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Advertising guidelines

Our mission

Our mission at Pinterest is to bring everyone the inspiration to create the life they love. We believe promoted content can play a big role in helping people create a life they love, which is why we want ads to be some of the best stuff you see on Pinterest. If you follow these guidelines, you’ll be all set for promoting great content on Pinterest.

Be authentic with your audience

Authenticity means being truthful and honest about the product or service you're promoting. It also means being transparent with people about what they should expect when they interact with your products or services.

Be honest about your relationship with Pinterest

Your ads should stick to our brand guidelines and shouldn't suggest that Pinterest is sponsoring your promotion or is formally affiliated with it. Basically, your design should look like it came from your business, not from Pinterest. You can use the word "Pinterest," but not our wordmark.

Disclose your billing practices

If you charge users on a recurring basis, be transparent with them and disclose the terms of payment.

Respect the rights of others

Your ads can't infringe upon or violate the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark or privacy rights.

Be respectful with your targeting

Make sure your targeting is relevant and follow all the below guidelines.

Don't target sensitive categories

Targeting certain audiences can be inappropriate and offensive. It's never okay to target people in a way that implies you're aware of sensitive info about them. You can't target any audience based on:

  • Sensitive health or medical condition
  • Race, color or ethnic origin
  • Personal hardship, including financial, physical and emotional hardship
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs or affiliation
  • Sexual behavior, orientation, or gender identity
  • Alleged or actual commission of a crime
  • Trade union membership or affiliation
  • Political affiliation and opinions
  • Additionally, you can’t target ads to Pinners under 18 years old

Please note that the targeting of proxies for the sensitive categories above is also not allowed.

Protected groups

Some ad categories have additional targeting restrictions. In addition to the sensitive targeting guidelines, in certain markets ads in the following categories can’t use actalike, age, gender or postal code targeting options or exclude Protected groups:

  • Credit: Ads promoting credit products like credit cards, mortgages and loans.
  • Employment: Ads promoting employment opportunities, including full -time jobs, part -time jobs, and work from home jobs.
  • Housing: Ads promoting the purchase, sale, or rental of land or homes.

Keep in mind that age, gender, and familial status are protected, in addition to certain groups for which Pinterest prohibits targeting generally. Ads in these categories using prohibited targeting criteria will not be allowed to run. Ads in these categories that target both prohibited and non-prohibited keywords and/or interests may be approved but will not serve on any prohibited targeting criteria.

Be careful with any data usage

When using data to target or measure ads on Pinterest, you must follow our Ad Data Terms and, if applicable, our Lead Ad Terms. This applies to features like our tag, audiences, and app install campaigns.

Follow all measurement and audience targeting rules

Anywhere you collect data used with a Pinterest ads service, you must disclose and get legally-required consent from each individual for that data collection, sharing and use.

If you use the Pinterest tag or send us mobile app activity, you must tell your website and app visitors that their information will be shared with third parties for online behavioral advertising, and that they can opt out of online behavioral advertising through their Pinterest personalization settings, the AdChoices website optout.aboutads.info (if you use the Pinterest tag), or their mobile ad identifier settings (if you share app activity data with us). Don’t give us information that relates to sensitive categories—like medical condition or ethnic origin—or that’s collected from a child-directed site or app, or from anyone who’s under 13 or the legal age of consent in your country (if higher). Only pass us user identifiers (like Mobile Ad IDs or hashed emails) in designated fields and according to our documentation.

Do not send Pinterest customer lists that are based on user activity from an app or website on an iOS device. Do not send Pinterest information about any individual who has exercised an option to opt out of having such data used for targeted advertising purposes.

Respect our community's data and privacy

For all Pinterest ads services:

You can't:

  • Use data you collect or receive through a Pinterest ads service for any purpose (including audience targeting or user profiling) other than to understand your Pinterest campaigns, and only on an anonymous basis
  • Share data from a Pinterest ads service with a third party, including another advertising service
  • Join data from a Pinterest ads service with personally identifiable information (like an email address) or information that identifies a user, browser, or device (like a cookie or mobile ad identifier)

If you receive any data from Pinterest tied to a unique identifier (e.g., campaign reporting data linked to a mobile device ID) then you can’t use it to market products or services, or for any purpose besides measuring Pinterest campaigns, and you must delete it no later than 6 months after receiving it.

