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Mortal Kombat Wiki

Amara was a mortal Edenian woman, and the mother of the Edenian demi-god, Rain.

At some unspecified point, Rain had realized his true heritage, that he was an illegitimate child conceived from the affair of the Edenian protector god Argus and an Edenian woman named Amara, making him half-god and half-Edenian. Rain had always assumed both of his parents abandoned him. In his Arcade Ending in Mortal Kombat 11, he uses the Hourglass to reveal the truth: Argus wanted to get rid of Rain out of shame, and so lied to Amara claiming that Rain was a stillborn. Argus threw him away to live among the peasants of Edenia. Amara's heart became broken, and she eventually died out of grief for her child.

In the new timeline, Amara is one of the members of imperial court of Empress Sindel, alongside her son Rain, who is High Mage of Outworld. After Rain's betrayal, she was banished from the imperial court.


  • It is possible Rain inherited his water powers from Amara, much like how Taven and Daegon inherited their fire powers from their mother Delia. This, however, is yet to be confirmed, and whether Amara possesses water powers in the first place or not remains unknown.