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Marvel Database


The Xandarians are a human-like alien race from the planet Xandar, a world in the Tranta System of the Andromeda Galaxy which was the original home of the Xandarian Nova Corps, an intergalactic peace keeping force.[1] During a colonial period, the Xandarians sought to expand their empire in the outer space, though this left much blood and pain.[2]

The Luphomoid known as Zorr came to Xandar to syphon the planet of its energy. He managed to destroy all Xandarian ships, except for piloted by Nova Prime Centurion Rhomann Dey. Dey managed to repel Zorr, but it was too late as Xandar began crumbling. The Watcher Uatu witnessed the destruction of the planet and helped save its populace. Fortunately, Xandar's four biggest cities were left mostly unscathed and to keep the populace alive they were encased in force fields filled with atmosphere, and in the following couple of years became connected between each other through a tunnel system. Eventually, the remaining Xandarians regrouped and rebuild their ideal civilization.[3][1]

The Skrull Empire attempted to invade Xandar, starting the Skrull-Xandar War. During war, the Xandarian queen Adora recruited the help of the Fantastic Four, while the Prime Thoran was imbued with great psionic powers by the Xandarian Living Computer to lead the Nova Corps in the battle, destroying many Skrull ships in the process. However, Sphinx arrived to Xandar and stole the Living Computer's power, but was later taken away from him by Galactus.[4] The Champions of Xandar were later formed to help defend the planet.[5] Rom the Spaceknight arrived to Xandar when trying to return to his homeworld of Galador, and there he assisted the Xandarians, the Nova Corps and Champions in repelling the Skrulls for good, ending the devastating war. At this time Richard Rider gave up his Nova powers to help rebuild Xandar.[6]

Years later, the Xandarians were again attacked, this time by the space pirate Nebula and her mercenaries. Despite the Xandarians' best efforts, Nebula's forces overwhelmed the race and wiped out the populace in the attack, leaving a mortally wounded Adora as the last survivor at the moment. Pyreus Kril, the Xandarian Herald of Galactus called Firelord, returned to his world, just in time to see Queen Adora who revealed to him who were responsible for their race's genocide before dying.[7]

Garthan Saal aka Supernova was left with the majority of the power of the Xandarian Nova Corps but the grief over losing his people and the amount of power he was granted left him mad. He attacked the Avengers believing they were hiding Nebula because she once hid amongst them (in fact Ravonna was pretending to be Nebula when she infiltrated the group). Garthan Saal was convinced to go look for Nebula within the timestream.[8]

Supernova came back to the present time to confront Richard Rider, intending to sacrifice him to bring back Xandar. The two battled, with Rider coming out victorious. Now filled with the Nova Force, Rider imparted it into Xandar, causing the Xandarian Worldmind to restart which triggered a failsafe program. This caused the activation of cloning baths that resurrected the Xandarian people, including Adora, who in gratitude for reviving them restored Rider to First Centurion. The resurrected Queen Adora then went about reconstituting the Xandarians's Nova Corp and recruiting new members.[9]

Richard Rider was briefly stripped of his rank and powers again for not helping the Xandarians fight some menace. Garthan Saal became the Nova officer assigned to protect Earth, only to lose his life in a battle against the Dire Wraith queen Volx. This left Rider to become Nova once again and get his powers back.[10][11]

On Annihilation Day, the Annihilation Wave, led by Annihilus, emerged from the Negative Zone and started to ravage the cosmos. The Xandarians and their Nova Corps were among the Wave's first targets, and as a result they were completely devastated.[12] Richard Rider was one of the few survivors of the massacre and being the sole remaining Nova Corpsman, the Xandarian Worldmind downloaded itself into him in order to preserve itself and what was left of the Xandarians' civilization.[13]

The Xandarian Worldmind then upload itself to Ego the Living Planet and eventually went about reconstituting the Xandarian Nova Corps again, this time including among others Richard Rider's brother Robert. A defiant Richard Rider was opposed recreating the Nova Corps at too fast a pace to keep the recruits adequately trained, prompting the Worldmind to strip him of his powers yet again.[14] Rider later helped reboot the Worldmind to return to its normal self,[15] but was rendered inoperative after Rider's apparent death. It was last seen in a long rebooting state on a computer on Knowhere after Richard left it there to preserve it prior to his sacrifice.[16]

The remaining Xandarians left in the ruined world of Xandar were enslaved by Dakkamite Gron who used them to claim their technology. In search of parts to repair a broken Supernova Helmet, Sam Alexander and Doc Green arrived to Xandar where they battled Gron and liberated the Xandarians.[17]

Alternate Realities[]


The Xandarians were mentioned when Doom said that there is no trace of a Xandarian outpost in the solar system.[18]


The Xandarians welcomed Logan to their planet and offered him to imbue his body with Nova Force to return his healing factor. However, during this process, Xandar was attacked by the Exo-Parasites who wished to feed on the Nova Force. Many Xandarians and Nova Corps members perished, not only to the monsters but also to Logan who was forced to finish the rest of them to keep the Exo-Parasites from spreading.[19]


The Xandarians are a race of pink skin aliens who are the primary inhabitants of the planet Xandar. They frequently came into conflict with the Kree which led to the formation of their military wing the Nova Corps. Although a peace treaty ended the most recent conflict between the two empires, a fanatical Kree Accuser named Ronan refused to stand down until Xandar was annihilated. Ronan struck a deal with the Chitauri warlord Thanos, who agreed to destroy Xandar for Ronan should he recover an object known as the Orb for him. However, Ronan discovered the Orb was actually one of the Infinity Stones, and used its power to attack Xandar himself. Ronan was stopped by the combined forces of the Nova Corps, pirates known as the Ravagers, and a new, ragtag group of criminals-turned-heroes who called themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy. [20]


The Xandarians after discovering the Nova Force created the Xandarian Worldmind comprised of the minds of deceased Xandarians which governed them, similar to the Supreme Intelligence, and also formed the peacekeeping militia known as the Nova Corps. The Xandarians became involved in the Galactic War in which they were attacked by the Chitauri. As the Leviathans attacked Xandar, Samaya led her squadron on a collision course against them, sacrificing herself to buy the Xandarians time. Unfortunately, only Rhomann Dey, the Worldmind and a Nova Centurion squadron survived.[21]

Powers and Abilities


Regeneration: Xandarians had more rapid regeneration abilities that allowed them to quickly recover from certain injuries.[1]


Type of Government

The Xandarians were governed by the Suzerain who acted as their head and leader.[1]

Level of Technology

Far more advanced than most other races in the cosmos.[1] They possessed advanced cloning technology that could create indistinguishable clones of individuals, practically resurrecting them,[22] and photon-beam guns which were a common armament in Xandarian ships.[23]

Their greatest creation was the Xandarian Worldmind, a system of living computers which contained the brains of deceased Xandarians accumulated over the course of around 10,000 years. Through this method, this collective intelligence held all of Xandar's knowledge.[24] It served as the Xandarians' primary source of energy, knowledge and power, more specifically the staggering Nova Force.[25]

Cultural Traits

Xandarians were known to be a prideful and peaceful race, who were defined by loyalty, friendship and courage. Their science and ideals made it seem like anything was possible, which gave rise to an empire based on their core tenets.[1]

Xandarian pilots often used good luck pieces referred to as Framii Charms.[26]


The Xandarians had the Xandarian Space Academy which was a military institute used to train personnel for the space service.[2]


The Xandarians had their own language which they adjusted to more easily communicate with other alien species.[1]


See Also

Links and References

