Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 As I told your master -- I will not be conquered. And I choose not to surrender. Quote2

Appearing in "All or Nothing!"

Featured Characters:


  • Vargas
  • Thais
  • Thaiis
  • Khan
  • Khan's combat troopers
    • Mugu (First appearance)
    • Dukane (First appearance)
    • Several unnamed others
  • Khan's handmaids
    • Jalene (First appearance)
    • Several unnamed others

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



  • X-Uniforms
  • Cybernetic Sunglasses
  • Slipstream's Surfboard

Synopsis for "All or Nothing!"

The alien troops discuss Khan's recent attitude change due to his weakness for Storm. When the alien troops notice Lifeguard approaching them with three soldiers behind her, they mistake her for Shi'ar Royalty. Soon the X-Men have their cover blown and have to fight. After the fight the X-Men search for Storm.

Later that evening, Jalene and the rest of the Harem decide to kill Storm. Back on Earth Vargas approaches Rogue and he tells her that he wants to fight her right here right now.

See Also

Links and References