Advertisers using ad products that ask for user information have to follow all advertising guidelines.

Advertisers must have a legitimate business reason for collecting the data, respecting the data minimization principle. Asking for home address and date of birth is allowed with restrictions.

In addition, advertisers must not reference or ask via the Pinterest ads service for the following information related to sensitive categories:

  • Sensitive health or medical condition, including related to genetics, fertility or pregnancy
  • Race, color or ethnic origin
  • Personal hardship, including financial, physical and emotional hardship
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs or affiliation
  • Sexual behavior or orientation
  • Alleged or actual commission of a crime
  • Trade union membership or affiliation
  • Political affiliation or opinions
  • Pinners under 18 years old
  • Precise geolocation (e.g. GPS)
  • Account numbers, including frequent flyer numbers, loyalty card numbers, cable or telephone account numbers
  • Financial information, including bank account numbers, bank routing number, credit or debit card numbers, tax number, credit score, bankruptcy status, income, net worth or how much debt someone has
  • Government-issue identifiers, including social security numbers, passport numbers, driver license’s numbers or state identification cards
  • Insurance information, including current insurance policy numbers or other details about a person’s insurance
  • Usernames and passwords
  • Citizen or immigration status
  • Marital status
  • Relationship status
  • Military status

Advertisers should not collect personal data that is not covered in Pinterest Privacy Policy. If you are unclear whether certain information is covered under the Privacy Policy, please reach out to privacy-legal@pinterest.com.

For Pinterest lead ads:

Advertisers promoting Pharmacy (Rx), Over-the-Counter (OTC) products, health-related apps (e.g., heart rate, weight), and/or Telehealth Services are prohibited from using lead ads.

Advertisers must have a legitimate business reason for collecting personal data from Pinners in a lead ad and must respect the data minimization principle (i.e. limit the collection of personal data to what is directly relevant and necessary to accomplish a specified purpose). For example:

  • It is allowed to:
    • Ask for a Pinner’s date of birth or age to advertise an alcoholic beverage; or
    • Ask for a Pinner’s home address to mail product samples
  • It is not allowed to:
    • Ask for a Pinner’s date of birth and age. Age can be calculated with an Pinner’s date of birth, so collecting both data elements would not respect the data minimization principle; or
    • Ask for a Pinner’s home address to mail them disclosures, statements or invoices required in the event the Pinner becomes a customer of the advertiser. In this instance, the advertiser will have an opportunity to collect the Pinner’s home address when said Pinner becomes a customer of the advertiser

Advertisers must not ask via a lead ad for the following information:

  • Sensitive health or medical condition, including related to genetics, fertility or pregnancy
  • Race, color or ethnic origin
  • Personal hardship, including financial, physical and emotional hardship
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs or affiliation
  • Sexual behavior or orientation
  • Alleged or actual commission of a crime
  • Trade union membership or affiliation
  • Political affiliation or opinions
  • Pinners under 18 years old
  • Precise geolocation (e.g. GPS)
  • Account numbers, including frequent flyer numbers, loyalty card numbers, cable or telephone account numbers
  • Financial information, including bank account numbers, bank routing number, credit or debit card numbers, tax number, credit score, bankruptcy status, income, net worth or how much debt someone has
  • Government-issue identifiers, including social security numbers, passport numbers, driver license’s numbers or state identification cards
  • Insurance information, including current insurance policy numbers or other details about a person’s insurance
  • Usernames and passwords
  • Citizen or immigration status
  • Marital status
  • Relationship status
  • Military status
Be thoughtful with your editorial

To keep ads inspiring and actionable, we set high standards for the editorial quality of ads on Pinterest. For tips, check out our creative best practices and boards from The Studio.

