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Questions tagged [android-navigation]

For questions about navigation within and between Android apps. Examples include navigating between activities/fragments, up/back behavior, task stacks, and Intent flags that affect navigation behavior.

2 votes
1 answer

Typesafe Kotlin DSL NavGraph throws IllegalStateException

I am playing with the new Kotlin DSL Navigation Compose plugin, but I get an exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot find startDestination com.perissf.myapp.SignIn from NavGraph. Ensure ...
perissf's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Get current screen in Navigation Type-safety Jetpack Compose

Screens @Serializable sealed class Screen { @Serializable data object Home : Screen() @Serializable data class Profile(val name: String) : Screen() } Set up navigation @Composable ...
Thai Manh's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Check login authentication using ROOM and COMPOSE

My application uses navigation in conjunction with room and compose, my problem is that when starting the app, a check is made in the local database and if the user has selected an option to remember ...
Mateus Trajano's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

NavController.onGraphCreated throws java.lang.IllegalStateException

I am using the latest version of the Android Compose navigation library (2.8.0-beta04). dependencies { implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:2.8.0-beta04" } When I run ...
Macksly's user avatar
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Fragment with Jetpack Navigation takes a long time to load

I made an application with a single activity, in it bottomNavView and fragmentContainerView, here is my activity code: class AppActivity : AppCompatActivity(), CoroutineScope by MainScope() { ...
TenolToSy 's user avatar
0 votes
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how to save fragments using jetpack navigation like other apps do

Jetpack-navigation works well and is responsive in most applications. For example, YouTube: When you go into it you see fragment container and bottom navigation. Inside the fragment container there ...
TenolToSy 's user avatar
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"Only once" vs "Always ask" on opening coordinates with Android app

Is there an API for opening coordinates in Android which would show the default? Something like: Open with this app: "only once" vs "always" dialog which would show you all the ...
Adam Varhegyi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can I use Shared Element Transition Animation in a Compose with Fragment Navigation

I am currently working on an Android project where I have implemented a FragmentA and a BottomSheetFragmnetB using Jetpack Compose. Both of these fragments utilize traditional Fragment Navigation ...
Royss's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to have dialog destinations in back stack when navigating to hosted destination in Compose?

I have a project where I have a mix of hosted destinations (screens) and dialog destinations (dialogs) in Compose nav graph. Sample nav graph: NavHost( navController = navController, ...
Arslan Shoukat's user avatar
0 votes
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How to change the back stack in android navigation api?

I have small app: class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { val ...
VanechikSpace's user avatar
0 votes
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Fragment pop out until starting fragment as activity recreated after being destroyed to reclaim resources in background

I save instances state in activity so that i have my session data and restore this data in onCreate through the bundle. But their is unexpected behaviour in fragment, suppose at start my back stack is ...
Rishabh Garg's user avatar
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How to save the fragments or load them in advance so that when navigating through navController.navigate() from BottomNavigationView

1 problem. How to save fragments or load them in advance, so that when navigating through navController.navigate() from BottomNavigationView they will be saved somehow. 2 problem. Why data is not ...
TenolToSy 's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Find an arrow in the fragment of an Android mobile application (Android Studio)

I'm currently developing an Android mobile application in Android Studio for a project aimed at creating an app that centralizes mini-games for playing online or locally. My project is progressing ...
Guillaume Gillant's user avatar
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Navigate from compose activity to a fragment of another activity

I am migrating an application from activities/fragments to compose screens. This means that I have to use the interop approach in the interim. I tried setting up navigation using Kotlin DSL. The docs ...
Vas's user avatar
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No exitAnim and popExitAnim when wrapping NavHostFragment in a AndroidViewBinding

I would like to begin by outlining my current app setup. It utilizes Jetpack Compose and wraps NavController with AndroidViewBinding, enabling me to employ the traditional method of navigation, which ...
Arst's user avatar
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