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Mortal Kombat Wiki

Enough of the past. What of today?

—Bannak to his two children.

Bannak, played by Dave Corey, is the leader of the Black Dragon and the father of Kebral and Jola in the episode "Debt of the Dragon" from the television series Mortal Kombat: Conquest.


Bannak knew of the ancient powers of the Black Dragon —almighty powers locked within a large heavy amulet in the form of a black dragon— powers that were deadly in the hands of someone who did not know how to control them. As a result, no member of the Black Dragon had ever summoned them from their chamber, except for the previous Black Dragon ruler, Bannak's father, an exceptional fighter in all arts. However, being one of the greatest was not enough for him. He wanted to be the best.

Bannak's father summoned the ancient powers of the Black Dragon and bestowed them upon himself. Days later, in the middle of a fight, the powers went out of control and he began to die, and Bannak had to watch as the powers killed his father from within. Bannak took over as ruler of the Black Dragon and vowed to keep the deathly powers locked away forever, and protect his children, Kebral and Jola, from the ungodly evil contained in the amulet.

Kebral and Jola

Kebral (left) and Jola (right)

Kebral and Jola grew into adults, both turning out to be strong fighters. As Kebral was the first-born child, he was the heir to the throne and would take over for his father. Bannak knew how deeply that troubled Jola, and how much tension it caused between his two children. He struggled to keep them together as a unit, continually reminding them that they were the heart of the Black Dragon and how weak the clan would become if they came to trade blows. United they would stand, divided they would fall.

However, Jola's desire to take the medallion led her to make a deal with Shang Tsung to get the amulet. The sorcerer agreed to help her and in exchange she would kill Kung Lao. Jola finally took the amulet by killing Bannak and would later use its powers to kill Kebral and take the rule of the Black Dragon for herself.
