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Marvel Database

Appearing in "All Out"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Unnamed graffiti artist


Other Characters:

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Synopsis for "All Out"

In the Absent Throne's top-secret laboratory, a pair of scientists monitor the charred bones of Eddie Brock, wondering what they're supposed to be scanning for. One scientist laments he's performed tests he didn't think were possible using equipment from decades into the future and doesn't know what Meridius expects them to find; saying that Eddie's skeleton has no symbiote matter left, just a few scraps of human DNA. As the scientist complains, the sigil of the King in Black appears in the skull's right eye socket -- flesh and blood materializing around the bones. Horrified, the scientists sound the alarm as Eddie Brock reconstitutes his body, punching one of them out. As the other scientist says the door to the lab is sealed, Eddie rips it open by pushing his not-quite human body past the limits of human physiology and regenerating the damage. As the scientist increduously wonders how that could be possible, Eddie calls himself a human symbiote and exits the lab, hiding among the ductwork as security as a squad of guards search the halls with orders to kill anyone they encounter.

Outside the facility, a young man on a motorcycle tries to talk his way past a guard posted at the perimeter. As the guard nonchalantly reaches for his gun, a length of intestine wraps around his neck and yanks the guard off his feet, choking him into unconsciousness. Retracting it into his body, Eddie approaches the young man and tells him to relinquish his clothing and motorcycle -- the young man comparing him to the Terminator. The young man gives Eddie his clothes, Eddie using some of his spray-paint to add Venom's spider emblem to the back of the leather jacket before driving off into the night.

Outside Baywater, Eddie is confronted by a pair of corrupt police officers, who tell him to leave and threaten him if he doesn't comply. Saying he has business in Baywater, Eddie is struck across the face by the senior officer's truncheon, but heals the damage and kicks the officer through the windshield of his truck. The other cop, Lou, opens fire with his pistol, but Eddie dodges the bullets and crushes the gun with his bare hand. Eddie tells the cop that he knows he and his unconscious partner are on the take for the Hell Hounds, and to pass a message to the biker gang's boss to stay out of his way and he'll solve their problems... or find out what happens if they try to stop him.

In Baywater, Eddie is confronted by the Hell Hounds outside the burnt-out ruins of the Renegades Bar, the biker gang's leader Len Drexler introducing himself and saying that he owns the city before ordering his men to kill Eddie for trespassing. Effortlessly defeating the thugs who attack him, Eddie says that while Len talks big he's not really the one in charge -- the Absent Throne is; and that Len's real job is to keep the Absent Throne's agent placated until it's needed again. One of the bikers, Joey, panics that Eddie knows about the monster terrorizing them, but Len tells him to shut up and threatens to feed Joey to it like he did Mickey J and others who couldn't keep their mouths shut. Eddie scoffs at this faux-symbiosis -- Len keeping the Absent Throne's envoy docile by slaking its bloodlust while also ridding himself of disloyal minions. Len pulls a gun on Eddie, but before he can shoot Eddie stabs his hand with a stolen switchblade. Len screams for his men to kill Eddie, but none of them obey; Len recognizing Eddie and sneering that he and the monster inside the burned-out bar are one-and-the-same. Throwing Len through the window of the bar, Eddie addresses his darker half and says that he's come to settle th score. Holding the gnawed-clean skull of one of his victims, Bedlam eagerly accepts Eddie's challenge.

Solicit Synopsis


Eddie Brock has fought and fought and fought some more to get back to the Marvel Universe and fight by his son’s side. IN THIS ISSUE – HE SUCCEEDS! And the charred skeletal remains of Eddie’s physical body are REANIMATED by the King in Black incarnate! Wielding the very marrow in his broken bones, Eddie makes his presence in the present known in explosive fashion! Not that you’d expect anything less!

See Also

Links and References