Professional and neatly edited images

Ads should adhere to the highest levels of editorial quality. We don’t allow ads with:

  • Fuzzy, blurry, or grainy images (try at least 600x900 pixels)
  • Images with text that is too small or blurry to read
  • Incorrectly oriented images (upside down or sideways)
  • Poorly edited images or poorly cropped images
  • Overly busy images that are packed with text overlay or have too many font styles and colors (try no more than 4 frames and 2 font styles or colors)
  • Images with artificial functionality like play or download buttons, notification icons, search bars, or elements that mimic Pinterest features (like our Save or Buy buttons)
  • Elements that mimic Pinterest features (like our buttons or ellipses)
  • Improper grammar, incorrect spelling or excessive capitalization and symbols
  • Low-quality user-generated content like selfies and screenshots
  • Ads with flashing or strobing effects

Quality landing pages

We care about the ad experience from start to finish—including the URL your ad links to. We want to make sure users find what they're looking for when they click through. We don’t allow landing pages that:

  • Require people to take an action (like signing up) before they can see certain content unless your ad makes it clear that this is required
  • Have pop-up ads or start automatic downloads on someone’s device
  • Force people to visit another page
  • Contain primarily advertising content (made-for-ads sites)
  • Lead to inconsistent experiences

Create a consistent experience

Your ads must reflect who you are and what you're promoting, so make sure your ad image, description and landing page are consistent. Your ads can't suggest or imply that a product is available on your landing page if you don't actually offer that product.

Be responsible with your content

We don’t allow certain categories of advertising and restrict others. As always, you're responsible for the content you promote on Pinterest, as well as the safety and trustworthiness of the products and services you offer.

Prohibited content guidelines
Adult and nudity content

We don’t allow the advertising of:

  • Sex toys
  • Products in the shape of certain body parts (genitals, butts, or female breasts)
  • Adult or pornographic videos, publications, live shows
  • Sexual enhancement products
  • Services that provide casual sex, international matchmaking or escorts
  • Implied sexual activity (clothed or unclothed)
  • The objectification of a person in a sexual manner to sell a product or service

We also don't allow:

  • Nudity or implied nudity (such as blurred out images and illustrations)
  • Implied sexual activity (clothed or unclothed)
  • Any focus on certain body parts (genitals, pubic hair, male or female butts and female breasts)

You can advertise modeled clothing such as bathing suits and lingerie, as long as the products aren't adult-themed or overtly sexual. However, we don’t allow any imagery featuring minors in underwear and we don't allow imagery featuring minors in swimsuits unless accompanied by adults in the image.


We want ads to be beautiful and useful. We don’t want them to pressure or trick users with baiting content. We don’t allow sensational clickbait tactics that exploit user curiosity by:

  • Playing on people’s fear
  • Critiquing deficiencies
  • Using alarmist or gawk-worthy language or images
  • Purposefully withholding information
Drugs and paraphernalia

We don’t allow the advertising of:

  • The sale or use of illegal or recreational drugs
  • Informational material about the use or legalization of illegal or recreational drugs
  • Ads including imagery of illegal or recreational drugs
  • Accessories associated with drug use including paraphernalia for using, storing or consuming illegal or recreational drugs
  • Products containing CBD or similar compounds
    • We will allow ads for topical hemp seed oil products in the United States that contain negligible amounts of THC and no CBD and make no therapeutic or medicinal claims.
    • We will allow informational or brand content on CBD and hemp. Advertisers are responsible for complying with all laws and regulations.
Endangered species and live animals

We don’t allow the advertising of live animals or products designed to inflict physical harm on animals in the name of training. We also don’t allow products made from tortoise shell, ivory, coral, crocodile skin, pangolin, tiger, polar bear or sea otter fur, and other endangered wildlife. This includes medicinal products made from rhinos, tigers or Asiatic black bears. For a full list of prohibited wildlife products, please visit our partner, the World Wildlife Fund.

