunicorn with Flask to produce Kafka message takes 20% cpu for one request

I'm building a testing tool to produce Kafka message using confluent-kafka library. I'm wrapping the producer with Flask to get value and key for each produce message from post body, so that from any ...
Sujin Sam's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How can I downgrade the python in the terminal in visual studio code?

I have a piece of code I need to run but it is only compatible with tensorflow 1.3,1.4 and 1.5. I think I need to downgrade python in order to run this however the terminal has python 3.10 I have ...
user26530134's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Where to annotate python variables?

As I understand it, variables in Python work the same way as in Java. That is, when assigning, we bind a reference to the object to the right of the assignment to the variable (name) x in the current ...
otstalyi's user avatar
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JavascriptException Stale element not found after (multiple) redirects

I'm building a SeleniumBase scraper that takes a set of tasks and performs them on a website. After performing some actions on the site the script calls driver.execute_script("return window....
Victor's user avatar
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EMNIST not importing

So I was trying to import the emnist database but i'm not able to call the extract_training_samples. It keeps saying that the file is not a zip file. Im following the documentation given: https://pypi....
Aanya Bhandari's user avatar
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2 answers

Inserting a column into a csv that pulls from the name of the file in python

I'm trying to insert a column of "StatementDate" into a csv, where the date is in the title of the csv. This is dynamic and will change week to week. The formatting of the title is the same, ...
Jacob Lindsey's user avatar
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How to use a Rust type with no apparent conversions in Python

I am making a Rust based library for Python using Pyo3 and maturin which implements different cryptographic protocols, and I'm having trouble working with the following crate pqc_kyber_edit, as I need ...
AthraelBB's user avatar
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1 answer

I wrote a code to separate even and odd numbers, but I encountered this error?

while True: num = input("pls type the number: ") # check if it's int or string number = int(num) except ValueError: print("error try again !!") ...
Aryana pourpilehvar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there any situation where could not be used instead of re.match? [duplicate]

The documentation seems clear but it begs the question, what is the purpose of re.match? Couldn't with the caret (^) be used instead as long as the MULTILINE flag is not enabled? Is re.match ...
Kevin Eldurson's user avatar

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