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Marvel Database

Quote1 You must be confused. "Beast" is a friend of mine. He is blue though. I'm surprised we don't get confused more often! Quote2

Appearing in "Quitting Time"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Residents of Winzeldorf
    • Mara Keller (First appearance)
    • Henrik's father
  • Trista (Only in flashback)
  • Trista's grandmother
  • Pixie (Megan Gwynn) (Mentioned)

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Quitting Time"

Nightcrawler receives an invitation to visit the new Nightcrawler Museum in Winzeldorf, Germany. He quits the X-Men and returns to his homeland where he meets the museum's curator, Mara Keller. He soon learns that he was led back to Germany under false pretenses and the local townsfolk want Nightcrawler's aid in defeating a monster called the Vielfras. Nightcrawler fights with the creature, but soon learns that the Vielfras is actually just a sixteen-year-old boy named Henrik Weber. After hearing Weber's tale of woe, Nightcrawler sympathizes with him and even tries to defend him when the townsfolk track him down. Nightcrawler is injured during the fighting and the Vielfras kills all of his attackers. Unable to live with himself any longer, the Vielfras takes his own life with a shotgun. Demon lord Mephisto appears to lay claim to Weber's soul. Nightcrawler returns to the United States and rejoins the X-Men.


  • One-shot special
  • Issue shipped on March 11th, 2009.


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