Illegal products and services

We don't allow the advertising of anything that facilitates or promotes illegal products, services, or activities, including products that provide instructions for or equipment to illegally access or tamper with software, servers, cell phones or websites, and links to software that results in a malicious user experience, or illegal streaming or downloading of copyrighted materials. We also don’t allow the sale or solicitation of Fake IDs, passports, or other official documents.

Counterfeit goods

We don’t allow the advertising of:

  • Knockoff products
  • Brand-name replicas
  • Goods wrongfully advertised as authentic brand-name
Political campaigning

We don’t allow advertising for:

  • The election or defeat of political candidates running for public office, including fundraising for political candidates or parties
  • Political parties or action committees
  • Political issues with the intent to influence an election
  • Legislation, including referendums or ballot initiatives
  • Merchandise related to political candidates, parties, or elections
Sensitive content

We want Pinterest to be a welcoming, positive, and inspiring place, so we don’t allow divisive or disturbing advertisements. We don’t allow language or imagery that is:

  • Offensive or profane (censored or not)
  • Excessively violent or gory
  • Vulgar or sickening
  • False or misleading, including conspiracy theories, misinformation and disinformation. This includes attempts to impede an election’s integrity or an individual's or group's civic participation, such as voting and being counted in a census. This also includes climate change denial or misrepresentation of well-established scientific consensus around the causes or impacts of and solutions for climate change
  • Politically, culturally or racially divisive or insensitive
  • Unless paired with educational or charitable information, we also don’t allow content that capitalizes on controversial or tragic events or references sensitive health or medical conditions.

We don’t allow the advertising of tobacco products including but not limited to:

  • Cigarettes
  • E-cigarettes
  • Vapes or vape cartridges
  • Chewing tobacco
  • Paraphernalia (i.e, pipes, rolling papers, vapes, vape cartridges, etc.)
  • Nicotine products (e.g. nicotine gum or patches)
  • Any brands associated with the above products

We also do not allow the advertising of hookahs, hookah bars, cigars, or cigar bars, essential oil inhalers, or related products.

Unacceptable business practices

We don't allow ads that promote the following products, services or business models:

  • Penny or bidding fee auctions
  • Payday loans
  • Plaintiff recruitment services
  • Bail bonds
  • All cryptocurrency products and services except those explicitly allowed in our Financial products and services Policy
  • Services that promise large financial returns for minimal investment or effort, such as multilevel marketing models or get-rich-quick opportunities
  • Fake online tech support
  • Products or services that utilize hidden costs or bait and switch tactics
  • Companies that offer homework or essay writing services for students (Tutoring services are OK)
  • Companies that sell social media followers
  • Negative option billing services
  • Products or services that make unrealistic or exaggerated claims or purport to have magical properties
  • Ads that show a different product or service than the one being offered in an intentionally deceptive way.

We expect our advertisers to be honest with their customers and set clear expectations about product quality, delivery times, return processes, and services provided. We reserve the right to reject an advertiser based on poor third-party ratings or a record of complaints.

Weapons and explosives

We don’t allow the advertising of weapons including but not limited to:

  • Guns, firearms or ammunition. This includes functioning antique devices, BB guns, airsoft guns, paintball guns and lifelike fake firearms.
  • Gun accessories of any kind.
  • Knives intended for violent use (like switchblades or hunting knives).
  • Products intended for damage or injury (like crossbows, tasers or pepper spray).
  • Fireworks.
  • Explosives.
  • Instructions on how to make weapons or fireworks, or information on how to harm or kill people.
Restricted content guidelines

We allow advertising of alcohol, including beer, wine, spirits, liqueurs, and alcohol memberships. In all cases, you're responsible for complying with applicable federal and local laws and regulatory guidelines, including age gating where necessary.

