boiling it down to the painpoint:

I wonder, if sub-processes can end with a message end event. And in addition, does this hold for event sub-processes as well? (I know that event sub-processes are not allowed to have boundary events.)

The standard does not really talk about this as it seems to be allowed, but that would mean that a subprocess sort of crosses its boundary with a message flow. And looking for examples I literally did not find any on google.

(My process needs to be able to react to input that can "happen" at any time. And after dealing with it, I want to send a message to another pool. Image sth like an event sub-process that listens to a process abortion from another pool (message start event), will process it and then send a message to the other participant "I cancelled it." ... )

  • 2
    -1 ... well thanks. Happy to get sth constructive :)
    – MaK
    Commented Jul 10 at 9:10
  • 2
    Well, you haven't been fully accepted in this community unless you get down-voted 😒 so, welcome to Software Engineering. If it helps, I up-voted your down-vote comment. In any event, can you edit your question to clarify the use case? I think the semantics of what you are trying to accomplish are important here. My first thought was to make the "message end" event meaningful from a business perspective so it is no longer an "end" but an event to signal a continuation of a business process. Commented Jul 10 at 14:05
  • 1
    And yes, my "up-vote your down-vote" comment doesn't actually help anything, except that I feel your pain. Commented Jul 10 at 14:09
  • 3
    I think it could be helpful if you add a BPMN model that demonstrates what you want to communicate. I think we have some people here who are very familiar (I only have a passing familiarity with the notation) who could answer this. But if you can show a clear example of what it would look like, it could make it easier to read and people can say if the notation is correct or provide an correct notation.
    – Thomas Owens
    Commented Jul 10 at 15:25
  • Thank you guys. I will update tomorrow as I need to refine my diagrams in order to restrain my wish to squeeze too many single issues into it :)
    – MaK
    Commented Jul 18 at 18:35


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