Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 When I was their age, we always found a way to play. We knew there was a war, we just found ways to put it out of our minds. If we pretended hard enough that there was peace, maybe our wishes would come true. But here at Xavier's I found peace. A glimpse of paradise. For a while. That's what makes this school so important. Children above all must have a sanctuary. Quote2

Appearing in "Schism (Part 4)"

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Synopsis for "Schism (Part 4)"

The X-Treme team and the White Queen invade the danger room to face down Bogan and his Hellfire cronies who are holding Xavier's students captive; After Bogan is defeated, Xavier agrees to harbor Jeffrey at the Mansion; This decision leaves Storm (who thinks the young boy should face justice for the murders he committed) at odds with Prof X's ideals and the X-Treme team leave the X-Men once again.

See Also

Links and References