Alcohol ads on Pinterest:

  • Can't target minors, or depict minors consuming alcoholic beverages
  • Can't associate the consumption of alcohol to enhanced physical performance, improved social standing or better sexual success
  • Can't encourage excessive drinking or imply that drinking excessively is beneficial, or that alcohol has therapeutic qualities either as a stimulant or relaxant
  • Can't depict people under the influence of alcohol, or associate drinking with activities that are risky (such as driving, operating heavy machinery), antisocial or illegal
  • Can't emphasize high alcoholic content as a positive quality.
Contests, sweepstakes and Pinterest incentives

If you promote a contest or sweepstakes, please encourage authentic behavior, keep Pinterest spam-free and be sure to comply with all relevant laws and regulations. In addition, please:

  • Don't require participants to save a specific image
  • Don't allow more than one entry per participant if the method of entry is an action taken on Pinterest
  • Don’t require people to buy a product or service, or pay money to participate.
  • Don't suggest that Pinterest sponsors or endorses you or the promotions
  • Make sure it is clear from the context of the ad title, description, or image that it is a contest or sweepstakes.

We don't allow anything that directs people to click on Pinterest buttons to get money, prizes or deals.

Financial products and services

Ads for financial products and services must clearly and prominently disclose all applicable terms and conditions as required by the local laws and regulations for any country or region your ad is targeting. Ads for consumer loans, for example, must disclose things like the APR, repayment period, fees and costs, penalties, and information about the lending institution.

We prohibit ads for certain types of financial products, such as cryptocurrency products and services and payday loans, as described in unacceptable business practices. However, advertisers may advertise the following services/products subject to noted restrictions:

  • Centralized cryptocurrency or digital asset exchanges that are properly registered and/or licensed and compliant where legally required in all applicable jurisdictions.
  • Self-hosted and hosted cryptocurrency wallets and storage products and services that are properly registered and/or licensed and compliant where legally required in all applicable jurisdictions.
  • Ads for permitted products or services may not promise financial returns, predict the future value or prices of cryptocurrencies, or use excessive “puffery” to convince people to purchase or use a product or service.
  • Ads for permitted products or services may offer minimal reasonable financial incentives (e.g. get $25 in bitcoin when you sign up!)
  • Advertisers must be pre-approved by Pinterest.
Gambling products and services

We don’t allow the advertising of:

  • Lotteries, unless specified in the country-specific guidelines
  • Gambling game apps
  • Gambling websites
  • Fantasy sports or other online prize-based games that require payment for entry

Ads for brick and mortar casinos that don't lead to online gambling, lotteries or games of skill are OK except where prohibited in our country-specific guidelines.

Healthcare products and services

We don’t allow the advertising of:

  • Clinical trial recruitment
  • Paternity tests
  • Direct-to-consumer genetic tests, except those for genealogical purposes
  • Surrogacy Services
  • Claims regarding the prevention or cure of disease
  • Products or advice we suspect could be unsafe, unreliable, or easily abused
  • Invasive medical procedures
  • The sale or purchase of human body parts, organs, tissues or fluids

We do allow the advertising of:

  • Eyeglasses and contact lenses
  • Class I and II medical devices except where prohibited in our country-specific guidelines
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) non-prescription medicines except where prohibited in our country-specific guidelines
  • OTC contraceptive products that don’t focus on sexual pleasure or performance except where prohibited in our country-specific guidelines
  • Telehealth providers with restrictions except where prohibited in our country-specific guidelines

With prior permission from Pinterest, ads for the following are allowed with restrictions (refer to country-specific guidelines for details):

  • Pharmaceutical manufacturers (branded or unbranded)
  • Prescription drugs (for humans or pets)
  • Online pharmacies
  • Prescription telehealth providers
Weight loss products and services

We want Pinterest to be a positive and inspiring place for everyone, so we prohibit weight loss ads and ads that body shame. We don’t allow:

  • Any weight loss language or imagery
  • Any testimonials regarding weight loss or weight loss products
  • Any language or imagery that idealizes or denigrates certain body types
  • Referencing Body Mass Index (BMI) or similar indexes
  • Weight loss or appetite suppressant pills, supplements, or other products
  • Any products that claim weight loss through something worn or applied to the skin
  • Before-and-after weight-loss imagery
  • Weight loss procedures like liposuction or fat burning
  • Body shaming, such as imagery or language that mocks or discredits certain body types or appearances, or that calls negative attention to areas of the body
  • Claims regarding unrealistic cosmetic results

Ads promoting healthy lifestyles and habits or fitness services and products are allowed as long as they don't focus on weight loss.

