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Quote1 All right, you egg-suckin' piece of gutter trash! You always did like pushin' around people smaller than you! Well I'M smaller! Try pushin' me! Quote2



Logan is a mutant with a powerful healing factor, enhanced senses, and retractable claws. Very little is known about Logan's early life, as what few memories he has of his past are tainted by false memory implants,[4]

At some point, Logan became an agent for the OSS, serving in Paris during World War II. On a mission to rescue French professor Andre Cocteau, Logan was backed up by Captain America. After breaking into the castle where he was held, they found that the professor had betrayed them to the Red Skull. The duo managed to foil the Skull's plans and destroy the super-weapon the professor had built for him. Unbeknownst to Logan, Cocteau had in fact been a double agent, feigning service to the Nazis. Logan swore vengeance against him, but did not learn the truth until Cocteau died of old age fifty years later.[3]

Many years later, Logan spent time in Japan, serving as a monk in a Buddhist temple. He became romantically entangled with Yuriko Oyama, the daughter of a professor who had designed a process allowing Adamantium to be bonded to a human. Logan was called away to Canada on a mission, which turned out to be a trap set by Weapon X.[5]

Department H and Alpha Flight[]

Logan was captured by Weapon X, who experimented on him and three others; Silver Fox, Maverick, and Sabretooth. They used false memory implants to make the four of them compliant and had them conduct covert missions around the world. The memory implants tapped into real traumas to make them as effective as possible, making it nearly impossible to discern which memories were true and which were fake.[4]

In an effort to make use of Logan's mutant healing factor Weapon X conducted an experiment using Professor Oyama's method to bond adamantium to his bones. After the procedure, Logan escaped and destroyed the lab. He wandered the Canadian wilderness half-crazed and without his memories until he was found by Heather Douglas and James Hudson. The two nursed him back to health and brought him to Department H, an arm of the Canadian government that fielded Alpha Flight, a team of Canadian superheroes. Logan joined the team, and assumed the codename "Wolverine". He eventually left, when he realized that Alpha Flight merely wanted to use him as a weapon.[6]

Logan eventually returned to the home he had shared with Yuriko in Japan, only to find her gone without a trace.[5]


At some point, Wolverine joined the X-Men. Professor Xavier used his telepathic powers to help Wolverine control his berserker rage, and he became close to Morph and developed a romantic interest in Jean Grey, the girlfriend and later wife of team leader Cyclops, with whom he frequently clashed due to Wolverine's rebellious nature.

After the X-Men took in the young mutant Jubilee and learned that the Mutant Control Agency was turning over its registered mutants to the mutant-hunting Sentinels, Wolverine and the other X-Men broke into the agency's compound to destroy their records. The mission was a success, but Morph was seemingly killed and Beast captured. Wolverine tried to immediately go back for them, but as the team was being overwhelmed by Sentinels, Cyclops gave the order to retreat. Back at the school, a furious Wolverine lashed out against Cyclops, blaming him for the loss of Morph and Beast, before storming out. The pair set aside their differences however, as Cyclops proposed an assault on the Sentinels' base, giving Wolverine a chance to avenge Morph.[7][8]

When Xavier took in Wolverine's old arch nemesis Sabretooth, who had been injured while storming Beast's trial, Wolverine attempted to get rid of him, believing that Sabretooth was too dangerous to keep around. Xavier and the other X-Men stopped him, but Wolverine was proved right, as it was revealed that Sabretooth had infiltrated the X-Men's headquarters on behalf of Xavier's old enemy Magneto. While the X-Men were fighting Magneto, Sabretooth had tricked Jubilee into freeing him, and nearly killed her, before Wolverine intervened. Sabretooth grievously wounded him in the resulting battle, before fleeing.[9]

Struggling with his unrequited feelings for Jean, Wolverine suddenly left the X-Men, travelling to the Arctic Circle. He was ambushed by Sabretooth, who nearly succeeded in killing him, but he was saved by a tribe of Inuit fishermen. The Inuits took Wolverine in, and gave him a brief time of peace, before Sabretooth tracked him down, kidnapped the villagers and burned down the village. He strapped them to a brittle ice bridge and planted bombs with 1 minute timers, forcing Wolverine to fight him. While initially tired of the endless cycle of violence between him and Sabretooth, Wolverine was given no choice but to fight him, and managed to force him off a cliff into a ravine. The villagers were saved, and Wolverine returned to the X-Men.[10]

Return of Morph and Alpha Flight[]

When Morph was revealed the be alive and returned to exact revenge on the X-Men, Wolverine was especially distraught. After Morph broke the conditioning he had endured at the hands of Mister Sinister and fled, Wolverine vowed to find him and bring him home. He tracked him deep into a jungle, and the two fought. Morph gained the upper hand but fled, telling Wolverine he needed to work out his issues on his own. Wolverine vowed to be there for his friend if he ever needed him.[11]

Wolverine returned to Canada after he was contacted by Heather. This turned out to be a trap however, as he found Alpha Flight waiting for him. They knocked him out and brought him to a Department H lab. Department H wanted to deduce why Wolverine had survived the adamantium bonding process, in order to replicate it. Heather had been put in charge of the experiments, but when the head of Department H ordered her to remove Wolverine's skeleton, she quit. The rest of Alpha Flight, barring Vindicator, had been kept in the dark regarding the true purpose of their mission, believing they had captured Wolverine simply so that he could re-join the team. When they learned the truth, they helped free Wolverine. Wolverine left, warning them never to come looking for him, for any reason, again.[6]

Reunited with Yuriko[]

While investigating a disturbance in the Morlock tunnels, Wolverine came upon Yuriko, now going by Lady Deathstrike, and her Reavers. Deathstrike blamed Wolverine for her father's death and had sworn to kill him, turning herself into a cyborg. Deathstrike and the Reavers had been drawn to the tunnels by an alien ship they wished to plunder, but the ship was revealed to contain a "Soul Feeder", an alien being capable of consuming the souls of others. After Deathstrike's men and Jubilee were taken by the creature, the two former lovers found themselves fighting side by side. Yuriko was eventually taken by the creature as well, but with aid from the X-Men, Wolverine managed to defeat it, freeing all the souls it had consumed. Yuriko departed, saying she owed him her life but that it changed nothing between them.[5][12]


While accompanying Rogue and Gambit on a skiing trip in the Alps, a bored Wolverine learned rumors of a "demon" haunting the town. The demon turned out to be a mutant by the name of Nightcrawler who was an ordained monk at the local monastery. Wolverine and his fellow X-Men helped Nightcrawler avert an attempt on his life by one of his fellow monks, in the process helping Nightcrawler win the town over. The devout Nightcrawler also helped Wolverine find his faith in God, something Wolverine had long since abandoned.[13]

Nightcrawler returned some time later to ask for Wolverine's aid. He had received a letter from his birthmother asking him for help. Wolverine, Rogue and Jubilee helped Nightcrawler find his mother, who was revealed to be Mystique. Mystique had been captured by her other son Graydon Creed, who hoped to lure his estranged family to his hideout where he could kill them. The X-Men managed to foil his plot, and gave Nightcrawler the chance to confront his mother for abandoning him.[14]

Proteus and Weapon X[]

When Xavier was contacted by his ex-fiancƩ Moira MacTaggert for help with an escaped mutant, Proteus, Wolverine, Rogue and Beast accompanied the Professor. Despite the fact that Proteus was a mere teenager, he possessed the ability to warp reality itself to his every whim. While confronting Proteus, he unleashed the full brunt of his powers on Wolverine, unmaking and re-constituting him. The experience shook Wolverine to his core, and left him traumatized and terrified. Despite barely finding it within himself to confront Proteus again, Wolverine managed to push through his fears. The Professor was eventually able to reach Proteus and resolve the conflict.[15]

Wolverine soon began to experience vivid dreams and hallucinations of repressed memories, most notably the murder of Silver Fox at the hands of Sabretooth. He began losing control of himself and attacking the X-Men, unable to distinguish reality from his memories. He left and returned to Weapon X to find answers, followed by Beast. There, he encountered Sabretooth, Maverick and Silver Fox. She revealed that she had tricked them into coming there, as all of them had been suffering from the same debilitating hallucinations. There, they learned that Weapon X had used false memory implants to condition them, leading them to question their memories. They managed to escape a Weapon X automaton which sought to re-capture and re-condition them, and left.[4]

Wolverine soon began to feel empty and to lose sight of his reasons for fighting. After an incident where he nearly killed a young man for cutting him off in traffic, and nearly killed Jubilee as well, he decided that he was no longer fit to be an X-Man. He left and returned to the village housing the Buddhist temple where he had once been a monk. He found the village plagued by the Silver Samurai and his thugs. Wolverine initially tried to stay out of the conflict, but when the thugs burnt down the temple as punishment for the villagers failure to pay, Wolverine decided to aid the villagers in stopping them. He defeated the Silver Samurai in single combat, and managed to help end their threat. Blaming herself for his departure Jubilee came to find him. Having found the inner peace he sought by using his powers for good, Wolverine decided to return with her to the X-Men.[16]

James Howlett (Earth-92131) from X-Men '97 Season 1 9 01
Logan, while visiting the grave of a suspected war criminal, remembered a mission during World War 2 with Captain America to save the war criminal who betrayed them to the Red Skull. He was visited at the grave by the man's daughter who revealed to Logan that he was a double agent working for the Allied Forces. After hearing this, Logan used his adamantium claws to carve the word "Hero" on his gravestone before taking his daughter to a restaurant to celebrate her father's life.[3]



  • Regeneration
  • Superhuman Strength
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Superhuman Stamina
  • Superhuman Agility
  • Superhuman Reflexes
  • Superhuman Senses
  • Retractable Claws



Formerly: Adamantium



  • On several occasions, Wolverine tried to use his healing blood to help the terminally ill. The procedure failed over 20 times, but his blood successfully healed 3 people, among them the young Morlock Leech.[17]
  • Like his counterpart from Earth-8107, this version of Wolverine wears the yellow and blue "Tigerstripe" costume from the comics.

See Also

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