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Questions tagged [discussion]

Questions that may not necessarily have a clear-cut right or wrong answer and are often subjective. If your question isn't a bug report, feature request, or request for assistance, or question with a concrete answer, it's probably a discussion.

-10 votes
0 answers

How to tell if a tag wiki article exists before clicking its link within the editor?

How can I tell if it will be worthwhile clicking this question mark you see in the black circle? Note that this is the editor, not the main page for a question. Also note that there are tags with ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to deal with comment that refer to interesting deleted answer?

I found this comment : "timestamp has a some limitations, you might want to read this" The link refer to a question that seems similar. The link doesn't ...
Elikill58's user avatar
  • 4,497
49 votes
3 answers

Is the voting culture on SO different than other SE sites?

I've only recently really begun to answer questions on Stack Overflow after having only asked questions. I've spent a large portion of my time in Chemistry Stack Exchange where one typically easily ...
Melanie Shebel's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Remove synonym [compiler] from [compiler-construction] tag

About 10 years ago, the [compiler] tag was renamed to [compiler-construction] to avoid "tag misuse". That was a good idea. However, since the tag compiler is still a synonym to the compiler-...
Jonas's user avatar
  • 127k
69 votes
1 answer

This question gets 10k+ views per day but no interactions

How to use DataFrameMapper to delete rows with column[xxx] val is null?, which was asked 11 days ago, has an astonishingly high number of views, 113k. That amounts to more than 10k views per day. ...
InSync's user avatar
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-13 votes
0 answers

Why aren’t there gender results in the 2024 Developer Survey? [duplicate]

If I’m not mistaken it wasn’t included last year either. Why is that? Personally I think it’s valuable to see the trends just like all of the other attributes.
Morgan4568771's user avatar
-6 votes
0 answers

Should [language-translation] be a synonym of [translation]? [duplicate]

Should the Tags be linked? Both have very similar Tag Descriptions: translation Translation is the process of replacing strings in an application or website to make interfacing with the application or ...
Bending Rodriguez's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Should this question about detecting touch devices be flagged as duplicate?

I found Detecting touch devices and detecting 'can hover' with JavaScript in 2020 which is basically the same as What's the best way to detect a 'touch screen' device using JavaScript?. The asker ...
A-Tech's user avatar
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-25 votes
3 answers

Best way to avoid chopped hyperlink in notification email?

Here is an interesting situation. Here we are in the Roundcube mail reader. We are looking at the text/plain part of this multipart MIME message. Alas, the preview cutoff happened right in the middle ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Should I include others' answers in my answer?

Let's say I look at a question that already has some comments containing suggestions and a couple of answers. And while I think the answers have useful information, I still think more should be said. ...
Streve Ford's user avatar
-5 votes
0 answers

What's the point of reviewing close decisions on answered questions [duplicate]

I'm spending some time to review close decisions on questions. I was asked to check this one: Injecting DbContext in ASP.NET Core - concrete type or interface? I understand that it is subjective, but ...
Eric's user avatar
  • 19.8k
46 votes
1 answer

Were my comments overly provocative?

This Stack Overflow answer seemed to come off immediately with a very harsh stance against a JavaScript feature. In fact calling it "trash". Okay, I'm cool with that, but I'm therefore going ...
maraaaaaaaa's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is it plagiarism if my solution is reposted with a minor change that makes it work with an older version?

Backstory: Some years ago I posted a solution for an old, unanswered question. Nothing happened for a couple of months, but then the question author commented on my answer to note that is doesn't work ...
tarleb's user avatar
  • 21.6k
-2 votes
4 answers

Started bounty on someone else's interesting question, then question has been closed before end of bounty

I have found this interesting question (I am not the author) : Cut a video in between key frames without re-encoding the full video using ffpmeg?. It was quite upvoted, which shows interest by other ...
Basj's user avatar
  • 44.9k
-3 votes
1 answer

Should [translation] be a synonym of [language-translation] or vice versa?

Isn't any form of translation from one language to another, regardless if its a human language or a machines language? Also the language machines use is created by humans therefore you could argue it ...
Bending Rodriguez's user avatar

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