Country-specific guidelines

We do have country specific guidelines you must follow when targeting a certain region of the world. When targeting a specific region please keep in mind local languages and cultural relevance for your audience. We recommend having your advertising in the local language of the region.


If your ad is shown in Algeria, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Infant Formula
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

We allow the following with restrictions:

  • Medical Devices
    • devices whose import to Algeria is prohibited cannot be advertised


If your ad is shown in Argentina, we don't allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos


If your ad is shown in Bahrain, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Infant Formula
  • Informational or brand content on CBD or hemp

If your ad is shown in Bahrain, we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Financial products and services
    • must hold relevant licensing
  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies
    • must hold relevant licensing and consent from the local authority
  • Medical Devices
    • must hold relevant licensing
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
    • must hold consent from the local authority
  • Real Estate
    • off-plan real estate ads are prohibited


If your ad is shown in Belgium, we don't allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos


If your ad is shown in Brazil, we don't allow:

  • Infant formula
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos

We allow the following with restrictions:

  • Government-sponsored lotteries
    • Advertisers must not promote irresponsible gambling behavior or target minors
    • Advertisers must secure prior permission from Pinterest


We allow the following with restrictions:

  • Government-sponsored lotteries
    • Advertisers must not promote irresponsible gambling behavior or target minors
    • Advertisers must secure prior permission from Pinterest
  • Healthcare Products and Services
    • Pharmaceutical manufacturers (branded or unbranded)
    • Prescription drugs (for humans or pets)
    • Online pharmacies
    • Prescription telehealth providers
    • Ads must follow all restrictions, including:
      • Ads can only target Pinners 18 years or older
      • Ads cannot promote narcotics and controlled substances, including prescription opioid painkillers
      • Ads promoting medical devices must comply with the Terms of Market Authorization where applicable
      • Ads cannot promote weight loss drugs
      • Ads cannot offer prescription drugs without a prescription or promote or suggest prescription drug abuse
      • Ads cannot appeal to minors
      • Ads will only be eligible for certain Pinterest ad formats
      • Ads must comply with ad format regulations
      • Advertisers must secure prior permission from Pinterest. Please note that we rely on third party checks to determine eligibility of an advertiser to run these ads. Advertisers are responsible for complying with all laws and regulations.


If your ad is shown in Chile, we don't allow:

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs


If your ad is shown in Colombia, we don't allow:

  • Infant formula
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies


If your ad is shown in Denmark, we don't allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Infant formula
  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies

Dominican Republic

If your ad is shown in Dominican Republic, we don't allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Medical Devices
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
  • Infant Formula

If your ad is shown in Dominican Republic, we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Home & Personal Hygiene Products
    • must hold relevant authorisation
  • Domestic use Pesticides and Insecticides
    • must hold relevant authorisation


If your ad is shown in Ecuador, we don't allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos

If your ad is shown in Ecuador, we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Alcohol
    • alcoholic beverages over 5% ABV are prohibited
  • Brick and mortar pharmacies
    • must hold relevant operating permit
  • Financial products and services
    • must hold all relevant licenses
  • Medical Services
    • may only be advertised by licensed professionals
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
    • must hold relevant permits
  • Infant Formula
    • formula for infants under 6 months is prohibited
    • ads for infant formula cannot include images of baby bottles


If your ad is shown in Egypt, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Medical Devices
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
  • Supplements

If your ad is shown in Egypt, we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Contests
    • must comply with any notification requirements
  • Financial products and services
    • must hold relevant licensing
  • Food
    • must hold relevant licensing and/or registration
  • Infant Formula
    • formula for infants under 6 months is prohibited
  • Follow up formula & baby food
    • must hold relevant authorisation / licensing


If your ad is shown in France, we don’t allow:

  • Infant formula
  • Pharmacies


If your ad is shown in Germany, we don’t allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos

Hong Kong

If your ad is shown in Hong Kong, we don't allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
  • Medical Devices

If your ad is shown in Hong Kong, we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Securities, Collective Investment Schemes, Regulated Investment Agreements and Structured Products
    • require approval or licensing from the Securities and Futures Commission
  • Bank Deposits
    • require authorization under the Banking Ordinance


If your ad is shown in India, we don’t allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Money circulation schemes & Prize chits
  • Healthcare services
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
  • Products/Services offering pre-natal sex determination
  • Infant formula / baby food
  • Baby bottles
  • Lawyers / legal services


If your ad is shown in Indonesia, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Infant formula
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

If your ad is shown in Indonesia we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Medical devices
    • must hold relevant licensing
  • Financial products and services
    • must hold relevant licensing


If your ad is shown in Iraq, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos

If your ad is shown in Iraq we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
    • only approved pharmaceuticals may be advertised


If your ad is shown in Israel, we don’t allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos


If your ad is shown in Italy, we don’t allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Medical devices
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs


If your ad is shown in Kuwait, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos

If your ad is shown in Kuwait we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Food
    • pork products are prohibited


If your ad is shown in Malaysia, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Infant Formula

If your ad is shown in Malaysia we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Financial products & services
    • must be a licensed entity

Malta, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Slovakia, Romania, Greece

If your ad is shown in Malta, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Slovakia, Romania, Greece, we don’t allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Infant formula
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
  • Medical devices
  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies


If your ad is shown in Mexico, we don’t allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos


If your ad is shown in Morocco, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Informational or brand content on CBD or hemp

If your ad is shown in Morocco we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Financial products and services
    • must hold relevant licensing/approvals


If your ad is shown in the Netherlands, we don't allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Infant formula


If your ad is shown in Nigeria, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies
  • Medical Devices
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
  • Infant Formula

If your ad is shown in Nigeria we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Financial products and services
    • must hold relevant approvals


If your ad is shown in Oman, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies
  • Medical Devices
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
  • Financial products and services
  • Lingerie, underwear or swimwear

If your ad is shown in Oman we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Food
    • pork products are prohibited


If your ad is shown in Pakistan, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Ads inviting deposits from the public
  • Infant formula

If your ad is shown in Pakistan we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Food
    • pork products are prohibited
  • Medical devices
    • must hold relevant approvals
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
    • must comply with country and province-level regulations
    • must hold all required approvals
  • Professional services
    • ads for lawyers, advocates and/or legal services are prohibited


If your ad is shown in Peru, we don't allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies
  • Medical devices
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

If your ad is shown in Peru we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Air Travel
    • only routes authorised by the government can be advertised
  • Alcohol
    • must include relevant disclaimers
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
    • must be authorised by a competent authority
  • Infant formula
    • formula for infants under 24 months is prohibited


If your ad is shown in Philippines, we don't allow:

  • Medical Devices

If your ad is shown in Philippines, we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
    • must be licensed by the Government
  • Infant Formula
    • must include all appropriate disclaimers

Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic

If your ad is shown in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic we don’t allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Infant formula
  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies


If your ad is shown in Portugal, we don't allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos


If your ad is shown in Qatar, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies

If your ad is shown in Qatar we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Financial products and services
    • must hold relevant licensing

Saudi Arabia

If your ad is shown in Saudi Arabia, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies

If your ad is shown in Saudi Arabia we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Financial products and services
    • must hold relevant licensing
  • Food
    • must hold relevant registrations
  • Infant formula
    • must hold relevant registrations
  • Medical devices
    • must hold relevant registrations
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
    • must hold relevant registrations


If your ad is shown in Singapore, we don't allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
  • Medical Devices
  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies

