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Questions tagged [android-paging]

The Paging Architecture Component makes it easier for your app to gradually load information as needed from a data source, without overloading the device or waiting too long for a big database query.

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Sharing PagingData between two recylerviews in Android

I've two recyclerview and need to share the same PagingDataFlow into both, so they can display the same data ( some horizontal scrolling issue, so some data will be on left some will be on the right) ...
kelalaka's user avatar
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Preserve the scroll position and paging data when switching tabs in Jetpack Compose

I have two tabs: Video and Magazine. The screens for both tabs are identical, utilizing Jetpack Compose for the UI. Data is fetched using the Paging 3 library from a common API endpoint, ...
Veeresh Charantimath's user avatar
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Android Paging3 - How to Check Current Page Number

I'm currently using Paging3 with RecyclerView to show a simple student list (from Room database), this is the setup of my PagingDataSource: class StudentPagingSource(private val studentDao: StudentDao)...
Sam Chen's user avatar
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Rendering UI with Partial API Responses in Jetpack Compose Pagination

I have a requirement to fetch a large amount of data from an API and implement pagination. After fetching each page of data, I need to make two additional API calls to create the desired value object, ...
Sharz's user avatar
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Catching Exceptions inside androidx.paging.PagingData transformation methods

I have a method, where I am transforming the paging data models into UIModels. pagingData .map { cachedData -> deserialize(cachedData) } .filter { it.isSuccess } ....
Ferencz Andras's user avatar
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Integrate LazyPagingItems withing a HorizontalPager

Following case: I have a LazyColumn displaying items coming from LazyPagingItems. These items come from a RemoteMediator (an API-Call is made and afterwards the items are inserted into a Room database)...
Daniel's user avatar
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Get only the records between the fifth and tenth records from a realtime database

I use: commentRef.child(poi.Id).child("text").orderByKey().limitToLast(5).addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() { to get the last 5 records. Now I need that when I ...
Nick's user avatar
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Collect PagingData from UiState object in ViewModel with Compose

Having ViewModel with this code: private var _data: MutableStateFlow<PagingData<Pokemon>> = MutableStateFlow(PagingData.empty()) val data: StateFlow<PagingData<Pokemon>> = ...
alGhul7's user avatar
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JetPack Compose: Glitch UI, nested LazyRows with pagination

I have LazyColumn with nested LazyRow lists. Each row use Flow<PaginData<UiObj>> for showing data. LazyColumn() { items( items = showcaseRefList, ...
Paul Yurkin's user avatar
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Paging 3 in android not working on initial load

I have a fragment "webpages" implemented in a search activity. The problem is that when I click to open the fragment the api request is sent through the load ftn in paging source and I think ...
Muhammad Saleh's user avatar
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Android Compose Paging 3 - Loading all pages at once without scrolling in LazyColumn with network call and no inner scrolls

I'm working on an Android Compose project where I'm using Paging 3 along with a LazyColumn to display a list of items fetched from a network call. The default behavior of Paging 3 is to load pages ...
Kartheek's user avatar
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Unsplash images fetched using Paging3 are not showing in LazyColumn

I'm trying to follow an online course to fetch images from Unsplash to view these images inside a LazyColumn, and I also followed all guidelines inside Unsplash Documentation. But the images or other ...
Mahmoud Nabil's user avatar
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Scroll Position Changed in LazyColumn When Updating Item

I am currently working on a Jetpack Compose project where I use Paging 3 in conjunction with Room to display a list of items in a LazyColumn. Each item has download or delete button that trigger ...
Dilanka Laksiri's user avatar
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RemoeMediator Youtube Api v3 with Room nextPageToken

I am having issues regarding pagination and saving results into remoteMediator I need to save nextPageToken into database as abstract fun pagingPopularItems(): PagingSource<String, ...
Paweł Łukasz's user avatar
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Android Paging library 2 onResult forces fragment to be destroyed

I have populated my PagedList from a datasource and I can see all the data as expected. However, when I kill switch to another fragment and launch a new instance of the same fragment, I see the data ...
The_Martian's user avatar
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