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Quote1 I need you to understand... I'm not my father. If we're going to do this... I have to find my own way. He regretted it, y'know? All the darkness that came with being Venom. He wanted something else for me. Something different. Quote2
Dylan Brock[src]

Dylan Brock is the son of Eddie Brock, Anne Weying, and the Venom symbiote. When Anne bonded to the Venom symbiote, the will of the Symbiote Hive caused her codex to incarnate into a human form, with the intent of having the ensuing human/symbiote hybrid destroy their god Knull. Traumatized by the seemingly immaculate conception, Anne left Dylan as an infant with his paternal grandfather, Carl Brock, and would eventually commit suicide out of fear, paranoia, and trauma from what she had done as She-Venom.[9][10][11]

Growing up, Dylan believed Carl to be his father, and was shocked to learn he had an "elder brother" named Eddie. When Eddie came to their house to reconcile with his father, he was surprised to find out about Dylan's existence. Dylan came to him so they could kill Carl, though later admitting he only wanted his "father" to stop physically hurting him. He decided to stay with Eddie until he had a hallucination of Knull and entered in a coma. Haunted by his nightmares, Eddie discovered that Dylan was his son, so he decided to take Dylan with him, keeping this revelation a secret.[12]

When Carnage was collecting trace remnants of symbiotes from the previous hosts' spines, Dylan discovered he had powers similar to Knull's and that Eddie was purportedly his father; while Eddie learned that Dylan was Anne's codex incarnated in human form. To save Dylan from being killed by Carnage, Eddie killed his longtime nemesis and accidentally freed Knull from his Klyntar.[13]

When Knull arrived on Earth, Dylan used his powers to free the heroes taken over by Knull's symbiotes and rejected the dark god's attempt to claim him as his son. When Eddie, who'd been killed by Knull, was revived by the God of Light and vaporized Knull, the dark elder god tried to possess Dylan. Fortunately, Eddie used the Uni-Power to remove his darkness from Dylan, seemingly rendering him a normal human.[14] Unable to adjust to civilian life, Dylan tried to stop a mugging being committed by Jack O'Lantern and was fatally shot, forcing the Venom symbiote to bond to him to save his life; becoming the new Venom with Eddie's blessing.[1]

When Eddie's physical body was killed and his codex trapped in a time-loop caused by a future version of himself called Meridius, Dylan started assembling an army to rescue his father. Fatally injured by a future version of Eddie called Bedlam, Dylan's conscience was drawn into the Venom symbiote's mindspace and confronted by an astral projection of his father. Defeating it and deciding to step out of Eddie's shadow, Dylan learned of his origins as a Human/Symbiote Hybrid and was guided by Venom's voice to reclaim his sealed powers. As the Venom symbiote remerged with Dylan's body, he assumed his Earth-1051's counterpart identity as Codex and swore revenge on his father.[3]



After Anne Weying was mortally wounded by the Sin-Eater, Eddie Brock transferred the Venom symbiote to her in order to save her life - transforming her into the monstrous She-Venom; and for a moment they were simultaneously bonded to it, connected mentally and physically to each other.[15] After the symbiote returned to Eddie, it left a piece of itself called a codex within Anne, who later found herself suddenly and mysteriously pregnant and gave birth to a son she named Dylan - the symbiote codex that merged with a fetus incarnated in human form.[16][17] Traumatized by the experience, Anne left her infant son with his paternal grandfather Carl Brock, promising to return;[18] though she later committed suicide.[9] Despite raising Dylan as his own son and providing him with a degree of the love and affection he had refused Eddie, Carl was physically abusive towards his grandson - lashing out when angry and occasionally severely injuring him.[19]

Meeting Eddie[]

Dylan Brock (Earth-616) from Venom Vol 4 9 001

Dylan meets Eddie Brock

Dylan remained oblivious to the existence of his biological father for nine years, only encountering him when a badly-injured Eddie showed up at their doorstep pursued by purported government agents from Project Oversight. Frightened, Dylan asked his grandfather who the strange man begging for help was, but Carl told him that Eddie was no-one and to get inside their house.[20]

