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Marvel Database

XavierQuote1 I'm sorry, Logan, But I refuse. Erasing your memories is not the answer. Quote2
LoganQuote1 You were in my head, Chuck. You saw what I really am! Quote2
XavierQuote1 But I can also see the man you have become since then. Your memories stand as a testament to that journey. Quote2

Appearing in "Part 3 of 3: The Devil Inside"

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  • Professor X's Wheelchair

Synopsis for "Part 3 of 3: The Devil Inside"

Wolverine reflects on his place as a superhero while putting himself through a grueiling workout in the Danger Room. Once finished, he returns to Xavier for another attempt at accessing his memories. With his newly built protection device, Charles sends the duo into Wolverine's mindscape once again.

Wolverine's initial attempts at gathering information fails as he realizes the trio of doctors in charge of his transformation and conditioning are only figments of the past and cannot respond. He then comes face to face with his past self, freely roaming the halls of the Weapon X facility as this is a recollection of the night he escaped. A battle between the two Logans ensues, and unfortunately, the Wolverine of the current time period is forced to relive the events of his brutal fight for freedom from within his past self.

'Weapon X' rampages through the labaroties on a quest for blood, and just as the memory reaches the climatic assault on Professor Thorton, the real Wolverine prepares to end Professor Xavier's life. It isn't until he is subdued by the remaining X-Men that Logan snaps out of his confusion and relents.

Later that evening, Logan asks Charles to permanently remove the memories of Weapon X they had worked to uncover. Although he denies the initial request, the Professor assures Wolverine that he can rebuild the subconscious barriers to those memories. The story fades as Wolverine reflects on his new path: to spend his time looking to the future instead of dwelling on the past.

Appearing in "The Job"

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Synopsis for "The Job"

A young Remy LeBeau approaches a mysterious, remote facility in a frigid climate. The mutant theif has very little trouble making his way towards his prize while admiring his own skillset. After avoiding guards and lasers alike, Remy enters a bio storage room and discovers a large collection of humans within stasis. His surprised stumbling alerts two guards, who begin to chase him down, but the small, imposing form of a newly escaped Wolverine appears. The rogue experiment dispatches the guards and leaves the thief, who quickly collects his prize: a journal marked 'Diary of Nathaniel Essex'.

Once outside the compoud, Remy decides to destroy the journal rather than return it to his client. Days later, Remy and Jean-Luc meet with the client- Mr. Sinister, himself- who is informed of the loss of his notes. Sinister informs the young mutant that the information can luckily be recovered elsewhere and that the relationship between the two is far from over.

Solicit Synopsis

Wolverine finally has all the answers he wanted about his days at the Weapon X facility... but he's also discovered why those memories were so deeply buried to begin with! Will his quest for the truth unleash an even greater danger upon those around him? The only way to make sure it doesn't is by facing off against his greatest enemy - himself! Plus: Gambit has just been hired for the biggest job of his young life - a heist at the Weapon X facility! Bonne chance, mon ami!


See Also

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