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Structures of Light

by Siddhartha Barnhoorn

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Anatomy of the Heads
Anatomy of the Heads thumbnail
Anatomy of the Heads From now on, the amount of a man's wealth shall be estimated by the times he beheld the vigorous ringing of this marvelous machine. Favorite track: Structures of Light.
Richard Gürtler
Richard Gürtler thumbnail
Richard Gürtler With nearly 61 minutes long "Structures Of Light" Siddhartha Barnhoorn introduces his soundsculpting potential on the drifting side of immersing ambient canvas. Although described as a "newcomer", this Dutchman has masterfully utilized all his undisputable skills in carving powerful scores. Once again, kudos to you, Sid, and keep on creating your own atmospheric insignias!!! Yes, new tracks are in the works at the Timecave, some of them even featuring ethereal voice magic of kindred soul Lara Ausensi (btw, they sound really impressive!!!), so definitely don't go away and give a listen to "Structures Of Light" (and also to digital download of "Pillars of Light")!!! Siddhartha Barnhoorn definitely deserves his spot on the ambient scene as he is ready to chase allied drifters par excellence!!! 
Travis N
Travis N thumbnail
Travis N a definite must-have for fans of deep, blissful, serene spacemusic. just drift away on beams of synth drones glittering in the darkness.... Favorite track: Streams From Stillness.
Place of Now 12:30
Inner Being 08:42
Sanctuary 21:28


The Origin of Structures

Structures of Light is a personal project where I reconnect with my love for creating deep ambient music.

This album, compared to its predecessor "Pillars of Light" (siddharthabarnhoorn.bandcamp.com/album/pillars-of-light), is more subtle and goes deeper into a place of evolving, spacious immersion and lets it bloom. The creation of this album emerged from evening walks in the dunes and late night recording sessions in the studio using a mix of vintage, analog synthesizers and also a eurorack synthesizer.

Let it take you into a place of immersive flowing, of now, a place where time might dissolve.

Siddhartha Barnhoorn

- Sonic Immersion:
- Richard Gürtler:


released May 26, 2017

Composed, performed, produced & mixed
by Siddhartha Barnhoorn

Mastered by Aaron Marshall

Artwork by Gary Tonge

(c)2017 Siddhartha Barnhoorn


all rights reserved



Siddhartha Barnhoorn Netherlands

Award winning film composer and multi-instrumentalist. Composed music for over 70 films. Known for his music in the films; Tears in the Rain, BEYOND. Games; Antichamber, Out There series, music in The Stanley Parable. Commercials; Embrace Life, OPPO Mobile campaign starring Leonardo Dicaprio and more.

To learn more about Sid and his music please visit his website:
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