Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

"A Slow Boat to China" is the first issue of the story arc Blood and Thunder from the comic series Mortal Kombat published by Malibu Comics. Blood & Thunder is based on of the events of the game Mortal Kombat (1992) with a few original characters and scenarios included.


Outside Shang Tsung's Palace, Prince Goro disciplines a group of guards for being lax on their duties. As he delivers his beating, Shang Tsung arrives to inform Goro he is nearing a breakthrough in his study of the Tao Te Zhan. The sorcerer remarks that the tournament may have to be postponed.

In nearby Hong Kong, Hollywood action star Johnny Cage awaits the ship taking Earthrealm's warriors to the Mortal Kombat tournament. His agents attempt to convince him not to go and instead prepare for his role in Iron Claw, but Cage is unswayed.

A few streets over, Black Dragon leader Kano is being tailed by Special Forces operatives Sonya Blade and her partner Lieutenant Lance. Kano pulls an evasive maneuver, jumping his motorcycle over the Special Forces battlevan and speeding towards the dock. He makes his escape by diving onto Shang Tsung's derelict ship as it departs. Sonya and Lance radio for a speeder boat to continue their pursuit of the criminal mastermind.

Aboard the ship, Liu Kang reflects on the circumstances that brought him here. A flashback reveals he appealed to the Order of Light's Master Wu to attend the tournament, despite the order already having chosen the twin warriors Sing and Sang to represent Earthrealm. Liu's daydream is interrupted by the sounds of fighting below him. Eager to prove himself, he rushes to the lower deck to find Johnny Cage brawling with Kano and his Black Dragon goons. Liu helps the movie star repel them and the two knock Kano unconscious.

On the upper deck, two Lin Kuei assassins, Sub-Zero and Hydro, prepare for the impending return of the spectre Scorpion. The spectre briefly possesses Sub-Zero and recounts the tale of his demise: Scorpion and Sub-Zero belonged to rival clans and battled two years prior. Sub-Zero used his cryomancing abilities to gain the upper hand in the battle and killed the rival ninja. Scorpion releases Sub-Zero from the possession and reveals himself to the pair as a hellish, yellow-clad ninja surrounded by fire. He explains his death was dishonorable and vows to take revenge on Sub-Zero so that his soul may reach the afterlife. Scorpion then vanishes into a ball of fire. As the Lin Kuei recover from this encounter, they are approached by Lance and Sonya who demand information on Kano's whereabouts. Sub-Zero refuses to cooperate but before a fight breaks out between them, they are interrupted by the captain announcing "Land ho!" They have arrived at Shang Tsung's Island, a mystical place that resides on the border between Earthrealm and Outworld.

Shang Tsung introduces the newly arrived warriors to Prince Goro, the tournament's reigning champion who has been undefeated for 500 years. Sonya approaches Shang Tsung and explains she is tailing Kano. He informs her that the authority of the Special Forces is not recognized on the island and she will only be welcome to stay on the island if she participates in Mortal Kombat.

Suddenly, a lightning storm rocks the island and the thunder god Rayden descends from the heavens.



In Order of Appearance:


