
Can you find out what this rebus means?

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4 Answers 4


It must be

cage nuts

A cage nut or caged nut consists of a (usually square) nut in a spring steel cage which wraps around the nut.
enter image description here


Is it

Mad Max? With the bars representing max, which is slang for maximum security prison


Silly guess:

Gone mad behind the bars


This can be the answer, right ?

A bored and unhappy web designer's view while he is working on the early stage of his new website.

Explain : MAD : As designer is bored and unhappy due to some other issues(that can be anything), he is really getting mad at his work.

The BARS : Those are the famous 12 column grid layout which many developers use in the beginning stage of website designing as a layout to make the website more catchy.


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