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Questions tagged [asking-questions]

This tag is for questions specifically about the process of asking questions on Stack Overflow.

-14 votes
0 answers

Subsite for simple and short questions [duplicate]

Addition The question which marked as origin is more than 10 years old. Since then the whole world changed. Mainly the questions posted in the present days. How can the original question posted into ...
Black cat's user avatar
  • 4,622
13 votes
0 answers

Add "contains"/"overlap" checks in the ask-wizard to prevent duplicate content

With the implementation of Can you prevent users from using same content in ask question wizard? last year it is not possible to add the same content in the two textareas on the Ask Wizard. You get ...
Progman's user avatar
  • 18.7k
3 votes
1 answer

Table containing array/list errors as "code that is not properly formatted as code"

Summary The following table fails formatting checks when I attempt to include it in a Stack Overflow answer. I am not sure how to format this table to avoid an error from Stack Overflow. Expected ...
smurphy's user avatar
  • 323
10 votes
0 answers

Staging Ground - Unable to paste images into editor

On Staging Ground, when editing/creating a question, using the editor, there seems to be a bug, with regard to pasting images. When clicking on the image button on the toolbar, and the "Browse, ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 29.3k
35 votes
4 answers

Are "Is my understanding correct" questions appropriate?

My program was crashing and I eventually came up with a theory about what I was doing wrong. Based on that theory, I made a change and now my program works. However, I want to be sure that my ...
Daniel Walker's user avatar
-31 votes
1 answer

Can a priority be added to a question? [duplicate]

I've just asked this question about renaming a program. When I wrote that question, I had seen that I could not compile my program, so that looked like an urgent question. My task, however, is a ...
Dominique's user avatar
  • 17.2k
24 votes
1 answer

Is it acceptable to post over 100 lines of compiler-generated assembly for an optimization question?

I have a few lines of C++ code (Compiler Explorer) that compiles to a bit over 100 lines of filtered assembly code (no more irrelevant lines can be yanked from the output) on each of two compilers I ...
fghzxm's user avatar
  • 1,205
13 votes
0 answers

What if my question with many details is a duplicate of an existing much simpler question? [duplicate]

I have a fairly technical question (regarding whether a particular C++ program is valid according to the standard). I have done quite a bit of research to try to answer it on my own, and while that ...
Scott McPeak's user avatar
  • 11.1k
8 votes
1 answer

What should I do if I want both a C-focused and C++-focused answer to an otherwise identical/very similar question?

Sometimes I ask questions about C but the rules may be different in C++, for example, in C you can use a union to type-pun, but in C++, doing so is undefined behavior. C++ is a separate language, but ...
CPlus's user avatar
  • 4,374
16 votes
1 answer

How can I improve my understanding and application of what makes a better question?

I've asked a question (now migrated) that has had two downvotes and no upvotes. As such, I'd like some feedback to help me ask better questions in the future to help others provide answers. My belief ...
It's WPTom's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Bug when trying to post a question with code in it

I'm stuck trying to post a question with this ridiculous error which took me forever to resolve to no avail. Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code. Please indent ...
Megan Love's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Unable to ask a question using Safari

I am using my Google browser to ask this question because Safari seems not to be letting me ask a question on Stack Overflow. Consider the following screenshot: Typically, you would see the next ...
pindakazen's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

For algorithm-design-related debugging-type questions, is compact pseudocode better than a runnable, but very long, MCVE?

Suppose one has a question about a problem with a specific piece of code. The code produces incorrect output in a small number of cases, and works as intended the rest of the time. The asker believes ...
Quack E. Duck's user avatar
14 votes
0 answers

Put question guidelines in sidebar for certain users

This link shows up only when a question is being drafted, after the user clicks "Ask Question." New users may look to find questions rules before asking, and be unable to find any links. By ...
BigMistake's user avatar
-15 votes
1 answer

What kinds of questions are allowed on this site? [duplicate]

I am pretty new to forums and Q&A sites. I also have a whitelisted browser with very few sites for learning about C# and Windows Forms. What kinds of questions are allowed on this site? Do they ...
Alpha Reuel's user avatar

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