This is chris coote’s music collection on Bandcamp.

chris coote

  1. Lake Placid, Florida
  2. Ambient
  1. collection 5817
  2. wishlist 9849
  3. followers 212
  4. following 1716
  1. Spatio Temporal
    by Ross Christopher & City Of Dawn
  2. Liminal Space
    by City Of Dawn
  3. Liminal Theater Sounds Archive Vol. 1
    by City Of Dawn
  4. As Far As We Know
    by The Circular Ruins
    Deviation From The Norm Deviation From The Norm
    Really good new album from this label yet again very mesmerising. Highly appreciated..
  5. Avenoir
    by City Of Dawn
  6. Metanoia
    by City Of Dawn
  7. Nobody / Nowhere
    by City Of Dawn
  8. Desiderium
    by City Of Dawn
  9. Drifting Strings | Until the Heart stop beating
    by City Of Dawn
  10. Wallflower (Split Album)
    by Theatre Romance / City Of Dawn
  11. Hymn of a Voyage Wander
    by City Of Dawn
  12. Redamancy
    by City Of Dawn
  13. Recovery II
    by City Of Dawn
  14. Transforming Sorrow
    by Kaya Project
  15. KP01: Selected Guitar Works
    by Kaya Project
  16. Under Our Quiet Stars
    by City Of Dawn
    Childhood Reminiscence Childhood Reminiscence
    one of my favourite new artistic discoveries 😍 ..really 👍 this persons works....
  17. Every Sound Reminds Me Of Your Smile
    by City Of Dawn
  18. Sage
    by City Of Dawn
  19. Stella
    by City Of Dawn
  20. Matrices
    by James Bernard