A month later, Eddie came to the Brock house seeking to make amends with their father but lost control of the Venom symbiote. Dylan later tracked Eddie down, believing him to be his older half-brother; and revealed that Carl had badly beaten him - presumably for pressing him for information on Eddie - and bitterly suggested that they kill their father.[21] Eddie agreed to help Dylan, but suffered a PTSD-induced hallucination and attacked him. Stopping before he could harm Dylan, Eddie collapsed into a coma. Dylan called an ambulance and accompanied Eddie to the hospital, where he encountered the Maker and learned that Eddie was possibly dying of cancer. When the Maker announced his intent to potentially kill Eddie by removing the Venom symbiote, Dylan fled to find help only to run into Carl - who had been contacted by the authorities to pick him up. Terrified of being beaten, Dylan refused to obey Carl's order to come with him and was chased through the hospital by his furious grandfather, who cornered him in a janitorial closet.[22]

Carl took Dylan and forced him into his car, much to the boy's anger. Dylan and his grandfather argued about their views on Eddie, with Dylan respecting and admiring Eddie for not whitewashing who he was. His back-talk enraged Carl, who prepared to strike him, but he was stopped by the Venom symbiote, who sought redemption for its actions. The alien biomass left Carl in a desert and returned Dylan to the hospital, telling him that it wanted to be better, and that "they" would be better off without it. Confused due to thinking Eddie was inside it, Dylan returned to the room he'd last seen Eddie in, finding it in ruins and Eddie on the ground. After Eddie awoke, Dylan told Eddie what had happened and that the symbiote saved him. Worried, he then asked Eddie where the symbiote had gone.[10]

Absolute Carnage[]

Dylan journeyed to New York with Eddie just in time for the world to become embroiled in the War of the Realms, taking shelter in Rex Strickland's warehouse.[23] Dylan bonded with Eddie some more after coming down with a cold,[24] but the peaceful days didn't last for long.

Dylan Brock (Earth-616) and Carnage (Symbiote) (Earth-616) from Absolute Carnage Vol 1 5 001

Dylan blows up the Carnage symbiote

Realizing they were being hunted, Eddie informed Dylan of his longtime nemesis Carnage - who had bonded to an offshoot of the primordial Grendel symbiote and was trying to unleash the imprisoned dark god Knull by consuming the codexes of other symbiote hosts. Rescued from Carnage by the Venom symbiote, which rebonded to Eddie, Dylan was introduced to his father's longtime rival Spider-Man, who he took an immediate dislike to. Taken back to Rex Strickland's warehouse, Dylan was introduced to the Maker - an evil version of Reed Richards from a parallel universe, and Spider-Man's godson Normie Osborn - who had been bonded to the Carnage symbiote by his grandfather Norman Osborn.[25]

Left in the Maker's care while Spider-Man and Venom went to retrieve Norman, Dylan quickly befriended Normie and vehemently refused to let the Maker test his codex-extraction machine on him. When the Riot, Agony, Phage, and Lasher symbiotes attacked, Dylan took Normie to the warehouse's fortified armory. Cornered by Phage, Dylan put himself between Normie and the symbiote; but they were rescued by Sleeper, the Venom symbiote's most-recent spawn.[26] Sleeper tried to transfer to Dylan, but was subdued and captured by the Maker, who decided to kill it alongside is siblings with his machine despite Dylan's protests. When Dylan unleashed the Life Foundation symbiotes in an attempt to stop him, Sleeper was left trapped and powerless to help as the Life Foundation symbiotes merged back into Hybrid and took over the Maker. Hybrid started to chase down Dylan, but was defeated by Captain America alongside Spider-Man, the Thing, and Wolverine. Dylan freed Sleeper, which attempted to bond to him but was repelled when Dylan's symbiote powers activated. Forcibly seizing control of Sleeper, Dylan had it transform into a giant wolf and douse Hybrid with napalm, which was set ablaze by the newly arrived Hawkeye. While Normie's codex was removed, Dylan reconciled with Sleeper and was delighted to see Eddie return safely.[27]

When Dark Carnage and his horde attacked, Eddie left Dylan and Normie in Spider-Man's care and instructed them to use the tunnels to escape.[28] Pursued by the Carnageized Norman Osborn, Dylan and Normie hid while Spider-Man attempted to fend him off; winning with surreptitious assistance from the centipede-demon Kindred.[29] However, Spider-Man fell unconscious and Norman's offshoot of the Carnageized Grendel symbiote separated from him and attacked Dylan and Normie. Dylan's powers activated, enabling him to repel and kill it before falling unconscious.

Eddie (who had bonded to a symbiote formed from the S.C.I.T.H.E.-extracted codices) and Dark Carnage (who had absorbed the Venom symbiote) fell through the roof of the tunnel, the serial killer grabbing Dylan and telling Eddie that he could either let him claim Dylan's codex or kill him to save Dylan and reclaim the Venom symbiote, but either way he would "complete the circle" and Knull would be unleashed. Unwittingly revealing that Dylan was his son, Eddie manifested a Necrosword from his symbiote and killed Dark Carnage, absorbing both the Venom and Grendel symbiotes. After regaining consciousness, Spider-Man left with Normie, and Dylan and Eddie rested for a moment. Staring blankly ahead in shock, Dylan asked if he was really Eddie's son.[13] Dylan then told Eddie that he needed to check on Normie, but Eddie knew that it was an excuse. Dylan then started crying, blaming Eddie for abandoning him and left him at the abuse of Carl. Eddie, who also started crying, hugged Dylan, apologizing and promising to Dylan that he would never abandon him again, before leaving the place.[17]

Venom Island and Beyond[]

Dylan Brock (Earth-616) and Carnage (Symbiote) (Earth-616) from Web of Venom The Good Son Vol 1 1 001

Dylan using Carnage to attack Normie

Dylan began living with Normie at Harry Osborn and Liz Allan's house, but he began suffering from nightmares of Knull;[30] recording his nightmares and visions in a journal.[4] Dylan eventually regained his senses, and decided to help his dad in defeating Knull. Using his power on the offshoot, he was able to see through the eyes of the merged Carnage and Venom symbiotes, watching as Carnage was hunting Eddie.[31] After the symbiotes were separated from a lightning, Carnage got hold of Eddie and bonded to him with the intention of using Eddie to kill his loved ones. Dylan wanting to help his father, unintentionally created a portal out of the Carnage offshoot. Upon going through the portal, Dylan was able to possess and communicate with the Venom symbiote, turning the symbiote into a the form of a Tyrannosaurus rex in order to free Eddie from Carnage.[32] During the fight, Dylan entered the mind of the malevolent symbiote where he found his father caged. Dylan admitted to his father about his powers and tried free him, but Carnage shoved Dylan out of the portal causing Dylan to fall off the roof. Luckily, Sleeper caught him, despite the pain Dylan was causing to it, and told Dylan to sever from the Hive mind. Initially he refused, but Eddie encouraged Dylan to keep fighting and he will always be with him. Dylan then used his powers to destroy Carnage's offshoot causing the main body of the symbiote to leave Eddie's body. Afterwards Dylan was reunited with his dad.[33]

Eddie and Dylan, wanting to know what to do with Dylan's powers, returned to the Maker in order for him to check Dylan. However, Maker refused, since he already got what he needed from Venom and revealed to them that he bonded to his universe's Venom symbiote. However, Virus attacked them, intending to get his revenge on Eddie. This caused Maker's interdimensional portal to suck all of them and send Dylan, Eddie with Venom symbiote, and Virus into a universe where it was ruled by symbiotes.[34] As Dylan's mind was overwhelmed by the interaction with this new Hive, Eddie was again attacked by Virus, prompting this universe's Avengers to arrive and capture them. Venom and Dylan managed to evade them and hid themselves in the sewers where they met the Underground resistance, a group of people who symbiote suits resembled that of Agent Venom and were what was left of humanity - one of them being the counterpart of Dylan's deceased mother, Annie Weying.[35]

As Annie explained what happened to the Eddie of that world and as they started to develop a level of trust, the other Agents revealed themselves: Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Andi Benton, and Cletus Kasady. When Eddie tried to pick a fight with Cletus given their past, they were briefly interrupted by the arrival of other symbiotes; their fight was short as Dylan observed Agent Deadpool revealing explosives he implanted into himself, given his healing factor and his preparation for a situation like this (not to mention his insanity), they ran to their base. Greeted by a mentally unstable Reed Richards, Dylan revealed his name to him. Shocked, Annie revealed the Dylan of their reality was the Hive's leader, Codex.[36]

Dylan tried to approach Annie but she dismissed him as her son given her experience; though guilty and wanting to make amends, it felt too much for her. As Deadpool returned with his head decapitated, a symbiote Scorpion appeared in search for Dylan. As the symbiote hybrid dissolved his symbiote, the man behind Scorpion was revealed to be none other than Mac Gargan himself.[37] As they readied to attack Codex's base using Gargan to locate him, Dylan approached Annie one last time and as they talked at what they lost, they finally embraced, Dylan finally receiving the motherly love he was so long denied. Attacking Codex's base, they infused both Dylans' memories into each other, restoring Codex's humanity before he fell into a coma.

As that reality returned to normal, Dylan and Eddie stayed with Annie at Earth-1051 for one year. After Otto and Reed fixed a machine to transport them back home, they bid farewell to Annie, just in time for Knull's arrival.[38]

Second Symbiote Invasion[]

Dylan Brock (Earth-616) from Venom Vol 4 33 001

Dylan during the symbiote invasion

When Knull began his invasion, Eddie Brock locked Dylan in a safehouse in order to keep him away from the attack.[39] While in said safehouse, he eventually learned of his father being separated from the Venom symbiote by Knull and said symbiote being absorbed into his armor. Dylan tried to speak to the symbiote with his powers, but the symbiote locked him out of the connection, saying that the hive would track him down if they talked any longer.[40] Shortly afterward, Spider-Man came to retrieve Dylan from the bunker as he asked if his father was dead. The two relocated to 4 Yancy Street, the home base of the Fantastic Four, where other heroes who managed to escape Knull's wrath were hiding. In an attempt to save Eddie, Tony Stark initiated a plan that involved retrieving a symbiote from one of Knull's dragons. While initially supporting this plan, Dylan and the rest of the heroes quickly realized that the symbiote was further killing an already fatally wounded Eddie, forcing Dylan to disintegrate the symbiote with his powers. While Reed realized that his power could prove essential to defeating Knull, Eddie's EKG flatlined, leaving everyone in mourning as the once lethal protector died, Dylan left in shock.[41]

Devastated and enraged, Dylan took to the frontlines and used his powers to free several of the people Knull had taken over. Noticing Dylan, Knull attempted to attack him but was stopped by Thor, who helped Dylan free many of the Knullified heroes. When Knull attacked Thor and gained the upper hand, Dylan distracted the dark god long enough for Thor to get a second wind.[42] When Knull nonetheless incapacitated Thor and captured him, Dylan — with help from Marvel Girl — tricked Knull into thinking he was surrendering and freed the remaining Knullified heroes.[11] After Eddie — who had become Captain Universe — destroyed Knull's physical body, the dark god attempted to take over Dylan. However, Eddie used the Uni-Power to forcibly remove the living abyss from Dylan and destroy it, seemingly destroying Knull for good and rendering Dylan a normal human.[43]

All-New Venom[]

Moving into a house alongside his father, Venom, and Sleeper, Dylan was enrolled in Midtown High School but struggled to cope with his pent-up rage and frustration at his powerlessness, inability to adjust to civilian life after having spent much of his life fighting, and Eddie frequently neglecting him to attend to his obligations as the God of the Symbiotes. Picked on by bullies like Kenny McFarlane Jr., Dylan frequently got into trouble and ended up in detention, leading Eddie to task the Venom symbiote with keeping an eye on him.

Dylan Brock (Earth-616) and Venom (Symbiote) (Earth-616) from Venom Vol 4 35 002

Dylan becomes Venom

While walking home from school, Dylan came across Jack O'Lantern mugging a woman and intervened, but was shot in the chest when the Venom symbiote attempted to scare Jack O'Lantern away. Out of desperation, the Venom symbiote bonded to Dylan and they trounced Jack O'Lantern together. Eddie approached them and remarked that he had anticipated Dylan becoming his successor, questioning his son's alterations to Venom's appearance but giving Dylan his blessing to operate as a superhero.[1]

War Against the Absent Throne[]

His father's work as the King in Black meant that Eddie stopped being around Dylan for long periods of time, leaving for days and even weeks at a time. This - along with the Venom symbiote also leaving to wander the city on its own - left Dylan feeling abandoned. One night, Dylan was woken up by his father, who told him that they needed to go. However, as he packed Dylan received a phone call from his actual father telling him that the Eddie that was in their house was an impostor and he needed to secretly leave. Dylan was instructed to go to an old motel near Central New York, and he went along with Sleeper. Before Dylan could reunite with his father, a military helicopter swooped in and fired a rocket that shot past Dylan and blew up the motel, killing Eddie. Dylan ran towards the flames but was stopped by the Venom symbiote, bonding with it against his father's orders and going berserk, slaughtering the soldiers sent to apprehend him for killing his father.[44] After the fight, Dylan escaped with the Venom symbiote and Sleeper. Following instructions left by Eddie via voicemail, they eventually met with an old friend of his father, Archer Lyle, while being chased by the Life Foundation.[45]

Venom Vol 5 7 Textless

Venom fights the Bedlam symbiote

Archer revealed to Dylan her investigation on Absent Throne, an organization pulling the strings of corporations and politicians. Dylan and Sleeper later followed her to investigate a research facility in Plymouth while leaving the Venom symbiote behind, but this turned out to be a trap as Archer was working with Alchemax CEO Liz Allan, leading to Dylan and Sleeper being captured.[46] While Dylan was being experimented on, the symbiotes that were in some containment units in the adjacent room started getting controlled by what seemed to be Eddie Brock, who was alive and made the symbiotes merge. As his father's conscious quickly banished, Dylan briefly talked to him before being freed by the symbiotes. Dylan then went to rescue Sleeper from his containment unit but was met with various armed guards. Cornered, he was saved by the Venom symbiote who bonded with him.[47]

After escaping Alchemax, Dylan, Sleeper and Venom stayed at the bar of a retired biker named Jake Yahkin that used to lead a biker gang named the Renegades on Baywater, California. One night Dylan and Venom fought a biker gang called the Hell Hounds, who were wreaking havoc in town.[48] During the fight, Sleeper separated from Dylan to distract the Life Foundation, while Dylan returned to help Jake at his bar. Unfortunately, Venom was attacked by a colossal symbiote called Bedlam, which prevented Dylan from reaching Jake, leading to his death. The symbiote revealed to Dylan that he was a King in Black with the goal of making Venom stronger before transforming into his human self, leaving Dylan to gaze the face of his father.[49]

Dylan Brock (Earth-616) and Venom (Symbiote) (Earth-616) from Venom Vol 5 12 001

Dylan becomes Codex

Mortally wounded, Dylan was tossed aside by Bedlam and left to die. Too weakened to heal him, the Venom symbiote extracted his consciousness as a codex and escaped, leaving Dylan's body to be taken by the Life Foundation and put on life-support. Inside the Venom symbiote's mental world, Dylan's codex was attacked by manifestations of its corruption and fought them until a cloaked and hooded figure called the Keeper intervened. The Keeper explained that in order to survive Dylan needed to return to his body, but that with Eddie's death the time had come for him to learn the truth about his origins. Unmasking himself as a copy of Eddie Brock's memories, the Keeper transformed into Venom and challenged Dylan to a fight.[50] While Dylan initially refused to fight his father, he manifested an arm-blade and cut the Keeper down in self-defence, and the Keeper assured Dylan he was ready to face the truth before bonding his symbiote to Dylan's astral form. Ascending into the Klyntar within "Venomworld", Dylan learned the truth of his origins and manifested All-Black the Necrosword.

Dylan's physical body was rescued by Sleeper, who took it back to Baywater and rebonded it to the dying Venom symbiote. Assuming an adult form resembling his counterpart from Earth-1051, Dylan accepted his true nature and took the name Codex.[3]

Deciding to use his status as a hybrid to save his father, Dylan started building an army that would help him fight the coming threat. He contacted Normie Osborn and made him bond with the Rascal symbiote. The two then went to fight Eddie Brock, who had recently been turned into Bedlam, and were met with the arrival of Ms. Marvel in the middle of the battle.[5] She attempted to break off the fight as the symbiote-augmented heroes were endangering innocent people. Dylan began arguing with her, allowing Bedlam to escape though Normie went after him. The two heroes noticed their absence and quickly relocated Normie who was fighting a healed Bedlam. During the fight Dylan reverted to his normal form, revealing to Ms. Marvel that he was just a kid. After Bedlam was teleported away by Goblin Queen, the three teenagers then began discussing over the boys' decision to don the symbiotes and become heroes despite being young and inexperienced.[2]

Being pursued by the New Enforcers who were paid by both Alchemax and the Life Foundation to recapture him, Dylan sought the help of Moon Knight. He agreed to help and had the New Enforcers enter the living building of the Midnight Mission. With the help of the building the two heroes battled the New Enforcers and managed to take them down. After the battle was over, Dylan informed Moon Knight about a strange sound he and his symbiote had hearing. Figuring out that the sound belonged to Sarnak the two tracked him down. However, Sarnak notified the police, opting to turn himself in rather than let Moon Knight take him. With Sarnak in jail, the two heroes parted ways, with Moon Knight telling Dylan that he had a place in the Midnight Mission, though the latter respectfully refused.[51]

Dylan and the symbiotes were abducted by the sorceress Agatha Harkness and brought to the amusement park Hopper Land in England where they met with Deadpool. There they were informed by Harkness' familiars that if they battled they would be rewarded with a souvenir composed of Chaos Magic that could alter reality. Venom fought Deadpool and ultimately came out victorious. Dylan was soon taken by Harkness who began mind controlling him and the symbiote, alongside other heroes she had abducted, in order to use them as part of her ritual to create a new Darkhold.[52] Dylan and the other mind controlled heroes were brought to the Bermuda Triangle where they were set to protect Harkness while she performing her ritual. They battled the Avengers who came to thwart Harkness' plan, but despite this the team managed to interrupt the ritual. In the aftermath, the heroes who fell under Harkness' control were freed and returned to their lives.[53]

Needing his own group to bring down the Absent Throne and save his father, Dylan began forming his own hive with Sleeper and Red Goblin, eventually recruiting Flexo and Toxin.[54] Going to work in a warehouse to earn for living, Dylan's coworkers were all massacred by the apotheosized Carnage who left clues for him to follow. Following the clues, Dylan confronted the reborn Cletus Kasady. However, during the ensuing fight, Carnage showed Dylan the pain and suffering the Venom symbiote had caused to its various hosts, causing him to lose his trust in his symbiote. This allowed Carnage to easily remove the Venom symbiote from Dylan and stab his heart, killing him. This act led to the two siblings, Dylan and the Carnage symbiote, to go through the Un-Beyond, where Dylan met the Eventuality. Speaking with the being, Dylan was shown a vision of what would come to pass if Eddie reclaimed the Venom symbiote and was returned to life thanks to the Venom symbiote healing his body, but found no trace of the symbiote, having left to avoid bringing him any more misfortune.[55]

Meeting a future version of himself, Dylan confessed his fears that he would not be able to stop Eddie should the worst come to pass.[56] Seeking refuge as vampires blackened the skies, Dylan reached out to Bren and Toxin, who provided him with a place to stay but were concerned that Knull had somehow returned. Assuring them that Knull was gone for good, Dylan lamented his inability to use his King in Black powers or become Codex without being bonded to a symbiote--disgusted by the Venom symbiote after having had its darkest secrets revealed to him--and was approached by a priest previously acquainted with Venom, now a vampire.[57]


Quote1 I can feel it. Your desires, your thoughts: "No killing, Venom. No breaking bones. No teeth. No claws. No tearing flesh." And yet, when we bonded, Dylan, something changed. I am... different... unleashed somehow... because of something within you. But you're turning away from it, locking it up in some dark corner because you're afraid... afraid of who we really are. Afraid that it means you're going to walk a road just as lonely as your dad's. Quote2
Venom Symbiote[src]

Like his father, Dylan possesses a strong sense of justice, scolding Eddie for not correcting a waiter who'd assumed he was a war veteran after being told he had PTSD.[19] He also expressed admiration towards Eddie for acknowledging he was a bad person and trying to better himself, rather than being in denial about it like his paternal grandfather.[10] Despite initially not getting along with Normie Osborn, Dylan became fiercely protective of him - refusing to let the Maker experiment on him and putting himself between Normie and Phage.[26] Under Knull's influence, Dylan became manipulative and cruel, threatening others with his offshoot of the Carnage symbiote and eventually pledging to spread the dark god's worship and kill anyone who opposed him.[4] Although, he eventually regained his senses and decided to turn on Knull, and help Eddie in defeating him.[31]

Both Eddie's absence and the Venom symbiote disappearing made Dylan feel abandoned. He also felt hate and anger which manifested in various fights at school. After his father's apparent death, Dylan bonded to Venom and went berserk, manifesting all the hate he had inside of him on a rampage.[44] This event led to Dylan fearing the Venom symbiote, and seeing Venom also made Dylan miss his dad.[46] When bonding with Venom became a necessity, Dylan got into various arguments with the symbiote for wanting to be a more heroic vigilante as Venom.[48]


Power Grid[67]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Single Type: Short Range:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Normal


Black-and-White Symbiotic Costume: Dylan Brock possesses the typical powers of a host of the venom symbiote.

  • Superhuman Strength
  • Superhuman Speed
  • Superhuman Agility
  • Superhuman Senses
  • Superhuman Stamina
  • Superhuman Reflexes
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Dylan was able to completely regenerate from gunshots to the chest.
  • Wall-Crawling
  • Offspring Detection
  • Genetic Memory
  • ESP
  • Spider-Sense Immunity
  • Constituent-Matter Generation: Dylan has been shown to generate chains from his wrists & use for various purposes like swinging.
  • Constituent-Matter Manipulation
  • Invisibility
  • Shapeshifting
  • Night Vision
  • Spider-Man Detection
  • Venomous Fangs
  • Telepathy Resistance
  • Empathetic Empowerment
  • Energy Transference
    • Energy Absorption

Human/Symbiote Hybrid Physiology: Dylan outwardly appears to be a normal human boy, but is actually a piece of the Venom symbiote incarnated in human form,[16] giving him powers similar to Knull's. Dylan was initially unable to consciously control his powers, which would activate instinctually under moments of extreme stress - such as when his life is being endangered by enemy symbiotes.[58] However, with practice and instruction from Knull, Dylan eventually became able to consciously utilize them.[4] When Dylan's powers are activated, his eyes turn from having blue irises and white sclerae to being black, sometimes with tendrils emerging from the outer corners,[59] and with white or red spirals in place of his pupils and irises.[13][4] According to Mister Fantastic's analysis, Dylan's powers derive not from Knull but his opposite, the God of Light.[42] After Knull's physical body was destroyed by Eddie Brock -- who had become Captain Universe, his consciousness tried to take over Dylan's body using the living abyss inside him. This was extracted by Eddie Brock using the Uni-Power, seemingly destroying Knull for good and rendering Dylan a normal human,[43] though Eddie only hid Dylan's powers within the Venom symbiote, with Dylan eventually reclaiming it, enabling him to transform into Codex and manifest All-Black.[3] However, as a result of Eddie's tampering Dylan can no longer draw on his powers at will and must be bonded to a symbiote in order to access them.[57]

  • Symbiote Domination: Dylan is able to sense symbiotes;[60] and when his powers are activated he is able to forcibly repel symbiotes attempting to bond to him.[61][33] He can forcibly control them against their will,[58] and is also able to easily kill symbiotes that are threatening his life.[13] Dylan is unable to bond to symbiotes,[31] and attempting to do so or even being in contact with them when his powers are active causes them excruciating pain.[59] However, Dylan is able to remote-pilot symbiotes by connecting to the Symbiote Hive - something only Knull was previously capable of.[33]
  • Symbiote Evolution: Due to his status as a hybrid, whenever Dylan bonds with a symbiote it not only severs its connection to the hive, but also quickstarts an evolutionary process that makes the symbiote stronger and different.[5]


Dylan currently has no weaknesses




  • Dylan Brock is nine years old according to the solicit for Venom (Vol. 4) #15. However, Zac Thompson stated on Twitter that Dylan is around twelve years old and a few years older than Normie Osborn, despite Normie having been born sometime before Eddie Brock - let alone Anne Weying - bonded to the Venom symbiote.[63]
  • The Maker's theory that Dylan was a symbiote codex merged with a fetus is flawed, as Anne was not pregnant prior to him being conceived.[10]
  • Web of Venom: The Good Son #1 shows Dylan succumbing to Knull's influence over the course of several days and joining his cult; but this is contradicted by the events of Venom Island, making the canonicity of The Good Son ambiguous.


  • He considered Spider-Man to be a "menace".[25]
  • According to the Maker's theory regarding symbiotes spawning, Dylan was "spawned" in response to the threat posed by Knull being unleashed,[17] something that was confirmed by Knull himself in King in Black #4.
  • He doesn't follow the paternal family tradition of not putting ketchup on hotdogs.[64]
  • When he is first portrayed as the Venom symbiote's new host in Venom (Vol. 4) #35, the emblem on his chest is illustrated as appearing as a white version of the red dragon emblem used by Knull. However, in Venom (Vol. 5) #1, it is once again portrayed as a large white spider like Eddie's was. Bryan Hitch later clarified on Twitter that he was unaware that Ryan Stegman was going to change Venom's emblem at the time he illustrated the Free Comic Book Day 2021 issue, and that he and Ram V decided to keep it as the spider emblems in the first issue to symbolize Knull's influence on the symbiotes diminishing.[65]
  • In Venom (Vol. 5) #34, Dylan's blood is revealed to be comprised of living abyss. However, two issues prior, his blood is depicted as normal red.[8]

See Also

Links and References


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Venom (Vol. 4) #35
  2. 2.0 2.1 Venom (Vol. 5) #16
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Venom (Vol. 5) #12
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Web of Venom: The Good Son #1
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Venom (Vol. 5) #15
  6. Venom (Vol. 5) #19
  7. Venom (Vol. 5) #31
  8. 8.0 8.1 Venom (Vol. 5) #32
  9. 9.0 9.1 Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #19
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Venom (Vol. 4) #12
  11. 11.0 11.1 King in Black #4
  12. Venom (Vol. 4) #712
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Absolute Carnage #5
  14. King in Black #15
  15. Venom: Sinner Takes All #2
  16. 16.0 16.1 Absolute Carnage #2
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Venom (Vol. 4) #20
  18. Venom (Vol. 4) #1112
  19. 19.0 19.1 Venom (Vol. 4) #10
  20. Venom (Vol. 4) #7
  21. Venom (Vol. 4) #9
  22. Venom (Vol. 4) #11
  23. Venom (Vol. 4) #1315
  24. Venom (Vol. 4) #16
  25. 25.0 25.1 Absolute Carnage #1
  26. 26.0 26.1 Venom (Vol. 4) #17
  27. Venom (Vol. 4) #1719
  28. Absolute Carnage #4
  29. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #3031
  30. Venom (Vol. 4) #22
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Venom (Vol. 4) #23
  32. Venom (Vol. 4) #24
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 Venom (Vol. 4) #25
  34. Venom (Vol. 4) #26
  35. Venom (Vol. 4) #27
  36. Venom (Vol. 4) #28
  37. Venom (Vol. 4) #29
  38. Venom (Vol. 4) #30
  39. King in Black #1
  40. Venom (Vol. 4) #31
  41. King in Black #2
  42. 42.0 42.1 King in Black #3
  43. 43.0 43.1 King in Black #5
  44. 44.0 44.1 Venom (Vol. 5) #1
  45. Venom (Vol. 5) #2
  46. 46.0 46.1 Venom (Vol. 5) #3
  47. Venom (Vol. 5) #4
  48. 48.0 48.1 Venom (Vol. 5) #6
  49. Venom (Vol. 5) #7
  50. Venom (Vol. 5) #11
  51. Moon Knight (Vol. 9) #23
  52. Venom Annual (Vol. 3) #1
  53. Avengers Annual (Vol. 5) #1
  54. Venom (Vol. 5) #2226
  55. Venom (Vol. 5) #3132
  56. Free Comic Book Day 2024: Ultimate Universe/Spider-Man #1
  57. 57.0 57.1 Venom (Vol. 5) #33
  58. 58.0 58.1 Venom (Vol. 4) #19
  59. 59.0 59.1 Venom (Vol. 4) #18
  60. Venom (Vol. 4) #2627
  61. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #31
  62. Reference Needed
  63. Thompson, Zac (17 January 2020) Zac Thompson on Twitter: "Dylan is older than Normie. By a few years. But it's all relative. Time is a rubber band in Marvel comics. I don't know Dylan's specific age. But when Donny and I talked, he was brought up around 12-years-old." Twitter. Retrieved on 18 January 2020.
  64. Web of Venom: Wraith #1
  65. Hitch, Bryan (12 December 2021) BRYAN HITCH on Twitter: "@DNoDave @therightram and @Al_Ewing Well from my end, I was drawing the first 6 pages of issue one for FCBD ahead of Ryan on his last one so while I knew there'd be chains initially, I didn't know there'd be an emblem change and we just left it as it was since Dylan and Venom would be evolving anyway." Twitter. Retrieved on 11 February 2023.
  66. King in Black Handbook #1
  67. King in Black Handbook Vol 1 1