Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


During the Heroic Age the Nova Corps maintained a Nova Citadel in the city of Los Angeles on Earth, which was abandoned when the planet was quarantined.[1] The Nova Corps were all hunted down by the extra-dimensional creatures known as the Exo-Parasites who wished to feed on their Nova Force. Most members of the Nova Corps were killed by the Exo-Parasites, leading to its dissolution, with the rest being exterminated by Logan to prevent the monsters from spreading which left him to carry on the Corps' legacy.[2]

In 2099 A.D. a Corpsman crashed on Earth and with his dying breath asked Conan to return his helmet to the Corps. The barbarian reached the Citadel, which was revealed to be a starship, and used it to leave the Earth.[1]

See Also

Links and References

