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Marvel Database

Quote1 My species is almost gone now... hunted to extinction... but you still fear me, don't you? Even an apex predator fears something. For every living thing in this cosmos, there's a natural enemy. Even for Klyntars. After all... what defines the cage? The Captive! Quote2
The Captive

Appearing in "Predation"

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  • Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress


Synopsis for "Predation"

In the skies over Manhattan, a B-17 Flying Fortress piloted by a pair of vampires soars over the skyscrapers. One of the vampires laments that his first bombing run since World War II is on American soil, his copilot questioning his loyalty to their master. The pilot disagrees, saying he just finds it ironic, and the copilot boasts he's been around since 1745 and got that old by unquestioningly following orders. The pilot agrees, but says their cargo--found by Dracula in a Russian gulag--will make them look like vegetarians and doesn't know when to stop. The pilot frets that their cargo will devour the whole world once unleashed, but his copilot says he will start with his natural prey and whether his partner wants to tell their boss they chickened out. Deploying their cargo, the pair of vampires fly away--the copilot quoting Oppenheimer as the pilot grins and says they're all sons of liches. The bomber's cargo, a high-tech coffin, crash-lands on the roof of a building and Threkker emerges, commenting that the starless sky looks beautiful, that nobody is there to stop him, and that he smells a symbiote.

Not long afterwards, the Venom symbiote--in its humanoid form--notes that the current situation is eerily similar to Knull's invasion of Earth and wonders if Eddie Brock has come to punish it for failing to protect their son Dylan. Firing a web-line, the Venom symbiote notes that while Dylan's body is alive, his soul is gone--leaving it without a host. Wondering when the last time that was, the symbiote recalls its brief time bonded to Lee Price, who it had escaped with Spider-Man's help... which turned out to be a trap. The Venom symbiote rejects the notion of rebonding to Peter, noting that both of them would rather die than do so. The Venom symbiote, through the absorbed memories of its clone Mania, recalls that Price--addicted to symbiosis after his stint as Venom--had stolen the Mania symbiote from its prior host, but had been murdered by Carnage, who ripped the Mania symbiote from his body while impersonating Eddie--the shock of separation proving fatal. Venom reabsorbed Mania's biomass after Eddie manifested All-Black and slew Dark Carnage, but Mania's mind had already been devoured and destroyed. At the time there hadn't been an opportunity to grieve due to Knull having been en-route to Earth, but now--slowly starving to death without a host--the Venom symbiote intends to use its remaining time to grieve. Struck by the sudden impulse to visit Price's grave and apologize for its role in his death, the Venom symbiote sets out to the cemetery where he was interred even as its humanoid form slowly deteriorates.

Elsewhere, Dylan Brock apologizes to Bren Waters and the Toxin symbiote for imposing on them as they lead him through an abandoned tunnel. Toxin replies that Dylan is like family to them and that they're sorry they couldn't do more, wondering if Dylan already asked Normie. Dylan says that wouldn't work due to his near-fatal altercation with Norman Osborn and Normie's mother Liz Allan being the CEO of Alchemax, noting that even without the Venom symbiote he's still a human/symbiote hybrid and thus a prime test subject. Dylan laments being unable to use his King in Black powers without a symbiote, unlike before Eddie tampered with his abilities. Setting out a mattress, Bren notes that he'd let Dylan stay at his place but that after the Noname incident his father Ozkar is already suspicious and would work things out. Dylan notes that Bren and Normie still have families to keep secrets from, and that he's lucky he doesn't have to go through that again. As Bren notes that the Venom symbiote is still out there somewhere, Dylan scoffs and asks how well Bren and the Toxin symbiote really know each other, bitterly saying that the Venom symbiote tired to hide all the bloodshed it caused--like dropping Angelo Fortunato from thirty stories, or forcing Eddie and Anne to kill people. Dylan laments that he now knows everything that the Venom symbiote has done, and everything that it's going to do if it reunites with Eddie. Dylan angrily states that he can't sense the Venom symbiote anymore and that even if he could he wants nothing more to do with it, Bren asking if he's sure about that given the current goings-on. Dylan smirks and replies that eternal night doomsday situations are old hat, Bren noting that at least this time Knull isn't responsible. As Bren becomes uncertain of that fact, Dylan assures him that Knull is dead and gone, and that if he could recover from what Eddie did to him they'd all know about it, and that he'd do something huge and globe-spanning... just like what's currently happening. As Dylan becomes less and less certain of his own words, Bren and Toxin rush off to check on Ozkar. Reiterating to himself that it's not Knull, Dylan assures Toxin that he'll be fine on his own--not noticing a pair of glowing red eyes watching him from the shadows.

Arriving at the cemetery where Lee Price was buried, the Venom symbiote notes that someone was kind enough to pay for a tombstone despite how expensive it is, wondering if it was one of Price's old military cohorts, his boss-turned-nemesis Felicia Hardy, or even Tombstone living up to his namesake. As the Venom symbiote contemplates entombing itself alongside Price and joining him in death, it's struck by an uncanny agonizing sensation. Investigating, it finds Price's grave disinterred and his coffin smashed open from the inside. Confused and alarmed, the Venom symbiote wonders what a natural symbiote for symbiotes would be, speculating that it would be a scavenger feeding on the corpses they leave in their wake. Hearing a sound, the Venom symbiote turns to see the undead form of Lee Price shambling towards it as the also-reanimated Mania symbiote slowly engulfs him. Attempting to speak, Price's reanimated corpse reaches out to the Venom symbiote--who is left shocked and horrified as it attempts to rationalize what it's seeing. The undead Mania symbiote shoots out tendrils that snare the Venom symbiote, Price attempting to force it to rebond to him as he had in life. Struck by an echo of Price's iron will and how he had dominated it, the Venom symbiote is briefly paralyzed--reflecting that this must be how its kind's hosts feel when they take over. Remembering that it no longer has a host, the Venom symbiote sheds its humanoid form to escape and demands to know what the undead Price and his symbiote are since both Price and the Mania symbiote are dead and gone. Price rasps that he is a remnant, Venom deducing that the remnants of the Mania symbiote left in Price's body have been reanimated alongside him into an undead "zombiote". Snapping the cross off Price's tombstone, the Venon symbiote wills itself into a humanoid form again and smashes Price's skull in. As the Venom symbiote tells Price to stay dead, an unfamiliar voice remarks that that won't stop him. Turning, Venom sees Threkker approaching, the alien vampire sneering that he reanimated Price to lure the Venom symbiote in and mocking it for being oblivious to his trap. Scoffing that the symbiotes' hosts have always been their weakness, Threkker states that even though his own species is all-but extinct the Venom symbiote instinctively knows to fear him. As Threkker bares his fangs, naming himself the Captive and preparing to attack, the Venom symbiote is paralyzed by terror, realizing though genetic memory that Threkker's species once gorged themselves on its kind on Klyntar, and that in its weakened state it stands no chance against him.

In his new hideout, Dylan lounges on his mattress while lamenting his powerlessness. Sitting upright, he notes that he should be out fighting as Codex, using his Necrosword to save people, but that without Venom or another symbiote he's unable to summon All-Black or transform. Standing and stretching, he laments that it makes no sense for him to need another symbiote given that he's half-symbiote himself, but an unfamiliar voice interrupts and says that everyone needs somebody. Alarmed, Dylan wheels around and demands to know who's there, the speaker saying they're just a soul on a mission to minister to the homeless and save their eternal lives. A pair of glowing red eyes and fanged teeth glint out of a darkened doorway as the voice says he recognizes the name Venom, which makes him the friend of a friend or the enemy of an enemy. Emerging from the shadows, the priest who once ministered over Our Lady of Saints Church and who'd been hospitalized by the Venom symbiote--now a vampire--says that he knows all of Venom's darkest secrets too, since a lifetime ago he took Venom's confession.

Solicit Synopsis


As the earth is smothered in eternal night, VENOM unleashes their lethal justice on the hordes of bloodsucking vampires threatening the innocents of New York City. But there’s one vampiric foe that thirsts not for blood – but for SYMBIOTES! Vampires aren’t the only threat – the dead now rise! LEE PRICE, one-time host to the Venom symbiote, has been ripped from his grave. And he’s got a bone…or a brain to pick…with his old partner!


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