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Marvel Database

Briar Raleigh (Earth-616) from Magneto Vol 3 5 001
Briar Raleigh
Quote1 I take it... You got what you came for? Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 1 Cassaday Variant Textless
Quote1 I've destroyed S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Cerebro unit... And erased every mutant record from their databases. Quote2
Briar Raleigh (Earth-616) from Magneto Vol 3 5 001
Briar Raleigh
Quote1 I'm surprised you didn't do more... Really stick it in and break it off... Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 1 Cassaday Variant Textless
Quote1 This is only a warning shot, Ms. Raleigh. For now, S.H.I.E.L.D. can still be of use to us. I have no desire to go to war just yet. Quote2
Briar Raleigh (Earth-616) from Magneto Vol 3 5 001
Briar Raleigh
Quote1 Maybe you should have told the Marauders that. Quote2
Magneto Vol 3 1 Cassaday Variant Textless
Quote1 This is not war. This is a slap on the wrist. Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• S.H.I.E.L.D. has Magneto in its clutches.

• But just what ace does Magneto have up his sleeve that might allow him to turn the tables on his captors?

See Also

Links and References

