Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

Earthrealm Village[]

Shujinko: Shang Tsung... I will win the Mortal Kombat tournament and free Earthrealm from your tyranny!

Kid: Is that so? Then it seems I will need a strong opponent to defeat the Great Kung Lao. Goro.... FIGHT!

Kid: We're late!

Avatar: Greetings, Shujinko!

Shujinko: Who... what are you?

Avatar: Do not be afraid. I am Damashi. I am an emissary of the Elder Gods.

Shujinko: The Elder Gods?


Shujinko: After all these years... I have finally found the last of the Kamidogu. My quest is almost at an end.

Scorpion: What is ending is your meddling in the affairs of the Elder Gods, mortal.

Shujinko: Scorpion!

Scorpion: Yes. And I remember you as well. We met in the Netherrealm. I taught you my fighting skills. Now I will give you your final lesson... FIGHT!

(After Scorpion's defeat)

Shujinko: I have defeated him! Now I am free to complete my quest.

(Shujinko places the last Kamidogu on the altar. But nothing happens)

Shujinko: I do not understand. The Kamidogu should have been transported to the Elder Gods. Why is it not happening!?

(A demonic figure appears before Shujinko laughing at him)

Demon: Because you have not completely finished your quest.

Shujinko: Who... what are you?

Demon: Ah yes. Familiar words. Perhaps THIS should help you to understand.

(The demon shows Damashi. Shujinko thinks he kidnapped him.)

Shujinko: Damashi! What has he done to you!? Let him go!

(What Shujinko thought of Damashi was actually coming from the demon's voice)

Damashi: Shujinko! Please save me.... OLD FOOL...

Demon: ... Damashi does not exist! The "avatar" you see before you is merely a projection of my consciousness. I've manipulated this astral puppet from beyond the boundaries of death. And in turn.... manipulated you. I deceived you into bringing me the means of attaining ultimate mastery over reality!

Shujinko: So it seems that I have indeed known you all these years. Then by what name shall I call you now? Tell me who you REALLY are, demon!

Onaga: I am Onaga! The Dragon King of Outworld and soon to be ruler of ALL that exists! I must thank you for bringing me so much power. The Kamidogu... are mine!

Shujinko: (giggling) You may have them. They do nothing! You have wasted your time. Nothing happened when I placed them all on the altar.

Onaga: Not "all"... if you have found the last piece. The altar would have transported them to the Elder Gods. But the last piece is currently in Outworld, in the possession of a fool sorcerer! I will deal with him later. For now... I will take these artifacts you have so dutifully collected for me. I'm afraid they will not make it into the hands of the Elder Gods after all. And so Shujinko... your "quest" is done. PREPARE FOR DEATH!

(Onaga prepares to kill Shujinko, serving his plans. But Shujinko makes his escape back to Earthrealm)

Shujinko: The Dragon King did not emerge from the portal. Perhaps he has lost interest in pursuing me. More likely, he has gone to Outworld and will find the sorcerer who possesses the last remaining object. I had been a fool! Blinded by the lure of adventure, I had endangered the realms AND betrayed the Elder Gods. The blame is mine alone. What have a done...?
