Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


Early Activities[]

The alleged granddaughter of the Mad Titan Thanos[5] and daughter of Luphomoid warlord Zorr,[6] Nebula was raised by Thanos alongside her "sister" Gamora, whom Thanos openly preferred over Nebula, causing her to develop a huge hatred towards her sister.[7]

Nebula (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 258 0001

Original appearance

A short time before Thanos became permanently transfixed between life and death, Nebula sent a small band of her most trusted aides to Sanctuary II to repair its hyperdrive engines and teleport the station out of the solar system. The underlings were met by Monica Rambeau, the human then known as Captain Marvel, who had been sent to investigate possible activity. Nebula's minions warped the satellite out of the solar system with Captain Marvel aboard and rendezvoused with Nebula. She planned to conquer the Skrull Empire, which was then in chaos after the destruction of its throneworld by the planet-devourer Galactus. Not knowing how to return home, Captain Marvel pretended to go along with Nebula's scheme, but actually helped the Skrulls evacuate the outpost world Nebula was intent on destroying.[8]

The Avengers eventually located their missing member and allied themselves with the Skrulls to oppose her. Before the Avengers could catch up to Nebula, she annihilated both the Skrull outpost and the planet Xandar, home planet of Firelord. Afterwards, the virtually omnipotent Beyonder, who was trying to stay on the Avengers' good side, teleported Nebula and her crew out of the galaxy.[5]

Infinity Gauntlet[]

Nebula (Earth-616) from Infinity Gauntlet Vol 1 5 001

Holding the Gauntlet

Sometime after all this, Thanos was reborn and sought to reclaim Sanctuary. When he found Nebula there, he torched her body and left her on the brink of death, where she hovered until the affair of the Infinity Gauntlet.[9] For whatever reason, Thanos left Nebula to roam around his shrine as he battled all manner of beings to keep the Gauntlet. After Thanos defeated Eternity and left his body, Nebula claimed the Gauntlet and fully restored herself to life as she achieved omnipotence. She eventually lost the Gauntlet to Adam Warlock and was placed in the custody of Firelord and Starfox.[10][11]

Later, Nebula was freed from her cell on Titan by the loyal Geatar, who found her in a catatonic state due to her brief possession of the Infinity Gauntlet.[12] Geatar took Nebula to Doctor Mandibus, hoping he could restore her to her former mental capacity, and he subjected her to surgery, but the damage was too severe and he had to replace several of her body parts with robotic components. This worried Geatar at first, but Nebula assured him she felt better than ever.[13]

Nebula (Earth-616) from Silver Surfer Vol 3 78 001

As a Cyborg


Nebula later resurfaced as a member of the Graces, Gamora's group of female warriors. She battled Ronan the Accuser alongside Stellaris. Ronan triumphed, severely wounding her.[14] She later fought side-by-side the other Graces, defending their base of operations from the Annihilation Wave.[15]

Family Issues[]

After Thanos' son Thane decided to orchestrate a plan to kill his progenitor, he enlisted the help of Nebula, Starfox, and The Champion.[1] As part of his plan, Thane deceived them into helping him invade Terrax's warship to steal a Phoenix Egg in his possession.[16] Upon discovering the truth, Nebula killed Thane to prevent him from opening the egg, but his death just made the egg hatch and allowed the Phoenix Force to turn him into its new host.[17] Thane's former allies sought Thanos' help to stop Thane, and in turn Thanos had them take him to the God Quarry, so that he could acquire the power he needed to defeat his son.[18] While working together, Nebula and Champion had a brief romantic encounter and, following Thane's defeat, both were left behind in the God Quarry.[19] Nebula then fell victim to the Quarry's ensnaring illusions, and didn't break free until after a considerable amount of time.[20]

Nebula (Earth-616) from Asgardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 1 001

Proud owner of the Naglfar Beacon

When Nebula finally escaped from the God Quarry, the trio of witches that guarded it, The Coven, informed her that Thanos had met his end at the hands of Gamora, who'd created a great weapon for herself. However, they also told her where she could find a weapon that would rival Gamora's.[20] Nebula kidnapped the dwarf Urzuul and forced him to build an axe with teleporting abilities and help her find the Naglfar Beacon. The Asgardians of the Galaxy assembled by Kid Loki attempted to obtain the Naglfar Beacon for themselves, but they arrived too late.[21]

