Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 The wheel...has turned! Too long has this world stagnated! Too long have you chosen illusion over change! You sleepwalk through a dream of life--but I am the bloody awakening! I come to you from Utgard, the Storied Land, that is the Land-of-True-Things! I come to shatter thy false world apart! And my name is Toranos--the Utgard-Thor! Quote2

Toranos, the Utgard-Thor, is one of the five Elder Gods who were exiled to Utgard to escape the Demogorge.[4]


Toranos was an Elder God who was formed during the formation of the Earth by the Demiurge, embodying both the storm and the cycles of fate.[5] Fearing for his life against the Demogorge, he hid away in Utgard, along with his brother Utgard-Loki and three others: Kemur, Mejed, and Nrgl. Gaea, who had been given a key to Utgard[4] later freed him and he went Midgard to attack New York City, where he battled Thor while his siblings watched.[2] Using the Thorforce, Thor was able to blow Toranos through a portal to the Far Shore, sparing the city.[3]

Toranos eventually found his way back and tracked Thor to the Gray Area of the Moon. To fight him, Thor shared his power with his allies and reformed the Thor Corps.[1] Thor defeated Toranos by luring him into claiming Mjolnir for its power. When he did so, Thor bestowed upon him "the power to hold the storm back", the compassion Thor had learned through his life. Tortured by his new conscience, Toranos revealed that Gaea and the Utgard-Loki had sent him to destroy the Earth before fleeing.[5]



Elder God Physiology: As an Elder God, Toranos is a being of inmense power.[6]



Toranos carries an immense wooden wheel that he uses as a weapon. He refers to this wheel as the "Wheel of Fate",[3] a concept other deities have referenced.[7] [8] This wheel represents the cyclical nature of fate, which he embodies.[5]


See Also

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