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Resident Evil Wiki

No Hope Left graffiti in Johannesburg, South Africa was an alternate reality game (ARG) for Resident Evil 6, created by the British advertising agency Brothers and Sisters.[1] It was part of the wider meta-campaign also called "No Hope Left". It featured pictures and video clips taken from around the world of graffiti stating that there is "No Hope Left", with the "o" in "No" stylized to resemble a biohazard symbol.

The ARG ran in 2012 from February to November, with media shared on the website. As of 2020, the website is offline and can only be accessed via Internet Archive.



On January 11, 2012, a video was posted to the blog featuring a young Asian woman speaking Mandarin. Shortly afterwards there was a translation posted.


No Hope Left (with subtitles)

The No Hope Left symbol can be spotted in several places in the background of the video.



This message, sent on February 8, 2012, appears on a Macintosh computer. It makes mention of the Raccoon City incident, and the US President's intention to reveal what went on in 1998. A group designating itself as the "Family" is opposed to this revelation, and seeks action to avert a "crisis".

As of February 18, the website appears to be down. There is a single line of text stating that the domain has been seized and is under investigation. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the symbol, it allows you to download a file called "prayer" which is an audio file of a woman praying.

As of February 22, the site had been seized and is under investigation. Instead of the site's blogs and WTF sections, only a biohazard sign will appear. Upon clicking it, an mp3 file will download which was recorded in mandarin. The translation says:

"if you're smart enough, please help me…I really dont know what I should do…im really scared….please help me…when I am here alone, There is no one i can depend on…so please come and help me.."

Some time later on, much of the website was shut down, replaced with a black background and the text "This domain has been seized and is under investigation". A biohazard symbol at the bottom of the page reveals another Chinese audio message.

The site officially went live once more on March 29.



"No Hope Left" spray painted on a football field.

On April 10, a short audio clip was uploaded to the website. The clip, titled praying.mp3, is a short clip of a young woman muttering in Mandarin. A translation was later posted, reading:

"Dear heavenly father, Please help me. I don't know what to do and I am very scared. Please help me. I am so alone and helpless here. I beg you to help me."

On April 20, another audio clip was posted, this time of a male, that sounds like more praying.

A week later on April 27, an image was posted of a football field said to be Ivy University in Tall Oaks. The phrase "No Hope Left" was scrawled in yellow graffiti across the field.


On May 8, two photos were posted showing groups of people huddled together, some of them praying. The location was undisclosed, but it was said to look like a city square somewhere.

May 16 followed with five different audio clips. All of them depicted people attempting to get in touched with their loved ones, either to check on them or to tell them that they are alright.

"I'm scared, I'm really scared. I just needed to tell you how much I love you.""

The day after, the video of the Asian woman from January was reposted.

On May 29, there was a sudden uprising on Twitter when numerous people began tweeting to @Ivy, the account for Ivy University. The messages mostly show people saying they hope others made it out alright, to tell their family that they love them if they don't make it out, or talking about the situation at hand.

"Please keep talking, don't stop talking"
"Don't go near the library."

Eventually, the Ivy University Twitter responded, saying "GET OFF CAMPUS NOW." Shortly after, however, it told students to stay in their rooms and stay quiet. Moments after that again, it said:

"Get off campus. Stay in groups. This is not a wind-up."


June 1, a memo was posted. Most of it was blacked out but the document could


be seen mentioning a "strain" called (C) and spoke briefly of it having extremely positive results. It also recommended the removal of safeguard procedures and to comment mass troop testing.

Three days later, there was another audio clip posted of an American girl. It was presumed to be someone from Ivy University, as the file is labeled as "Ivy Girl." The clip was of a girl sending a message to her mother, to tell her that she loves her.

On June 8, a video was posted of another girl wearing an Ivy University sweater. In the video, the woman sends a message to her father. As she tells her father that she has tried to be strong like he taught her, sounds of movement can be heard. She tells her father that she thinks "they" are here and that she has nowhere else to go. The video ends with the girl telling her father, "I love you."

A week later on June 15, the site made mention of an Ivy University sweater being auctioned off on eBay.


  • "J"
  • "Mother"
  • "Cousin S"
  • "Uncle"


  1. Clients. Archived from the original on 2013-01-26. Retrieved on 2022-01-25.

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