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Marvel Database


Odin Force from Thor Vol 2 83 0001

The Odin-Force, also known as the Power of the All-Father, All-Power, Odinpower,[1] Odin-Power,[2] and - when wielded by Thor, the Thor-Force,[3] also called Thor-Power[2] - is a power originated from the merge of Vili and Ve's energy,[4] it enables Odin to be the most powerful of the Asgardian Gods. Pictured is the Odin-Force taking the form of a fallen Asgardian boy. This power is near-infinite and seems to allow Odin, and later Thor, to become almost invincible, and seems to allow them to rival the powers of the strongest beings in the universe. The limits of its power are unknown, but if overused, it forces the user to enter a deep sleep to recover - leaving them vulnerable in the process.

According to Doctor Doom, every Asgardian has a spark of the Odin-Force inside them.[5]


  • Statistics Amplification
  • Omni-Telepathy
  • Energy Manipulation
    • Concussive Force Projection
    • Elementalkinesis
  • Matter Manipulation
  • Force-Field Generation
  • Energy Construct Creation
  • Power Bestowal
  • Enchantment
  • Levitation and Flight
  • Matter-Energy Conversion
  • Illusion-Casting
  • Inter-Dimensional Teleportation
  • Space/Spatial Manipulation
  • Time Manipulation
  • Existence Erasure
  • Reality Warping
  • Power Erasure
  • Resurrection
  • Enchanting

Alternate Realities

Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999)

On Earth-199999, the Odinforce is a power created and used by the kings of Asgard, that combines magical and cosmic energies along with the user own life force. Its the source power of Gungnir and the Destroyer.[6] It was originally used by Bor,[7] and then passed to Odin. The power was also used by Loki during his time as regent of Asgard.[6]


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