Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki
Original Timeline


  • Deadly Alliance: "A former martial arts teacher on the North side of Chicago, the man commonly referred to as Mokap was called upon by Johnny Cage to do some motion capture work for his new movie "Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance". Mokap was flown to Hollywood to begin his first session, which consisted mainly of the Crane and Snake styles. Although many other martial artists were used, Mokap was brought in repeatedly for his vast knowledge of fighting techniques".
  • Armageddon Bio Kard: "This unfortunate bystander finds himself embroiled in an otherworldly struggle simply by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. A motion capture artist, Mokap now fights for his life-fantasy and reality have become one and the same."


Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

Mokap is a former martial arts teacher on the North side of Chicago. One day he was called upon by Johnny Cage to do motion capture work for his new movie "Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance", and he became the primary martial arts talent for motion capture in this film. Mokap was flown to Hollywood to begin his first session, which consisted mainly of the Crane and Snake styles (although none of these martial arts have been used by Mokap in the games that he appeared).

It is unknown how Mokap participated in the fight against the Deadly Alliance. Although he fought on the side of good, he did not appear to have any effect on the outcome of the battle. Some time after this, Mokap gained some projectile & telekinetic powers, although the source of these powers were not revealed.

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

Mokap later joined the Forces of Light in the final battle of Armageddon to fight for Earthrealm and for his life. Mokap was among the kombatants who died.


  • Deadly Alliance (Non-Canonical): "Mokap Man was the primary martial arts talent for motion capture during the production of Johnny Cage's movie based on recent events in Outworld. He was referred to the game designers at Midway Games and used in the production of the Video Game adaptation of the movie. The End."
  • Armageddon (Non-Canonical): "The fury of Blaze's destruction killed all those present at the final battle. Mokap was ripped apart, his soul cast into the Edenian sky. His name is taught in Edenian astronomy to this day: He is the constellation Mokap. Legends will forever tell of how the Earthrealm warrior saved Edenia from Armageddon."