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Questions tagged [android-databinding]

Data Binding Library to write declarative layouts and minimize the glue code necessary to bind your application logic and layouts. The Data Binding Library offers both flexibility and broad compatibility — it's a support library, so you can use it with all Android platform versions back to Android 2.1 (API level 7+).

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Why google play billis are async inside newSingleThreadExecutor and the code does not work?

I have an activity where I pull data from Google Play Bills Api in and put on screen with help of an adapter. I'm trying to make the data to be passed from the getProductsQuery() to ...
alexandre9865's user avatar
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1 answer

cannot find symbol class ActivityMainBindingImpl

I am currently learning about Data binding and I did exactly as the tutorial but I keep getting the error "error: cannot find symbol class ActivityMainBindingImpl" when I run the app no ...
Zaid Hassan's user avatar
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Firebase Crashlytics Plugin clashes with data-binding

I can build with plugin version 2.9.9, but the current version 3.0.0 seems to clash when data-binding is enabled: android.buildFeatures { buildConfig true dataBinding true } This is the ...
Martin Zeitler's user avatar
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Imageview does not keep the selected image after changing activity

I have a MainActivity and a EditActivity, Main shows default info, then it can be changed on EditActivity which sends new info to MainActivity. Edit has a ImageView "@+id/edit_profile_picture&...
user24737139's user avatar
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Error in android studio when creating Maps program

I am creating a GoogleMaps activity in Android Studio. I have generated the default Activity from the android studio and it has generated the following code public class MapsActivity extends ...
user2779311's user avatar
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Duplicate GlobalKey detected in widget tree Error FLUTTER

When i tap the color button in add_task_page.dart page app crashes. And When i open the app dont display sqflite table in homepage(homepagepass.dart) also and i'm seeing this error which is this: (...
a k's user avatar
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1 answer

error: cannot find symbol View root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.toolbar, parent, false);

I used data binding to connect the UI, but when I rebuild the project, I get this error: error: cannot find symbol View root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.toolbar, parent, false); ...
Muhammad yaumil Ramadhani's user avatar
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Cannot resolve method 'inflate' in 'DashboardActivity'

This is a simple application. I am using Intent to navigate from activity_main.xml to activity_dashboard.xml In file I am trying to use Data binding property. But I am getting 2 ...
Flame54's user avatar
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How to use Databinding?

( I tried to learn a lot through videos but failed. I want you to ...
Hải Ngọc's user avatar
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1 answer

class NumberpickercustomlayoutBinding is public, should be declared in a file named

I have enabled data binding in my android studio project. Whenever I build my project it shows this error: " error: class NumberpickercustomlayoutBinding is public, should be declared in a file ...
SAM's user avatar
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How to override a fragment's layout that uses databinding?

Hi Android developers, For a POC of a components architecture for an Android app, I am building a ui component containing a fragment called 'resultfragment' which is a very simple fragment containing ...
NTeix's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use View Binding insted of butterknife?

I am updating an app. In the new program, I intend to use View Binding because butterknife library does not work. My codes are as follows. How do I use the new method? The previous code uses the ...
Ali Hosein pour's user avatar
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Cannot find symbol for ActivityMainBindingImpl ^

If I remove app:userList="@{viewModel.userList}" from RecyclerView inside activity_main.xml, it is able to build project, but using it gives me error: cannot find symbol for ...
Akshaya Amar's user avatar
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1 answer

Android Data binding missing return statement in generated code

@BindingAdapter( "onTimeViewClick", "onLocationViewClick", "onSetDeliveryAddressClick", ) internal fun setSubHeaderData( onTimeViewClick: (() -> Unit)?,...
Rahul Agrawal's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Android Kotlin ImageView inside RecyclerView.Adapter doesn't update as expected

After finally implementing icons for device types in my server, I replaced the temporary drawables I previously used with the icons from the server and load them using coil. The ImageView for them is ...
rminaj's user avatar
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