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How to retrieve db data in View Model using LiveData

After a successful sign-in with Firebase Auth, my Fragment receives the current user details. With these, I would like to look for an existing db record with the same user ID, and if not existing, ...
perissf's user avatar
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multiple states for multiple network call in compose viewmodel

I'm fairly new to Jetpack Compose. Currently, I have a ViewModel making 1 network call. class PlatformViewModel @Inject constructor( private val getProductListUseCase: GetListUseCase ) : ViewModel() ...
theukvisitor's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose how to show the latest values in offline mode?

I have weather application. The values comes from rest API. I would like to keep the last data values on the screen in case the user will use the app in offline mode. I use JetPack DataStore to save ...
Dmitry Sergienko's user avatar
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Android - Store an action in LiveData

I have a dialog system in my app, in which I build some of them at runtime, using a model I pass inside liveData to the UI. Is it possible to store an action (lambda or something else) inside this ...
Salmichzur's user avatar
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MutableLiveData observe method runs but doesn't update Jetpack Compose list

so I wasted a good couple of days on this, and my deadline's tomorrow basically, I have a mutableLiveData var which is a companion object, and when the data is updated it calls the observe function ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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How to use Repository data in two different fragments

I have FragmentA and FragmentAViewModel. FragmentAViewModel calls RepositoryA for getContactData(), which is a silent call without blocking the UI. Now User Navigate to FragmentB which has ...
Yogesh Byndoor's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Android Compose lazycolumn does not update when livedata is changed

I have a list of items where each has a checkbox. The state of the checkbox needs to be stored in the viewmodel and preferable the list in the viewmodel should be the only source of truth. @Composable ...
OscarCreator's user avatar
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Android Navigation + LiveData stopped observing when fragment goes to background

I have 2 fragments that i navigate throught navigation component from Jetpack. When i go back from fragment 2 to fragment 1, i fire an event throught livedata from fragment 2 and fragment1 should be ...
user1851366's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to handle Kotlin Jetpack Paging 3 exceptions?

I am new to kotlin and jetpack, I am requested to handle errors (exceptions) coming from the PagingData, I am not allowed to use Flow, I am only allowed to use LiveData. This is the Repository: ...
Roy Hayek's user avatar
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How can I call jetpack compose function in Observable live data function?

Hi I try to call this a compose function from updatedata(it) viewModel.ResponseStatus.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { status -> when (status) { FragmentViewModel....
user2399158's user avatar
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MutableLiveData switchMap never called

I'm trying to update my list with MutableLiveData and switchMap() the problem that even if I post new value to the LiveData switchMap() never called. Here is how i update MutableLiveData from my : ...
Sami Shorman's user avatar
8 votes
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Single live events in multiple fragments with Shared ViewModel

I have a shared viewmodel in multiple fragments. class MainFragment { private val sharedViewModel: HomeActivityViewModel by activityViewModels() } class MagazinesFragment { private val ...
SpiralDev's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Jetpack Compose MutableLiveData not updating UI Components

I am trying to display several download progress bars at once via a list of data objects containing the download ID and the progress value. The values of this list of objects is being updated fine (...
Nicolas Mage's user avatar
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Android: Transformations.switchMap not triggered when quick call

I'm attempting to learn MVI. I am updating a state event live data that is being observed by a Transformations switch map. This is in my viewmodel. fun setStateEvent(event: StateEvent) { Timber.d(&...
SomeKoder's user avatar
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UI will not be updated after LiveData data is changed

Here is my code: class HomeFragment : Fragment() { val viewModel by lazy { ViewModelProvider(this)[] } private lateinit var adapter: ArticleListAdapter ...
wzt's user avatar
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