Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 Beyond the reach of Thor's wrath, the wilderness still bloomed. A branch made a stout handle, river reeds made strong bindings... and Tormod was fully born in Mighty Thor's hand -- Tormod the keen edge, Tormod the Riddle-Solver. Tormod, the first of three. Quote2


Thor Odinson (Earth-616) from Immortal Thor Vol 1 3 001

Thor forging Tormod

After the battle with Toranos, Thor was on the brink of the All-Sleep, he traveled to the Gray Area of the Moon were he encountered Loki who changed to their aspect of Teller of the Tales and send him to sleep.[3] After awaking in a unknown planet, Thor faced a riddle test set by Loki, he used his helmet to forge the head of Tormod, a tree branch as handle and river reeds as bindings. Thor used Tormod to cut down an oak to carve Raidho, the rune of journeys, using it to return to the Gray Area of the Moon.[2]

When Thor confronted Roxxon CEO Dario Agger, the Enchantress used her magic over Thor's comic books to make the God of Thunder dumber than he was. This caused Thor to be unable to wield Tormod anymore, allowing the now-wiser Executioner to use it for himself,[1] since he had foreseen in a dream that he who held Thor's weapons would inevitably die.[4] The Executioner used Tormod to kill Dario in his Minotaur form before being retrieved by Thor, framing him for the murder.[5]


Forged using the Asgardian steel of his helmet, Thor shaped and honed Tormod using Mjolnir. As Thor's creation, Tormod bore his magic, being capable of channeling his divine lightning and returning to his hand at his call. Its edge is sharp enough to shave Thor's bristles.[2]

The axe could only be wielded by those who were wise. After Thor was rendered less wise by Dario Agger and the Enchantress, Tormod left him, and allowed the Executioner to use it.[1]


  • Tormod is a Norwegian name derived from the Old Norse name Þórmóðr combining the name of Thor and the Old Norse words for mind or courage.

See Also

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