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"Armed and Dangerous" is the third and final issue of the story arc Goro, Prince of Pain from the comic series Mortal Kombat published by Malibu Comics.


Armed with a powerful weapon gifted to him by Abacus the Lord of Order, Goro returns to Outworld and reduces The Kombatant to rubble. With his champion defeated, Zaggot and his talking crow Rook must resort to other means to sow chaos throughout the universe. With a flick of his wrist, Zaggot dematerializes Goro's weapon. The mutant Baraka, under the godly influence of Zaggot, leaps from the shadows and subjects Goro to a flurry of slices from his arm blades. Goro is unsuccessful in talking the mutant down and kicks him away.

Special Forces Major Jax Briggs arrives, having been deceived by Shang Tsung to believe that Goro has kidnapped Sonya Blade. He confronts Goro but is interrupted by the frenzied Baraka who aims his aggression toward the interloping Major. The two trade taunts and jabs alike but are evenly matched.

Kitana, Mileena, and Reptile watch from nearby. Mileena suggests they assist Baraka in battle, to which Reptile agrees, salivating at the thought of killing the human. Kitana orders them not to however, not wanting to get involved in "senseless violence." As the three argue, Jax pounds the ground with his bionic arms and knocks Baraka on his feet. Reptile lunges at the Major and spits acid on him. Goro swipes Reptile away to speak with Jax, but they are interrupted as Shao Kahn transports the warriors to Shang Tsung's Island via ancient magic.

Before Goro can finally return home, Zaggot pulls him through a portal back to Outworld. He reveals his true form as a hulking, ferocious mass of pure chaos. Goro remembers Abacus telling him that Zaggot thrives off chaos and realizes that fighting him would only further empower him. Unable to feed off the chaos of their battle, Zaggot shrinks to the size of a fly. Goro picks him out of the air and eats him; unencumbered by Zaggot's influence, he is transported home by Shao Kahn's magic.

Later, in the Library of Order, Zaggot and Abacus participate in a game of chess; Abacus uses a piece modeled after Goro to checkmate his brother. Zaggot vows he will defeat Goro, just as he did to the French Emperor Napoleon centuries prior.



In Order of Appearance:
