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Quote1 You think any goo in this garden will listen to you over me? I've got the power, Eddie-- and centuries of experience. There isn't one mind in all of time and space that can subvert my-- Quote2
Meridius' last words

Appearing in "The Royal Rumble"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Bedlam's temporal duplicate (Eddie Brock)
  • Space Venom (Eddie Brock) (Death)
  • Tyro (Eddie Brock)
  • Meridius' temporal duplicate (Eddie Brock) (Apparent death)
  •  Carnage Symbiote 

Other Characters:

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "The Royal Rumble"

As Eddie Brock and Bedlam grab him, Space Venom protests that he's the real Eddie Brock. Ripping his head off, Eddie retorts that they're all Eddie Brocks from different timelines branching off the original. Confused, Space Venom's severed head protests that he's the King in Black, but Eddie tells him they're all that too, and that he's bonded to an iteration of Bedlam--making it two Kings in Black against one. As Eddie states that together he and Bedlam can keep Space Venom locked down and unable to reform the way Meridius did when he forced him to watch Dylan get stabbed, Space Venom reacts with shock and horror. Noting that must not've happened for Space Venom yet, Eddie crushes his head and says that now it won't and that Space Venom can thank him later. As Bedlam's temporal duplicate attacks, Eddie's variant of Bedlam separates from him and attacks his doppelgänger, each hurling childish insults at the other and roaring that they're the real Bedlam. As Finnegan approaches to check if Eddie is alright, Wilde and Tyro are shocked to see Eddie has his flesh and blood human body back. As Tyro notes that he's been through the loop four times with no changes, Wilde jubilantly realizes that there never was a cage and that they're free to become whatever they please. Tyro repudiates this, refusing to believe that everything that they've done and that's been done to him was all for nothing. Declaring that his destiny is to become Meridius and rule over the Garden, Tyro furiously attacks Eddie with an arm-blade while ranting that he spent years fighting his destiny, unable to change anything, and that just as he accepted that he couldn't change anything Eddie showed up to take everything away from him. As Tyro slashes Eddie across the chest and declares his intent to take Eddie apart piece by piece, Finnegan restrains Tyro and tries to talk sense into him--saying they're all the same person and that he can't understand why Tyro wouldn't jump at the chance to break the loop and prevent Dylan's death. Ripping Finnegan off himself, Tyro sneers that Dylan wasn't killed--only badly wounded to force him to regain his sealed King in Black powers; declaring that Dylan is now the leader of his own Hive and that when the time is right they--as Meridius--will use him to escape.

Transforming his fingers into long claws, Eddie coldly states that Dylan was never supposed to become a warrior with his own Hive but a normal kid, that they should never have put their son in that position in the first place, and that if Tyro is too far gone to see Dylan as anything other than a tool than he's better off being put down. Slicing off Tyro's head, Eddie turns to confront Wilde and asks if he wants to fight. Wilde remarks that he's just enjoying the show and points to the two Bedlams, who've gotten so in each others' faces that their heads have merged together. Eddie notes they must be duking it out astrally and notes that he's not sure he wants to know what that looks like, while in the Bedlams' mindscapes two stark naked younger Eddie Brocks duke it out while screaming that they'll kill each other. Wilde notes that Eddie said that he and the second Bedlam together were able to lock the other Kings in Black down, asking if that's still the case when they're separated. As Space Venom and Tyro reform, Wilde notes that answers his question and tells Eddie to get ready for round two. As Eddie cracks his knuckles and squares off against them, the ground suddenly begins to shake; Space Venom wondering if the dormant minds of the symbiotes comprising the Garden of Time are awakening. Lamenting that he forgot how naive he once was, Wilde bluntly tells Space Venom that the symbiotes comprising the Garden of Time are all dead and that there's only ever been one mind that made up the Garden of Time: Meridius'. Manifesting a colossal avatar, Meridius states that he's very displeased -- not that Eddie tried to kill him, since he can respect that; and not even because he broke free of the temporal cage, since that just proves it can be done. Trying to crush Eddie, Meridius says that the reason he's so angry is because Eddie is an idiot and still doesn't know what the Garden of Time is. Meridius surmises that Eddie must think that the Garden is made up of dead symbiote matter sculpted like clay before declaring that there's no such thing as dead symbiote matter. Manifesting numerous symbiote heads to attack Eddie, Meridius sneers that the living abyss comprising symbiotes just goes dormant without a mind inhabiting it; and that he didn't sculpt the Garden, he took it. Declaring that the Garden of Time itself is his body, Meridius declares that he simply let Finnegan, Bedlam, Wilde, and Tyro borrow pieces of it that he can easily take away; starting to absorb Wilde and Tyro's bodies. Eddie fights against the symbiote heads as Meridius speaks through them, mockingly saying that even with its enhanced abilities his carbon-based flesh-and-blood body is inferior to raw symbiote matter. Eddie declares that he's also a King in Black, but Meridius sneers that he's had centuries to come into and hone his powers, and that nobody exists--not Eddie or anyone else--who can subvert his control.

Before Meridius finishes speaking a trickle of red ooze drips from his nose and he reels back in pain as a crimson tumor-like bulge forms on his chest. As Meridius claws at it, protesting in pain, Wilde and Tyro reconstitute themselves; Wilde wondering how Meridius could be having a heart attack. Eddie grimly states that that's not what's happening and that the red ooze coming from Meridius isn't blood. As Meridius collapses, Carnage erupts from the tumor sporting his horns and chest emblem. His chest emblem, mouth, tongue, and veins glowing green with power, Carnage mocks everyone's shocked expressions. Stepping out of Meridius' corpse, Carnage notes that while he was exploring the depths of the Hive he caught a glimpse of the Eventuality and the Un-Beyond, but when he tried to pick a fight he ended up here instead. Space Venom surmises that Carnage must've been the one who took over "Ringo" and massacred the alien refugees, Wilde jogging Eddie's memory while lamenting how naive Space Venom is. Glancing at Meridius' corpse, Carnage briefly wonders whether he manifested inside him due to some past connection, future connection, or both at the same time; gleefully informing the assembled Eddie's that he's also become a god. Declaring himself "Nich", Space Venom attacks only for Carnage to catch his fist, say the name he's looking for is "Nietzsche", and impale him through the chest. Lamenting that he's become so powerful that the final battle against his nemesis that he'd been hyping himself up for was anticlimactic, Carnage rips Space Venom's heart out and sets his body ablaze with green-white flames. Horrified, Tyro states that Space Venom's codex was completely destroyed, Carnage boasting that he didn't slaughter whole Venomverses for nothing before noting that killing Dylan was much more satisfying. As Carnage crushes Space Venom's heart, Eddie furiously demands he repeat himself; Carnage gleefully declaring that he killed Eddie's son and that now Eddie is next; they prepared to fight.

Solicit Synopsis


Eddie Brock has spread himself too thin – literally! Fractured, exhausted and losing focus, Eddie risks slipping into a familiar sort of look, along with some old (and lethal) habits! Face-to-face against manifestations of his own anger, hate and wrath, will Eddie have the strength to face his greatest foes yet and emerge victorious?! FACE FRONT! This one sets the stage for the next year of the VENOM epic!

See Also

Links and References

