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Quote1 I figured the rules would change sooner or later... so I've been keeping busy. It's amazing what you can put together with a few pieces of scrap metal and a little know-how. Quote2

John Greycrow is a mutant mercenary with the power to intuitively manipulate mechanical components.[13] Born into a Native American tribe, John served in World War II. After being sentenced to execution by the army for murdering eight of his fellow officers, John rose from the grave owing to his mutant healing factor. Here, he found Mr. Sinister, an unscrupulous geneticist with an interest in human evolution waiting for him.[1]

John began working for Sinister, and soon carved out his own career as a mercenary, taking jobs for Sinister intermittently through the coming decades.[1] Owing to his mutant healing factor, John would live a long life. His world collided with that of the X-Men when his old friend Gambit recruited him to Sinister's new team of mercenaries: the Marauders, and dispatched them to cleanse the Morlock Tunnels of what Sinister considered to be inferior mutants.[4]

John and the Marauders became mainstays in mutant affairs thereafter, being cloned again and again by Sinister every time they fell. Despite shorter periods of détante John and the Marauders would remain enemies of the X-Men.[14] [9]

John's life took a turn after the establishment of the mutant nation of Krakoa. He accepted the offer of amnesty given by Krakoa and joined the mutant nation. He had difficulty adapting to life on Krakoa, now living among both former enemies and old victims. He was conscripted into Sinister's new team the Hellions to find a productive use for his violent tendencies. Here he befriended several of his teammates, and developed feelings for Psylocke, who was herself on a journey away from a murderous past.[10]

With encouragement from Psylocke, John was able to overcome his violent past and strove to be a better person as the two began a romantic relationship.[15]


Early Life[]

John Greycrow was a Native American from an unidentified tribe[16] who was taught to use firearms from an early age by his abusive father.[17] He fought in World War II for the United States of America, but was sentenced to execution for murdering his fellow officers. He was shot by a firing squad and was believed killed. However, because of his mutant regenerative powers he survived and became a mercenary.[1]

During the Vietnam War, Greycrow began working for Mister Sinister, a depraved geneticist obsessed with the mutant genome. Sinister had set up shop in Vietnam, capturing soliders and locals for his experiments. On Sinister's behalf, Greycrow recruited Sabretooth, another mutant mercenary who had been drawn to Vietnam to make his living and satisfy his lust for blood.[18]

Decades later, he worked at a diner in Millstone, Arizona with Remy LeBeau and Claire DeLuc.[19] LeBeau later recruited him to join the Marauders on behalf of Mister Sinister.

John Greycrow (Earth-616) from Gambit Vol 3 9 0001


Greycrow became a member of the Marauders, a band of assassins who were gathered together by the mutant thief Gambit at the request of the enigmatic mastermind known as Mister Sinister. Here he was reunited with Sabretooth, whom he had worked with on Sinister's behalf decades earlier.[18]

First mission: Kill Madelyne Pryor[]

For their first mission,[20] the Marauders were tasked with the assassination of Sinister's former pawn Madelyne Pryor. Sinister had formerly erased any proof of her existence.[21]

Along with Arclight, Greycrow posed as a paramedic while Madelyn was the sole survivor of a plane crash in San Francisco. She tried to escape but was hunted by Greycrow, Arclight,[22] Prism, and Harpoon,[23] and was eventually shot by Greycrow and left for dead,[22] only for her to recover in a hospital.[24]

Mutant Massacre[]

Sinister next sent the Marauders to murder the entire population of the underground mutant community known as the Morlocks.[25]

In Los Angeles, the Marauders led by Greycrow attacked the Morlock Tommy, killing her friend and Hellfire Club agent Richard Salmons, and letting her escape, only for her to involuntarily lead them to the Alley, the Morlocks' secret home in the tunnels beneath New York City. After finding the Alley, Greycrow shot Tommy, and the Marauders entered the tunnels.[26]

Over the course of this mutant massacre, Greycrow killed countless Morlocks, including Annalee and her babies.[4][27] He also clashed with the X-Men[4] and Power Pack.[28]

Targeting X-Men allies[]

He was also tasked with the assassination of Polaris alongside Arclight and Sabretooth. Destroying her house and tracking her, they were unsuccessful in eliminating Polaris, as she was already possessed by Malice who used the magnetic powers of her host to defeat the three Marauders. Taking the leadership of the team from Greycrow as Sinister intended, she also revealed that the mission was only a test of her power.[29]

Later, the Marauders were chastised by Sinister, as Madelyne Pryor wasn't dead, and he threatened to kill one of the Marauders if the mission wasn't accomplished. The Marauders consequently assaulted the San Francisco Memorial Hospital, and Greycrow headed to Madelyne's room where he killed a nurse but was stopped in his execution by Rogue. Pryor used that opportunity to fight back, long enough for Dazzler to hit him with a blast thanks to Psylocke's telepathic monitoring.[21]

Following that brawl, both X-Men and Marauders scattered across town. Greycrow took position on the Golden Gate Bridge, intending to shoot down Rogue, but was stopped by Longshot and Wolverine. He was quickly backed up by Scrambler and Sabretooth, and the two X-Men fell from the Bridge.[30] The Marauders then retreated from the city.


Later, the Marauders relocated their base to the Morlocks' tunnels, and Greycrow and Sabretooth were sent to scout for intruders, only to be both defeated by Dazzler.[31] The Marauders escaped from the sewers, only for the battle to continue in the streets, right in the middle of the "Inferno" demonic invasion of New York City. Both mutant teams were also attacked by Demons and the armored soldiers of the Right. Greycrow himself targeted Rogue who took revenge on him for their San Francisco encounter.[32] All of the Marauders were killed during the invasion.

Fighting Nate Grey[]

Clones of the Marauders later clashed with the dimensionally-displaced young mutant known as Nate Grey after they attempted to assassinate Sinister's former servant, Threnody. Greycrow's clone was killed in this conflict, as X-Man telekinetically pulled the trigger of his gun, killing Prism and wounding Riptide, before being killed by the explosion of his munitions, again caused by X-Man.[7]

Post M-Day[]

Greycrow was one of the still-powered mutants living in tents on the Xavier Institute lawn after almost all mutants were depowered on M-Day.[14] However, when Apocalypse came seeking people for his cause, Greycrow chose to serve him. When Havok warned him, along with Fever Pitch and Skids, that they were in way over their heads, Greycrow replied that Apocalypse had explained it all to them and was on their side.[33] Also during his time as a member of the 198, he became romantically involved with his Marauders compatriot, Arclight.

He left the institute at the request of Sinister and re-joined the Marauders and fought the X-Men to lay claim to the Mutant Messiah, Hope Summers.[34] In the aftermath of Messiah Complex, Greycrow was scared of the X-Men and ran away from the Marauders. He was located by Nightcrawler, who apparently converted him to Christianity.[35]

He later joined the X-Men on Utopia after being brought in by Weapon Plus to deliver new versions of Predator X to attack the X-Men. He was granted sanctuary after warning the X-Men and helping them slay the beasts.[36] Greycrow fought alongside the X-Men during Second Coming,[37] and was also a part of the Age of X, an alteration of reality by the mad mutant Legion.

Later, Greycrow was tracked down by Magneto, who seemingly severed his arms and legs leaving him crippled.[38]

He later returned with his limbs restored and became a pawn of Magneto along with the other Marauders to be used by Magneto for his own uses.[39]

X-Men Disassembled[]

Greycrow and the Marauders struck off on their own, once again massacring the Morlock population. This led an angered Chamber, their new leader, to rejoin the X-Men. When the X-Men re-encountered the Morlocks, the Marauders fought briefly, but ultimately surrendered, professing their innocence. Not believing them, Chamber burned them to death with his psionic flame.[9]

Krakoa & The Hellions[]

Greycrow was later resurrected, presumably by the Five, and became a citizen of the new mutant nation of Krakoa. John now found himself sharing an island with many who had once been his victims. On the anniversary of the mutant massacre, surviving and resurrected Morlocks confronted and attempted to kill John, who fought back. Despite the fact that he had acted in self-defense, John kept silent on the details, resulting in him being sentenced to serve on the Hellions, a new group led by Mister Sinister intended at giving "troubled" mutants a chance to harness their violent natures for the good of Krakoa.[10]

Their first mission was to destroy one of Sinister's old clone farms, which had fallen into the hands of Madelyne Pryor. John found himself facing his old Marauders teammates, now enslaved by Madelyne. John had hoped that the Marauders would be resurrected by Krakoa, but since Marauder clones were still active, the Quiet Council had held off. John assassinated Madelyne and killed all of the Marauders before the Hellions destroyed the clone farm, freeing them to be resurrected and welcomed to Krakoa. Despite freeing them, John refused to help them assimilate on the island, feeling it was best for everyone if they went their separate ways.[40]

While a member of the Hellions, John began to grow closer with his teammates, chief among them Wildchild, whom he took it upon himself to wrangle during missions, and Orphan Maker. He also began to develop a growing attraction towards Psylocke, the group's field leader.[41] While getting along with most of his teammates, John often clashed with Empath, who used his ability to manipulate others' emotions to toy with his teammates. John warned him not to use his powers on the Hellions, even killing him during their first mission together after Empath disobeyed. This however would only lead Empath to further antagonize John.[40]

For their second mission, the Hellions were sent to Arakko, ostensibly on a mission to save Krakoa, but unbeknownst to them, the true purpose of the mission was to allow Mr. Sinister to steal the genetic material of Arakko's mutants. After an encounter with Tarn the Uncaring and his Locus Vile, John and the surviving Hellions narrowly escaped back to Krakoa, only to be killed by Sinister in order to hide the truth behind the mission.[42]

On another mission, they fought The Right and an army of Smiley robots until the robots became self-aware and turned against their master Cameron Hodge. Although the conflict was resolved, Psylocke revealed to him that she was under orders from the Quiet Council to never let a robot designed to hunt mutants develop consciousness, and for this reason had been ordered to upload a virus into the Smiley's, instantly destroying them. Understanding how it felt to be burdened by the guilt of taking lives, John stayed with her and offered her support as she did this.[43]

For their fourth mission, they were tasked with finding a vanished Mr. Sinister. Shortly after leaving Krakoa the whole team was captured by Mastermind and Arcade and taken to Murderworld for mental torture.[44] John was eventually freed from this mental prison when his mind connected with Psylocke's. From here they were seemingly able to free all their teammates from Mastermind's control. In reality, however, Mastermind was still in control and had been working for Sinister all along. He made the team think that they had defeated Arcade and destroyed Murderworld but, in reality, Sinister had claimed Murderworld as his new secret cloning lab and sent the team home none the wiser.[41]

When Sinister insisted on Psylocke and Havok accompanying him to the Hellfire Gala, to which the rest of the team wasn't invited, John was put in charge of the team for the night, but, wishing to spend more time with Psylocke, he led them in gatecrashing the party. John found Psylocke and the two shared a brief moment away from the team, but this was short-lived as he had to break up a fight between Wild Child and Daken, leading the Hellions to be ejected. Psylocke met them outside the gate and used her telepathy so the team could watch the "fireworks" together.[45]

The Hellions would begin to crumble when Tarn the Uncaring and his Locus Vile returned to avenge the theft of their genetic material by Sinister. While they managed to fight the Locus Vile evenly, Tarn easily dispatched the Hellions, before leaving to chase the fleeing Sinister. The Hellions would learn of Sinister's betrayals, and also that Psylocke had aided him by keeping his greatest secret; that he had used Tarn's DNA to create a Sinister-clone with Tarn's godlike powers. Upset over learning that Psylocke had lied to him, John killed the Locus Vile who had been left to guard them, and fed Amino Fetus, triggering its powers; a transformation that would end the universe itself. Tarn was forced to return to dispose of Amino Fetus, vowing revenge on the Hellions before leaving. While John and the Hellions wanted to destroy Sinister's clone and his secret facility, they stopped after Psylocke revealed that she had done Sinister's bidding because he held a copy of her dead daughter's consciousness captive in his facility, meaning that destroying it would cost Psylocke her child. Empath however revealed that he had been a spy for the Quiet Council all along, and used his powers to force Havok to destroy the facility.[46]

While recovering from their injuries, John vowed that he would kill Empath for his betrayal, and prevent him from ever being resurrected. While the Hellions officially disbanded, they soon reunited in order to save Orphan-Maker, who in a desperate attempt to win Nanny's approval, had stormed a base belonging to the Right in order to save the robot child she had adopted. After the child's mutant-hunting programming activated, it killed Nanny, driving Orphan-Maker mad with grief, causing him to murder not only every member of the Right at the base, but also two innocent park rangers, who stumbled upon the scene. For killing a human, Orphan-Maker was tried by the Quiet Council. Despite John and the Hellions making impassioned pleas on his behalf, he was sentenced to exile in the Pit.[15]

With the Hellions now truly disbanded, John embarked on his quest for vengeance against Empath. Before he could pull the trigger and kill him, Psylocke found him and asked him to stop. John obeyed, and the two made their way to a silent beach. John expressed his desire to perhaps open up a restaurant on Krakoa, now that he had no other purpose, and confessed his feelings for Psylocke. The two began dating shortly thereafter.[15]

Fall of X[]

Greycrow was one of the Mutants exiled to the White Hot Room during anti-mutant hate group Orchis' massacre at the third Hellfire Gala. Months later, he would be one of the mutants called upon by Askani to be sent back to assist Apocalypse and the X-Men's final counterattack against them.[47]


Power Grid[50]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Master: Single Form of Combat:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Regenerative:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Normal


  • Technoformation: The mutant power to manipulate mechanical components, assembling them into a variety of different configurations by modifying their shape and construction. He typically wears a costume that gives him easy access to a wide variety of components to manipulate. He regularly assembles a wide variety of firearms and projectile weapons from his vest.[13]
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: He has a healing factor sufficient enough for him to recover from gunfire and regrow entire limbs.[16]
    • Resurrection: Greycrow's healing factor can revive him after death.[1][16]
    • Decelerated Aging: Greycrow's healing factor retarded his aging to an unspecified degree.[16]


  • Technological Expertise: Well versed in technology.[16]
  • Marksmanship: Greycrow possesses uncanny marksmanship ability and is experienced in the use of all conventional weaponry.[16]
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Greycrow is an efficient hand to hand and armed fighter.[16]
  • Piloting: Greycrow is an experienced pilot.[16]


Mr. Sinister maintains a genetic kill-switch for John and the other Marauders, allowing him to kill them with the press of a button.[11]



Suit made of technological components, allowing him to scrap for weapons.[16]


Various firearms and ammunition, including explosive as well as "tracker" shells that follow their targets.[30]


  • Greycrow, along with most of the other Marauders, has been perpetually cloned by Mister Sinister, which explains how several of the Marauders have returned from being maimed or even dead on numerous occasions.[48]
  • While the character is better known as "Scalphunter" this name has been phased out of use by Marvel due to potentially racially insensitive connotations. Because of this, the article has been updated to note this as an alias but all mentions have been shifted just to Greycrow.

See Also

Links and References


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Weapon X (Vol. 2) #14
  2. ↑ Uncanny X-Men #516
  3. ↑ Weapon X (Vol. 2) #26
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Uncanny X-Men #211
  5. ↑ Hellions #5
  6. ↑ Hellions #3
  7. ↑ 7.0 7.1 X-Man #13
  8. ↑ X-Man #18
  9. ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 5) #18
  10. ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Hellions #1
  11. ↑ 11.0 11.1 Hellions #6
  12. ↑ Hellions #7
  13. ↑ 13.0 13.1 Marvel Encyclopedia #X-Men
  14. ↑ 14.0 14.1 X-Men: The 198 #5
  15. ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 Hellions #18
  16. ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update #1
  17. ↑ Hellions #13
  18. ↑ 18.0 18.1 Weapon X (Vol. 2) #27
  19. ↑ Uncanny X-Men #324
  20. ↑ X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files #1
  21. ↑ 21.0 21.1 Uncanny X-Men #221
  22. ↑ 22.0 22.1 Uncanny X-Men #215
  23. ↑ X-Factor #38: Flashback shows Prism and Harpoon along with Greycrow, while Uncanny X-Men #215 shows only Arclight with him
  24. ↑ Uncanny X-Men #206
  25. ↑ Greycrow's Mutant Massacre: 211; X-Factor #10; Power Pack #27; X-Factor #11; Uncanny X-Men #213
  26. ↑ Uncanny X-Men #210
  27. ↑ Power Pack #27
  28. ↑ X-Factor #11 (flashback); Not seen in Power Pack #27
  29. ↑ Uncanny X-Men #219
  30. ↑ 30.0 30.1 Uncanny X-Men #222
  31. ↑ Uncanny X-Men #240
  32. ↑ Uncanny X-Men #241
  33. ↑ X-Men (Vol. 2) #184
  34. ↑ X-Men (Vol. 2) #200
  35. ↑ X-Men Divided We Stand #1
  36. ↑ Uncanny X-Men #515–517
  37. ↑ New Mutants (Vol. 3) #14
  38. ↑ Magneto (Vol. 3) #6
  39. ↑ Magneto (Vol. 3) #15
  40. ↑ 40.0 40.1 Hellions #2–4
  41. ↑ 41.0 41.1 Hellions #11
  42. ↑ Hellions #5–6
  43. ↑ Hellions #7–8
  44. ↑ Hellions #9–10
  45. ↑ Hellions #12
  46. ↑ Hellions #14–16
  47. ↑ X-Men: Forever #2
  48. ↑ X-Men (Vol. 2) #34
  49. ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update #1
  50. ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update Vol 1 1