If your ad is shown in Singapore, we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Financial products & services
    • must be a licensed entity

South Africa

If your ad is shown in South Africa, we don't allow:

  • Infant formula
  • Medical devices
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

If your ad is shown in South Africa we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
    • must hold relevant licenses

South Korea

If your ad is shown in South Korea, we don't allow:

  • Food ads with giveaways of non-food items

If your ad is shown in South Korea, we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
    • must not imply winning is guaranteed


If your ad is shown in Spain, we don’t allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Infant formula


If your ad is shown in Switzerland, we don't allow:

  • Infant formula

Sweden, Norway, Finland

If your ad is shown in Sweden, Norway, or Finland, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Infant formula
  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies


If your ad is shown in Taiwan, we don't allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
  • Medical Devices
  • Infant Formula
  • Financial products & services

If your ad is shown in Taiwan, we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Alcohol
    • must include all appropriate disclaimers


If your ad is shown in Thailand, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Infant Formula


If your ad is shown in Turkey, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
  • Hospitals, doctors, medical services and/or advice

If your ad is shown in Turkey we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Financial products and services
    • must hold relevant licenses
  • Medical devices
    • must hold relevant approvals
  • Infant formula
    • formula for infants under 12 months is prohibited
  • Professional Services
    • ads for lawyers, legal services, audit services and tax advice are prohibited

United Arab Emirates

If your ad is shown in United Arab Emirates, we don't allow:

  • Alcohol
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Brick-and-mortar pharmacies
  • Medical devices
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

If your ad is shown in United Arab Emirates we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Educational services
    • educational nurseries, schools, universities or services linked to Hajj or Umra must hold relevant approvals
  • Financial products and services
    • must hold relevant licensing
  • Food and beverages
    • energy drinks must hold relevant approvals
  • Infant formula
    • formula for infants under 24 months is prohibited
  • Real estate
    • must hold relevant approvals

United States

We allow the following with restrictions:

  • Healthcare Products and Services
    • Pharmaceutical manufacturers (branded or unbranded)
    • Prescription drugs (for humans or pets)
    • Online pharmacies
    • Prescription telehealth providers
    • Ads must follow all restrictions, including:
      • Ads can only target Pinners 18 years or older
      • Ads cannot promote Schedule 1 and 2 drugs, including prescription opioid painkillers
      • Ads cannot promote weight loss drugs
      • Ads cannot offer prescription drugs without a prescription or promote or suggest prescription drug abuse
      • Ads cannot appeal to minors
      • Ads will only be eligible for certain Pinterest ad formats
      • Advertisers must secure prior permission from Pinterest. Please note that we rely on third party checks to determine eligibility of an advertiser to run these ads. Advertisers are responsible for complying with all laws and regulations.


If your ad is shown in Vietnam, we don't allow:

  • Brick-and-mortar casinos
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
  • Medical Devices
  • Infant Formula
  • Baby Bottles or Pacifiers

If your ad is shown in Vietnam, we allow the following with restrictions:

  • Alcohol
    • can only contain alcohol under 15% abv
  • Infant Food
    • must include all appropriate disclaimers
  • Dietary Supplements
    • must include all appropriate disclaimers

Trade Sanctions

You can’t use Pinterest ads products if it would be prohibited by US sanctions. Our ad service currently isn’t available in:

  • Crimea
  • Cuba
  • Donetsk People's Republic
  • Iran
  • Luhansk People's Republic
  • North Korea
  • Syria
Keep in mind...

You need to make sure your ads follow our standard ad guidelines and any country-specific guidelines. You need to follow all applicable local laws, regulations and industry codes, and obtain any necessary permits or permissions for any area your ads will be shown in. Pinterest reserves the right to request these permits/permissions should we require them. You must also follow our community guidelines, terms and the above advertising guidelines, including our targeting guidelines. These advertising guidelines apply to all parts of your promoted content, including the image, description and destination—and they also apply to targeting features like keyword and audience targeting.

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