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Marvel Database

Appearing in "They Strike From Space!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Thor #131
(originally printed as They Strike from Space!)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Jane Foster's neighbor




  • Rigellian Spacecraft
  • Space Lock (First appearance)

Synopsis for "They Strike From Space!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Thor #131
(originally printed as They Strike from Space!)

Following their battle against Pluto in Hades, Thor and Hercules return to Olympus, where a joyous Hercules announces that he broke his Pact with Pluto to rule Hades in the Death God's place, much to the chagrin of Ares. Thor leaves Hercules to return to Earth so that he may be reunited with Jane Foster. What Thor doesn't know is that Jane Foster, under the hypnotic suggestion of her roommate Tana Nile, is leaving New York City to points unknown so that she does not get in the way of Tana's plans for Thor.

Tana Nile changes into her true form, that of a member of the alien Rigellian race, who plan on attempting to colonize the Earth. Now in her true form, Tana calls in her Colonizer Commander to claim full rights of the planet Earth. She tries to refuse the colonizer ship to come to Earth an inspect the planet because she fears a battle will occur, however the colonizers disagree, believing that other than their feared threat from the Black Galaxy, they are invincible to any other foes.

Thor meanwhile, arrives on Asgard to ask his father if he would be allowed to marry Jane Foster, willing to forsake his own godhood in order to do so. To Thor's surprise, Odin finally concedes and will allow for Thor to marry Jane, and still remain the God of Thunder. Filled with joy, Thor rushes to Earth, however when he goes to Jane Foster's apartment he is attacked by Rigeillian Colonizers led by Tana Nile. Tana explains that they have laid claim to the Earth and intend to colonize the planet. When Thor tries to strike, Tana Nile uses her vast mental powers to subdue him, however Thor attempts to resist. As he is being subdued, Tana Nile explains how they intend on taking over the Earth by threatening to use a device called a Space Lock to move the Earth closer or farther from the sun, and wiping out the human race with the extreme environmental changes.

Thor continues to resist, and the Colonizers are forced to use a "Proton Coagulant Ray", encasing the Thunder God in a block of solidified protons. They decide that since with the exception of the entity in the Black Galaxy, Thor is the only one able to resist their mind probes the Colonizers decide to take Thor back to their ship for examination. Before going they give Tana Nile a wrist-control device for the Space Lock and give her complete colonization rights to the Earth.

The Colonizers load Thor up into their ship and leave the Earth, however Thor manages to break free of the proton cube he's been sealed in. As the ship flies into space, Tana Nile activate the Space Lock device and encases the Earth in its energy. Thor meanwhile, confronts the Colonizers in the ship and find that they have strength that matches his own. However, Thor manages to best them in battle, easily knocking them out.

With the Colonizers on the ship knocked out, Thor decides to allow the ship to continue its course to the planet Rigel, so that he may stop the Rigellians from taking over the Earth.

This story is continued next issue....

Appearing in "Rigel - Where Gods May Fear To Tread!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Thor #132
(originally printed as Rigel - Where Gods May Fear to Tread!)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Ego, the living planet (First appearance)




Synopsis for "Rigel - Where Gods May Fear To Tread!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Thor #132
(originally printed as Rigel - Where Gods May Fear to Tread!)

Continued from last issue:

Rocketing towards the planet Rigel in a Rigellian ship, Thor hopes to stop the Rigellian colonization of Earth. He is intercepted by a Rigellian Sky-Station, which demands he identify himself. Thor demands that they release their Space Lock on the Earth. Instead, the Rigellians aboard the Sky-Station board his ship instead. The aliens rely on their superior forcefield technology to try and stop Thor, but he easily them in battle with his hammer. He then forces this crew to take him the rest of the way to Rigel.

While on Earth, the Rigellian colonizer Tana Nile uses her vast mental powers to get a police escort to the United Nations building.

Back on the planet Rigel, the Rigellian colonizers send a robot Indestructible to deal with Thor. The robot blasts its way aboard his ship and engages in battle against the Thunder God. As the fight rages, Thor turns its own disintegration device on itself, deactivating it. Thor demands the vessel go farther when the ship is struck from a bolt of energy from the Black Galaxy, destroying part of their vessel.

When the Rigellian colonization controller learns of Thor's progress, he decides goes to the Power Planet, the planetoid that controls their Space Lock, to ensure that it is protected. Thor arrives and makes short work of the Rigellians and is about to destroy their Space Lock device when he is stopped by the Grand Commissioner.