Nebula tested the beacon, summoning the Naglfar Armada on Netredeen and then on Chandilar.[22] She moved to her true target, Earth. Expecting retaliation from Asgard, Nebula subdued and kidnapped Thor to use him as leverage.[23] She also captured Kid Loki, who had tried to warn Thor about Nebula's plans. The Asgardians of the Galaxy tracked Nebula down, and Loki incapacitated her using an illusion long enough for Valkyrie to take the Naglfar Beacon from her. During the fight, Nebula's teleporting axe was damaged, and she had Urzuul repair it. The dwarf tempered with the axe, sending Nebula somewhere unpleasant when she used the axe to escape after her defeat.[24]

She was next seen as part of the Dark Guardians, a team brought together by Starfox, after Thanos' last will and testament revealed that his resurrection would happen in the body of another. The Dark Guardians believed Gamora would be chosen as Thanos' new vessel, so the team started a hunt for her.[25] They eventually found Gamora alongside the Guardians of the Galaxy and a battle between the two groups ensured. During the battle, Gladiator knocked out Gamora with his eye beams, giving Nebula the chance to end Gamora's life once and for all, but when she took the shot, Star-Lord jumped in front of her, taking the hit instead.[26]

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 3 Textless

With the Dark Guardians

Gamora was taken by the Dark Guardians to their ship, the Lilandra IV, but, as they prepared to kill her, Hela arrived and revealed that Thanos wouldn't come back in her body, but the body of a Titan, immediately causing Thanos' consciousness to take over his brother Starfox's mind. When the Guardians made their way to the ship (with a safe and sound Star-Lord, who'd survived thanks to his armor), Nebula and the rest of the Dark Guardians were unconscious, with only Gamora being awake to tell them about Thanos return.[27]

Knowing the Guardians needed all the help they could get to defeat Thanos, Nebula and Gladiator joined them in this effort and traveled to Knowhere where they faced the Black Order and a horde of Outriders. In the end, they were successful in preventing Thanos' return, and Nebula apologized to Gamora for trying to kill her before bidding her farewell.[28]


Power Grid[36]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Experienced Fighter:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Multiple Types:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Enhanced:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (25-75 ton):Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Gifted


Cybernetic Enhancements: Having been rendered comatose by the revisitation of her traumatic past, Nebula had underwent deep seated neurobiological reconstructive surgery at the hand of Dr. Mandibus.[29] These bionic upgrades give her incredible physical as well as technical supplementary enhancements beyond what she was capable of before.[30]

  • Bionic Arm: The robotics in her left arm provide Nebula with considerable offensory.[30] Beyond just augmenting her physical strength it also doubles as a powerful energy caster with a dynamistic projection device centered at the palm of the hand.[31][1]
  • Bionic Eye[32]
  • Superhuman Strength: She possesses the ability to lift weights up to 60 tons.[33]
  • Superhuman Durability: Nebula possesses a very potent superhuman durability, having even survived a fall from the stratosphere.[33]
  • Self Sustenance: Having lived through the trial placated by the Witches of Infinity, Nabula arose from it's petrifying imprisonment with godlike qualities similar to her grandfather Thanos. One of the facilities bestowed upon her was the capacity to survive in deep space while lacking the need of a space suit.[20]
  • Physical Enhancement: After escaping the confines of the God Quarry Nebula's cybernetically enhanced constitution was considerably augmented. Now bearing the might of a god, she is able to take on a slew of divine and/or godlike entities with relative ease, such as the Asgardians of the Galaxy in single combat.[24]
  • Illusion Resistance: Her time within the edge of the universe undergoing the Quarry's test had given Nebula an uncanny awareness of when she's being tricked by potent mirages.[24]


Nebula is highly skilled in military strategy, space warfare, leadership, astro-navigation, and the operation of advanced technology. She is a skilled hand-to-hand fighter.[33]



Nebula wore wrist-mounted blasters that produced streams of either heat or concussive force.[33]



  • Nebula was stated to have an "Universal" threat level by the Nova Corps.[34]

See Also

Links and References

