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Quote1 At last, the battle of all battles doth loom o'er us all! And when the courage of Thor doth confront the mad vision of yon lunatic -- THERE WILL COME A RECKONING! Quote2

Appearing in "The Final Morning"

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Synopsis for "The Final Morning"

On an unknown planet, all hope seems lost. Thor is beaten and lies hanging from a jagged peak of ice, Firelord is entombed, and the Recorder lies smashed beyond repair. In the Kingdom of the Trolls, Odin and Balder view all this via Orikal, along with Ulik. They await the weapons being fashioned by Jagrfelm, the master blacksmith. Once Jagrfelm has finished his work, producing a shield and a gauntlet, along with Megingjord, Odin then infuses all three items with the Odinforce that he has been preserving for this task.

On the ice planet, Firelord manages to break out but is summoned by Odin to bring the items to Thor. While he is gone, Thor awakes and frees himself, defeats Mangog and attempts to attack Thanos anew but Thanos easily holds him at bay. Once Firelord arrives with the armaments, he easily kills Tarakis and then gives the weapons to Thor. Freshly empowered, Thor fights his way to Thanos and begins to batter him down. Reaching out, Thor manages to crush the Illumination Stone, breaking the chain of power. Thor begins to hammer Thanos relentlessly and is soon victorious. The Designate sheds tears for all those lives already lost, and when the tears touch evil Thanos, who is no longer protected by the Illumination Stone, his body burns until it is consumed.

Back in Svartalfheim, Jagrfelm is overjoyed that he is now the owner of the item he possesses in the sack.

And in New York City, Titania lies dying in a hospital, while Creel is helpless because they don't have any insurance.


  • Twenty-two years later, an epilogue to this story was written by Dan Jurgens and published in Thor (Vol. 6) #24. That story, set on the ice planet after Firelord and Tarene had left, revealed the names of the weapons that Jagrfelm had created, what happened to them and why neither of them (nor the Belt of Power) have been seen since. The story also revealed that it was Odin who had restored the wrecked Recorder to life and functionality.
  • Since the Belt of Power looks significantly different in this story than it did in all of its previous appearances, one can only presume that Jagrfelm must have reshaped it while he was fashioning the gauntlet and the shield.

See Also

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