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Marvel Database

Quote1 I will not be conquered, Khan! But I can choose... to SURRENDER. Quote2

Appearing in "Second Front"

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  • X-Uniforms
  • Cybernetic Sunglasses
  • Slipstream's Surfboard

Synopsis for "Second Front"

In Madripoor, the X-Men fight off a group of alien invaders. Later, Rogue leads an attack against soldiers by using her new mutant powers of illusion to turn herself, Bishop, and Thunderbird into Sabretooth, Wolverine, and the Hulk. The rest of the X-Men show up and disguise themselves as alien soldiers. The X-Men are taken through the portal for medical assistance. Rogue stays behind as the X-Men's back up. Khan takes Storm to his ship through the portal. Shaitan tells Khan not to spare Storms life. Khan tells Shaitan that he will make Storm his Queen. Khan calls for a Skinwalker and pours the black liquid onto Storm. Then the alien transfers itself onto Shaitan, transforming him into a Storm look-alike. Khan then sends Shaitan after the other X-Men. Later, Storm wakes up and asks Khan to stop his attack on Earth. Khan tells her that he will conquer both Earth and her.

See Also

Links and References

