Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


Theodosia Szardos was a sorceress who studied magic at Wundagore Mountain and was ultimately tried for witchcraft and sentenced to be burnt at the stake, but just as the pyre was lit, she was chosen as the avatar of the Phoenix Force.[1] She joined a team of supernatural and mystically empowered beings consisting of Thor Odinson, a Native American Ghost Rider, Bodolf the Black, Gale, an Atlantean princess bearing the Iron Fist; Murkfoot the Sasquatch Sorcerer Supreme, and Iya Nehanda the Black Panther.[2][3] Together, they battled threats such as Apocalypse.[4]




  • Theodosia seems to have remained a member of the team well into her old age and not have benefited from the enhanced longevity of her teammates and predecessor, as she is shown as an elderly woman in King Thor #4 but is a young woman in Avengers (Vol. 8) #61.

See Also

Links and References