The Grand Commissioner explains that there is a far greater menace in the universe coming out of the Black Galaxy. The Grand Commissioner informs Thor that if he ventures into the Black Galaxy and eliminates this threat, they will free the Earth from their control. Thor agrees to do so, and the Rigellians ask that Thor take one of their recorder robots to document his travels.

Meanwhile, on Earth, Jane Foster (still acting on the hypnotic suggestion of Tana Nile) is on an airplane to Europe. She confides in her fellow passenger—a piggish-looking man named Porga—that she felt compelled to take this flight, a sensation that he himself can relate to.

While back in space, Thor and the recorder robot travel into the Black Galaxy and find that it is structured in an almost organic fashion, dubbed by the recorder a "Bio-Verse". Following their navigation they come before Ego the Living Planet, who tells the two that it has been waiting for them.

This story is continued in Thor Vol 1 133....

Appearing in "Tales of Asgard: The Boyhood of Loki!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Journey Into Mystery #113
(originally printed as A World Gone Mad!)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Tales of Asgard: The Boyhood of Loki!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Journey Into Mystery #113
(originally printed as A World Gone Mad!)

Thor has been on Asgard assisting Odin and his fellow warriors against the demons of Jotunheim, a battle they win very easily. After the battle is over, Odin asks Thor to abandon the Earth and return to Asgard full time, a request that Thor declines stating that he has much good still to do on Earth. This infuriates Odin, because the All-Father knows full well that Thor is still trying to find a way to reveal his true identity and win the love of Jane Foster, a plan which Odin harshly forbids.

Returning to Earth and changing back to his mortal guise of Donald Blake, Thor decides that regardless of the consequences, he must reveal his true identity to Jane Foster. Returning to his office, Blake asks Jane into his office and admits to her that he is really the mighty Thor. Meanwhile, in a city museum, scientists are examining the recovered body of the Grey Gargoyle. Once all the river mud is removed from his body the Gargoyle revives and turns his examiners into stone and escapes and is eager to resume his quest of obtaining immortality, something he believes he can achieve through Thor's hammer.

Meanwhile, in Asgard, Loki happens upon Odin's throne room just as Odin learns that Thor has revealed his true identity to Jane Foster. Odin then decides to strip Thor of his godly powers before storming out, leaving Loki to plot a way to get final revenge against his hated step-brother. On Earth meanwhile, Don Blake attempts to prove his claim by tapping his cane and is horrified to find that his powers are gone, leaving Jane to think that Blake has been working too hard. Just then the Grey Gargoyle smashes through the window seeking to learn where Thor is. Donald and Jane manage to flee the building, however the Grey Gargoyle is not far behind them.

Back on Asgard, a gathering of the Gods fears the worse for Thor and decide to try and help the Thunder God. When Balder tries to travel to Earth to save Thor he is stopped by Loki, who uses his newfound authority to send all the dissenting Asgardians out on patrol, unaware that one of their numbers has actually secreted down the Bifrost Bridge unobserved.

While on Earth, Donald Blake and Jane Foster continue to flee the pursuing Grey Gargoyle by any means necessary, however even with the unknowing aid of the mysterious Asgardian, the Gargoyle continues his chase. When Jane is knocked out and the Gargoyle grabs Blake (slowly changing him into stone) Donald hears his mysterious helper advise him that his powers as Thor have been restored for the next thirty seconds. Tapping his cane, Blake is surprised to find that it's true, and is transformed into Thor, reversing the effects of the Gargoyle's touch.

Thor quickly defeats the Gargoyle by utilizing both the magics of his hammer and a live wire from a lamp post to fuse the Gargoyle's stone limbs together. Leaving the scene, Thor -- his thirty seconds elapsed -- reverts back to Donald Blake. His benefactor returning to Asgard -- revealed to be Honir the Hunter -- reports back to Odin, who had sent Honir to aid Thor.

Believing that Thor has learned his lesson, Odin decides that he will restore his son's powers much to Loki's chagrin. Back on Earth, Donald Blake feels his powers returning and understands that he is not to revel his identity again. Going back to the now reviving Jane, Donald Blake explains that he was only delirious from too much work, and that this little adventure has restored his sanity. Believing that she's been rescued by Donald Blake instead of Thor, Jane begins to show affection towards the doctor.

See Also

Links and References

